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dem lawmaker says the violent berkeley riots were " a beautiful sight"


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one small prelude to dems going to a real civil war over the power to take over our country.


big serious trouble just around the corner. Maybe there's going to be a whole lot of prepping going




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This is what subscription to one side of the political spectrum gets us. We're either far left or far right as day to day citizens. So it is in Washington. We've been traveling this path for decades.


Very few saw it coming. The ones that did and the ones that still do are assassinated either figuratively or literally, or they're ignored, or they're consigned by subscibers of one side or the other to the opposite side.


There are some of us that realized that this is by design and is an age old tactic used to topple empire after empire. This tactic of course is multi faceted because with the fall of each empire, something new is learned.


What we're seeing now is the systematic division of a country. Every mainstream event after World War II has by grand design been manipulated to shape the landscape of today. Some speculate that it goes back much further than that.

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Very few saw it coming. The ones that did and the ones that still do are assassinated either figuratively or literally, or they're ignored, or they're consigned by subscibers of one side or the other to the opposite side.


There are some of us that realized that this is by design and is an age old tactic used to topple empire after empire. This tactic of course is multi faceted because with the fall of each empire, something new is learned.


I saw it coming about 16 years ago, but I'm just an insignificant private citizen.


Marcus you seem like a smart guy who has been around the world. So tell me, if you think their is a design to topple America, who do you think is the designer?

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I saw it coming about 16 years ago, but I'm just an insignificant private citizen.


Marcus you seem like a smart guy who has been around the world. So tell me, if you think their is a design to topple America, who do you think is the designer?

Those that control the WORLD's wealth. The Central Bank. Money has been the driving force of this world for centuries. The world's most wealthy created the military industrial complex. They do this in secret and hide behind the names of quote unquote think tanks.


Such as the Bilderberg Group, the Tri Lateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Members of these think tanks just so happen to be those that run the world's major business and financial institutions. There are also members that are members of our Congress and Senate (which is prohibited by the Constitution). They meet on an annual basis in undisclosed locations to talk about World issues. This is where the decisions get made.


Organizations such as the UN and NATO get their marching orders from these organizations.


I know I know....here we go with the tin foil helmeted conspiracy theories. But think about it fellas. Look at any UN or NATO endeavors that have solved any of the world's problems. No worry I'll wait. The ones that are worth while still are on going but ones that had nothing to gain from them are abandoned.


Think about this, how is it that Wall Street with the aid of the Federal Reserve can manipulate our market to near collapse and answer to no one?


To quote Obi Wan Kenobi "Search your feelings Anakin, you know something is out of place." It's hard to fathom but enter other social issues into it and we lose focus on the driving forces behind it all.


They do this virtually undetected because we have too much on our proverbial plate. Issues like racism, extremism, homosexuality, abortion so on and so forth. We finger point at one political party or the other and miss the big picture. We've been infiltrated by the world elite and the easiest way to conduct business is distract the potential opposition with issues that hold "perceived" relevance.


I think this is a good stopping point for follow up.

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"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"


The extremism isn't so much the problem. The number of extremists is. I see it this way. Both sides see the serious need for change. The challenge continues to be coming together to march towards resolution.

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Those that control the WORLD's wealth. The Central Bank. Money has been the driving force of this world for centuries. The world's most wealthy created the military industrial complex. They do this in secret and hide behind the names of quote unquote think tanks.


Such as the Bilderberg Group, the Tri Lateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Members of these think tanks just so happen to be those that run the world's major business and financial institutions. There are also members that are members of our Congress and Senate (which is prohibited by the Constitution). They meet on an annual basis in undisclosed locations to talk about World issues. This is where the decisions get made.


Organizations such as the UN and NATO get their marching orders from these organizations.


I know I know....here we go with the tin foil helmeted conspiracy theories. But think about it fellas. Look at any UN or NATO endeavors that have solved any of the world's problems. No worry I'll wait. The ones that are worth while still are on going but ones that had nothing to gain from them are abandoned.


Think about this, how is it that Wall Street with the aid of the Federal Reserve can manipulate our market to near collapse and answer to no one?


To quote Obi Wan Kenobi "Search your feelings Anakin, you know something is out of place." It's hard to fathom but enter other social issues into it and we lose focus on the driving forces behind it all.


They do this virtually undetected because we have too much on our proverbial plate. Issues like racism, extremism, homosexuality, abortion so on and so forth. We finger point at one political party or the other and miss the big picture. We've been infiltrated by the world elite and the easiest way to conduct business is distract the potential opposition with issues that hold "perceived" relevance.


I think this is a good stopping point for follow up.


I don't disagree with much of your sentiment, especially when it comes to the military-industrial complex and the proliferation of war-as-economics since WW2. I'm not ready to make the leap that it's all cooked up by these think tanks but I'm also not willing to dismiss the idea entirely either. I do agree that wealth is the source of all political power and drives much of what happens in the world.


I also agree that distraction and division does keep people from seeing the real problems in the world, and allow those that perpetuate those problems to operate unnoticed. I am not ready to chalk it up to a grand conspiracy by a few individuals. I think it's more just a matter of this is how the world works.


As for what's dividing America. I was very particular in saying I realized it was going to happen 16 years ago. That's when some assholes (may they rot in hell) drove a wedge into the fabric of American society by flying planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. They knew that America can only be beaten if it beats itself. This is on record if one dares to do the research.


As you said "A house divided against itself cannot stand," and we're letting them divide us. It's time to stop doing that.

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Cloward-Piven was designed to make us fall apart. It's happening now -the

deliberate flooding of entitllement spending, fighting crime, etc etc etc etc ..

the weathermen bombing buildings... riots in the streets when the left

doesn't get it's way, a dirtbag corrupt obamao president who raised, and

inadvertently/deliberately drove racial, religious, economic and political

wedges deep into who we are. His rhetoric never ended.


The reps, conservative and independents are FINE with sharing power with

the left, as the pendulum swings.


The left is NOT. The leftists/dems in congress were arrogant and rubbed the reps'

faces in it the first two years of obaMao. Now, they want the reps to be nice

and let them be equal partners.


One of the giant names, and Marcus is correct, in the world of rich people...are the kochs.

The worst of them all ...


is George Soros.


Soros Hack: Top 10 Machinations of a Master Manipulator | The ...
Aug 23, 2016 - ... vast & stunning influence of NWO master manipulator George Soros. ... Society Foundations (OSFs) in numerous countries across the world, ...
Liberal media financier George Soros openly admits plan to destroy ...
https://www.intellihub.com › OPINION › ALEX'S SIDE
Nov 3, 2015 - Liberal media financier George Soros openly admits plan to destroy ... In the midst of most European countries being guilted by the media into ...
George Soros wants to take over the world using the 'refugee crisis ...
Aug 16, 2016 - George Soros wants to take over the world using the 'refugee crisis' – and ... And amidst all of this chaos is a master billionaire puppeteer who is ... His name is George Soros, and he is using is vast fortune to manipulate world ... G77 countries to ensure other migration issues remain on the global agenda.
Does George Soros Control the Obama White House?
May 21, 2015 - Wayne Madsen - Does George Soros Control the Obama White House? ... One of the worst-hit countries from Soros's currency manipulation was .... Had it done so, it would have also had to indict its true master, Mr. Soros.
George Soros letter reveals globalist plan to destroy the First World by ...
Nov 6, 2015 - One of the vilest among them is billionaire George Soros, a Hungarian-born U.S. citizen who now seeks to demolish the country that gave him ...
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We on the conservative side/independent side, have raised the name of

george soros for years, he is one example of what Marcus said being true.


The ultimate weath to them, is control. Soros has bragged about bring down

countries. We could never get the lefties to listen.


(NaturalNews) As the Left continues to lose the battle for America's soul, its greatest champions are going full-out in an attempt to turn the tide any way they can – even if it means destroying the country.
One of the vilest among them is billionaire George Soros, a Hungarian-born U.S. citizen who now seeks to demolish the country that gave him his riches along with its allies.
As reported by Breitbart London, Soros recently publicly confirmed that, yes, he seeks to essentially wipe out all European borders following an accusation made last week by the prime mister of his birth country, Viktor Orban (who, unlike Soros, actually has to deal with the tens of thousands of second- and third-world migrants streaming into his country and other European nations – while Soros lives free of such inconveniences in his $10 million mansion/castle outside of New York City).

In recent days, Orban has accused Soros of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis now engulfing the continent.
"This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state," Orban said. "This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros."
'Let's take down all borders'Following Orban's statement, Soros sent an email to Bloomberg Business, in which he claimed that his foundations actually help "uphold European values," while Orban's actions in bolstering the Hungarian border and thus impeding a huge influx of migrants "undermine those values."
"His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle," Soros added. "Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle."
In October, Orban accused pro-immigration non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of "drawing a living from the immigration crisis." He singled out those funded by Soros, who is a strong supporter of transnational bodies like the European Union and the United Nations. Also, his Open Society Foundation (OSF) provides assistance for pro-immigration activists, and he is well-known in the U.S. and internationally for supporting "progressive" (read far-Left) causes like the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation and the Center for American Progress.

In fact, the OSF website notes: "We believe that migration and asylum policy should be grounded in economic and demographic realities, not driven by temporary political considerations or popular misconceptions.
"In Europe, many of our civil society partners are raising their voices demanding a common European approach in line with international human rights commitments."
In a recent interview, Orban said that immigration and multiculturalism were working in tandem to change the face and traditions of Europe, it's "Christian roots" in particular, all while creating "parallel societies" (just like mass immigration in the U.S. – and isn't it peculiar that President Obama and Lefty Soros have the same view on mass immigration?).
'No one has voted on this'As reported by Breitbart London, Orban said that Europeans should "stick to our Christian values" and "Europe can be saved," but only if citizens "take seriously the traditions, the Christian roots and all the values that are the basis of the civilisation of Europe."
"What sort of Europe do we want to have? Parallel societies? Muslim communities living together with the Christian community?" he asked, adding that there is also an anti-democratic aspect to what's taking place.
"Nobody has voted for what is going on, so the quality of European democracy is in question."

"Millions of migrants are coming to the European Union," he said, noting that European countries are neglecting various treaties that respect national boundaries.
In recent days, RT.com has reported that the migration policies of Germany were so upsetting the country's population that some analysts are predicting widespread anarchy or even civil war.
Hansjoerg Mueller of the Alternative for Germany party also said the country may be on its way to becoming a "banana republic without any government."





Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/051869_George_Soros_national_borders_migrant_invasion.html#ixzz4XuwHuUR6

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Hacked Memo: George Soros Lobbied Obama to Accept 100,000 ...

Aug 18, 2016 - TEL AVIV – Hacked documents from George Soros’s Open Society Institute state that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obamaadministration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually, Breitbart ...



Leaked Soros Memo: How to Advance Obama's Use of Executive ...
Sep 7, 2016 - NEW YORK – Just prior to the November 2014 midterm elections, George Soros’sOpen Society Foundations held a board meeting at which the organization discussed how it could further the use of President Obama’s executive action authority to bypass Congress during Obama’s ...
George Soros pledges $500 million to Obama's drive for refugee aid ...
Sep 20, 2016 - Liberal billionaire hedge-fund founder George Soros pledged Tuesday to spend up to $500 million on President Obama's campaign to benefit ...
George Soros rises again - POLITICO
Jul 27, 2016 - Billionaire investor George Soros has quietly reemerged as a leading .... He really likes Hillary Clinton, and he didn't like Obama as much,” said ...
Just Before Trump Takes Office, George Soros Reveals MASSIVE Plot
Nov 14, 2016 - The George Soros Trump plan has been revealed. ... in office, a plan the DA called “a terrifying assault on President Obama's achievements, ...
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"A house divided against itself cannot stand"


The extremism isn't so much the problem. The number of extremists is. I see it this way. Both sides see the serious need for change. The challenge continues to be coming together to march towards resolution.

Resolution? Well my quote was of course Barry Goldwater yours was Lincoln. And we know how Lincoln chose to achieve resolution.



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Resolution? Well my quote was of course Barry Goldwater yours was Lincoln. And we know how Lincoln chose to achieve resolution.



And Lincoln got it from a book that far has more influence on me than Lincoln could. That book is the Holy Bible Mark 3:25.


It's also disappointing you missed the overall message of my prior post which agrees with yours if you completely read it. I simply pointed a need for more like minded people with perhaps a broader goal in mind.

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And Lincoln got it from a book that far has more influence on me than Lincoln could. That book is the Holy Bible Mark 3:25.


It's also disappointing you missed the overall message of my prior post which agrees with yours if you completely read it. I simply pointed a need for more like minded people with perhaps a broader goal in mind.

The only thing I would disagree with is that you're ever going to find a majority of people who are like-minded and striving for the same type of so-called change. I don't think it's human nature and I don't think it began after World War 2. I think it's been going on since the dawn of time at least since the colonies arrived here.


Am I missing something else?


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I want to point out something to you guys. I've noticed it on here several times. Hell, I've been guilty of it myself. This is kind of why we are divided as a nation. We make posts, some of which we say the same things just from different points of view. However, our message is missed because we do not take the time to actually process what each other is saying. We often, insult instead of ask for clarification and if it happens here I'm willing to imagine it happens in Washington as well. The sad part is, they have the advantage of being able to hear spoken words and have things such as tone and body language to go on. Yet they still screw it up, and you see where we are as a government.


It's remarkable that our elected representatives are supposed to be the best and the brightest of the nation. They're supposed to be the most effective communicators. This means they're supposed to be not only the most effective speakers, but most importantly the most effective listeners. So I issue a challenge to myself and the rest of you to do your best to be effective listeners.

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If it were true that a large group of people could not come together for the same interests, this country would not exist. While we all have individual differences I refuse to believe that we do not want the same basic things as American citizens. I've also said in prior posts or posts elsewhere in this forum that this issue goes on far before WWII. I use WWII as a reference because of its historical significance, the war itself and the national changes that followed.


The notion that human beings are incapable of finding a way to unite with other human beings for a common goal negates the work of leaders in the past to accomplish what makes this country so unique and great. While I say this is a great nation, there still is room for improvement. The attitude that one political party or one President alone can accomplish it contradicts the fundamentals on which this nation was built on.

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I want to point out something to you guys. I've noticed it on here several times. Hell, I've been guilty of it myself. This is kind of why we are divided as a nation. We make posts, some of which we say the same things just from different points of view. However, our message is missed because we do not take the time to actually process what each other is saying. We often, insult instead of ask for clarification and if it happens here I'm willing to imagine it happens in Washington as well. The sad part is, they have the advantage of being able to hear spoken words and have things such as tone and body language to go on. Yet they still screw it up, and you see where we are as a government.


It's remarkable that our elected representatives are supposed to be the best and the brightest of the nation. They're supposed to be the most effective communicators. This means they're supposed to be not only the most effective speakers, but most importantly the most effective listeners. So I issue a challenge to myself and the rest of you to do your best to be effective listeners.


Thanks for that. Unfortunately our elected representatives are just the best at getting elected and not much else. I was talking with a Canadian friend about how elections work in Canada, and there are some ideas there that work pretty well. Rather than have elections every set number of years, elections are triggered by no-confidence votes. So imagine if our representatives are elected, they actually get to worry about getting stuff done rather than electioneering every four years. The only way they get replaced is if a no-confidence majority is reached. My Canadian friend says their system leads to less partisanship.

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Cal is cloward-pivening the board seeking to make it collapse under the weight of random Google searches.

no, cloward-piven was intended to undermine the existence of our America.

I'm not trying to underming the existence of the board. However, I get yer point....


os and Cleve keep saying really stupid stuff, and saying stupid stuff has consequences, even

for flaming liberals.

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no, cloward-piven was intended to undermine the existence of our America.

I'm not trying to underming the existence of the board. However, I get yer point....


os and Cleve keep saying really stupid stuff, and saying stupid stuff has consequences, even

for flaming liberals.


What stupid stuff have i been saying?

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Thanks for that. Unfortunately our elected representatives are just the best at getting elected and not much else. I was talking with a Canadian friend about how elections work in Canada, and there are some ideas there that work pretty well. Rather than have elections every set number of years, elections are triggered by no-confidence votes. So imagine if our representatives are elected, they actually get to worry about getting stuff done rather than electioneering every four years. The only way they get replaced is if a no-confidence majority is reached. My Canadian friend says their system leads to less partisanship.

That's interesting so instead of just talking about this platform or that you're evaluated on your actual productivity while in office. I like it. Sounds closer to fundamental democracy.

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That's interesting so instead of just talking about this platform or that you're evaluated on your actual productivity while in office. I like it. Sounds closer to fundamental democracy.

logically it sounds good, but it can't work. As soon as the left would lose an election,

all hell would break loose in "no confidence" voting to force another election.

The right doesn't pull that crap. I like it the way it is, with obamao twice, with Trump...


The left likes it when they win, hate it when they lose. Canada's system doesn't work in

a country with gigantic inner cities. That's why the popular vote doesn't win elections.

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sorry, but that would take up too much bandwidth.

It couldnt possibly take up more than ur internet crippling proclivity to make a new thread about every miniscule inconsequential thought that passes by ur medulla oblingata. So without examples i have concluded u are without merit or point. Per usual

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Actually Marcus the example of the founding fathers and the colonies tends to support my position more than yours. That is if your position is people get together as a team to do whatever it is they do. We didn't come here for any of those slogan type of reasons. We're here for a long time before anybody decided that the richest 1% didn't want to send any more tax money to King George with which to fight the French. And then we didn't all get together to settle our differences to move forward in some grand and glorious union. What do we do? We killed as many of those who disagreed with us as we could. I would be shocked if any of them cared about religious freedom except for the fact it in England the churches were kind of a pain in the ass.


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What stupid stuff have i been saying?


LOL Clev, if Cal thinks something you said is stupid, it means everyone else thinks it is smart. I wouldn't worry too much about what Cal thinks, and I'm using the word 'thinks' here in the loosest general terms.

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LOL Clev, if Cal thinks something you said is stupid, it means everyone else thinks it is smart. I wouldn't worry too much about what Cal thinks, and I'm using the word 'thinks' here in the loosest general terms.

see? You disagree with Osiris, his Muslim highness, and he won't ever let you be allowed

to get away with it, nosiree. The old dishonest liberals flock together thing. History repeats itself.


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see? You disagree with Osiris, his Muslim highness, and he won't ever let you be allowed

to get away with it, nosiree. The old dishonest liberals flock together thing. History repeats itself.


Osiris hangs with the liberals who have their heads up his ass because he's a Muslim. Just ignore them. Real Americans do.

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