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I love Japan


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That's it? I assume you meant that you believe Japan would be better off with a percentage of minority. Just wondering what you think those should be that would improve Japan?



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That's it? I assume you meant that you believe Japan would be better off with a percentage of minority. Just wondering what you think those should be that would improve Japan?



I mean, if you're a pure bred Japanese person there doesn't seem to be an issue.

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I mean, if you're a pure bred Japanese person there doesn't seem to be an issue.

True enough. And just my general prejudice it seems to me that the Japanese are hard-working and industrious folks. It doesn't seem to me that having 15 or 25% minority to constantly battle with makes for a more positive atmosphere, that's all.



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"Pure-bred" humans is nonsense. It doesn't exist. Humans have been reproducing and mixing gene pools for millennia , and everyone should be thankful for that. It reduces the chances that you will have genetic diseases and gives access to advantages from other gene pools.


My neighbors 8-year old, blonde, blue-eyed, fair-skinned Jewish kid is 25% Egyptian from her grandmother, who herself is not racially "pure." If Japan wants to limit their gene-pool it's to their own detriment.

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I think the point is, keeping "Muslim" terrorism completely out.


Plenty of Americans etc, have married in Japan.


Nothing about race to it, to me.

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True enough. And just my general prejudice it seems to me that the Japanese are hard-working and industrious folks. It doesn't seem to me that having 15 or 25% minority to constantly battle with makes for a more positive atmosphere, that's all.



So you'd rather every race just stick to their own country?

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No... fucking pay attention. You said that mixed race countries all have issues. Obviously leading for me to say the USA does fine, where you would have countered with what you think is going on now.


I'm saying that's all a minority. Black riots. Alt right racists. Holy War types on both sides. I would say those all represent a minority of their overall groups. I think we're better off being a mixed society like we always have been. instead of bitching about the Irish we're just now bitching about Mexicans and Muslims.

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No... fucking pay attention. You said that mixed race countries all have issues. Obviously leading for me to say the USA does fine, where you would have countered with what you think is going on now.


I'm saying that's all a minority. Black riots. Alt right racists. Holy War types on both sides. I would say those all represent a minority of their overall groups. I think we're better off being a mixed society like we always have been. instead of bitching about the Irish we're just now bitching about Mexicans and Muslims.

Okay? So you think we would be better off with a bigger proportion of alt right racists? Or more black rioters?


But beyond that do you think Sweden Germany France and other countries in Europe are now better because of the influx of refugees?

And if so wouldn't they be fighting with each other as to who could take more of them instead of complaining that the United States wasn't taking enough?



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