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News - Paul Ryan/Marco Rubio/Jeb Bush/John McCain, KASICH, Lindsey Graham... took $$$$ from Soros


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Well, THAT explains their double-talking, playing nice with the left, criticizing their own pres,

but never criticizing obaMao the corrupt asswipe....

wow. That explains a LOT.

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I used to like these guys but figured them out for what they were years ago. Matter of fact most of the republican establishment I saw them talk the talk when it was re-election time and then go to Washington and forget about all those promises they made to get back in office. One of the reasons I started appreciating someone like Trump who (for now) doesn't appear to be controlled by lobbyists and special interest groups is because he seems more influenced to try and do what is best for the country. Kudos to those who were ahead of the curve on Trump in the primaries and even with his flaws he was the president this country needed at this time. Someone who can upset the apple cart and shake things up in DC.

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Well, THAT explains their double-talking, playing nice with the left, criticizing their own pres,

but never criticizing obaMao the corrupt asswipe....

wow. That explains a LOT.

You post this but continue to assign blame to just the Democrats. If you dig deeper you'll probably find more Neo Conservatives that run with ol' Georgie boy. The state of this country is the responsibility of both political parties my friend.


Don't look at this as an attack but an honest criticism based on months of observation. I think you're not too far off at times but I think the state of this nation is a bi-partisan problem that can only be solved by bi-partisan politics.

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You post this but continue to assign blame to just the Democrats. If you dig deeper you'll probably find more Neo Conservatives that run with ol' Georgie boy. The state of this country is the responsibility of both political parties my friend.


Don't look at this as an attack but an honest criticism based on months of observation. I think you're not too far off at times but I think the state of this nation is a bi-partisan problem that can only be solved by bi-partisan politics.

That kind of thinking gets you labeled as a libtard round these parts.

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You post this but continue to assign blame to just the Democrats. If you dig deeper you'll probably find more Neo Conservatives that run with ol' Georgie boy. The state of this country is the responsibility of both political parties my friend.


Don't look at this as an attack but an honest criticism based on months of observation. I think you're not too far off at times but I think the state of this nation is a bi-partisan problem that can only be solved by bi-partisan politics.

I don't know...the dems are in lock step with each other - look at how they vote in

giant blocks in Congress...


but after this, there are probably more reps getting big soros money, etc etc, than anybody

realizes. I criticized Bush W. bigly for not clamping down on illegal immigration. Makes me

wonder why. So much of elected officials on both sides don't solve problems. So much

conflict of interest. I attribute more to the dems, because their base is generally

the inner cities based. Those inner cities don't get fixed at all, despite dems

pandering to them. Yep, the reps didn't fix it either, the inner cities get forgotten

after elections. This is bs. So, Trump gets elected, and I think he is going to catch

hell from both sides, because he expects them to finally quit the bs and make

some solutions to problems.

It's not just the dems, I'm just coming around to seeing the problem is the reps,

too, though they are all over the place. The dems are in one place.


Like the dirty, dishonest political fight the cohesive left fights over our 2nd Amendment.

They release terrorists from Gitmo, prisoners out of prisons, invite the free flow

of anybody over our borders... but they fight to take our guns. That's the dems....


They warned the reps to not use the nuclear option, but when they had the chance,

they happily used it. Now that door is opened and they regret their arrogance.


Looking at the confirmation of a president's cabinet nominee..

the reps gave obamao 7 of his in jan, Trump had only two,

and the dems are doing everything they can to stop each one.

The reps gave obamao two extremely liberal, activist

Supreme Court judges (right along with the dems, meaning they

didn't stop them)...

but the dems said they would fight tooth and nail to stop

Trump's pick, even before he made the pick.

So, yeah, I tend to label all dems in one package...but

now, I had no idea those reps were taking soros money.

That is enough to make anybody sick...and to wonder

how many others there are.

No wonder problems don't get solved, and the

dems are in with the left, and the reps play along.

What a mess. Drain the swamp in both sides........ :mad:

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I get it. But I subscribe to Bruce Lee's school of thought. "It's like a finger pointing to the moon. Don't focus on the finger or else you'll miss all that heavenly glory."


He was speaking about martial arts but the same can be said about politics. The finger represents Washington. The heavenly glory is where we as a nation want to go. We all agree prosperity is where we want to go but our focus on the finger (the Washington blame game) is the reason we've yet to get there. It's only fitting I close this post with a resounding WAAAATTTAAAHH!!!!

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I get it. But I subscribe to Bruce Lee's school of thought. "It's like a finger pointing to the moon. Don't focus on the finger or else you'll miss all that heavenly glory."


He was speaking about martial arts but the same can be said about politics. The finger represents Washington. The heavenly glory is where we as a nation want to go. We all agree prosperity is where we want to go but our focus on the finger (the Washington blame game) is the reason we've yet to get there. It's only fitting I close this post with a resounding WAAAATTTAAAHH!!!!

LOL. got it. like, "can't see the forest for the trees" ?



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Prosperity for whom?

Every American wants prosperity in their own right and whatever that means to them.

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