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Texas dems letting America go to hell so they can get illegals voting, turn Texas blue


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I love Austin, but it is very liberal compared to the rest of Texas.


Largely a transplant city, many millennial college aged people from all over the country for the jobs as so many huge tech giants combined with startups opened up shop there. Last time I was there it seemed like half the people were from California.


Not that it's a bad thing I wanted to live there, biggest drawback is the infrastructure isn't quite built to handle the volume they have now as people keep moving there.

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I'm not at home as much as I like, so I hired a guy to mow my yard to keep the association happy about 7 years ago. He said the other day, that I'm his last customer because he can't compete on the price. He got a job driving a garbage truck to meet the bills and said it was hell getting that job. The average millennial doesn't understand what's happening on that level because none of their Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat friends even bring it up.

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