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Trump says america not so innocent....


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Any peep about this from the usual suspects? No? Hmmm thats strange, cause i beleive i mysrlf have made this "exact" same case when we talked about russia and south america etc, etc. So basically i was out ahead of this and the POTUS saw my writing and melanoma'd, i mean plagiarized me. Well how bout that? Im like the ghoolie of global politics. ☕

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I knew you were going to like him saying that Cleve. Time to order your MAGA hat. :)


I said for over a year now theres things i ageee with him on and theres things i dont. And even when he does something i agree with, the travel ban for example, he has to do it in the most stupid assimine way he can vome up with. The monkey just cant help himself

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I said for over a year now theres things i ageee with him on and theres things i dont. And even when he does something i agree with, the travel ban for example, he has to do it in the most stupid assimine way he can vome up with. The monkey just cant help himself


He is not so much a conservative as he is a populist IMO...as for the travel ban really it is time for congress to step up to the plate and do their jobs as this should have come from them and not an executive order.

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