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A part of my childhood has just been destroyed...


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The munchkins molested dorothy? I cant begin to wrap my head around how many levels of wring this encompasses. You'd think u could just kick one off u......its weird. Im questioning reality now. Thats just something, if its true, that i just never expected to ever hear.


I might have to smoke a bowl tonight to help get my head around this one

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Well before going into fit of depression remember there are usually two sides to a story. Here is another one:


"Many of the Munchkin actors have denied the claims, arguing that they worked hard for little pay. Munchkin actress Margaret Pellegrini told The Independent in 2009, “There were a lot of them who liked to go out and have a few drinks, but nothing got out of hand. Everyone was having a good time and enjoying themselves. There was no rowdiness or anything like that, and those stories are very upsetting.”


Jerry Maren, the last surviving Munchkin at 97, reportedly asked, “How could you get drunk on $50 a week?” He added, “There were a couple of kids from Germany who liked to drink beer. They drank beer morning, noon and night, and got in a little trouble. They wanted to meet the girls, but they were the only ones.”

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I always liked that movie, especially after I realized that the wicked witch

was higgardly clinton, and the good witch was Sarah Palin.


Hairy Reid, Pelosi and Chuck Schumer et co are the flying monkeys...


obaMao was the nasty tree that threw apples....


Kelly Ann Conway is Dorothy. The munchkins are the republicans

in Congress, and the fake golden bricks on the road are the democrats...


it all makes so much sense now.

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I always liked that movie, especially after I realized that the wicked witch

was higgardly clinton, and the good witch was Sarah Palin.


Hairy Reid, Pelosi and Chuck Schumer et co are the flying monkeys...


obaMao was the nasty tree that threw apples....


Kelly Ann Conway is Dorothy. The munchkins are the republicans

in Congress, and the fake golden bricks on the road are the democrats...


it all makes so much sense now.


Did you just call republicans in congress creepy dwarfish pedo's? I mean....i guess it kind of fits. Just surprised it came from you is all.

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