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Obamao's last days - he opened the door to NSA data collection to...anybody


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gives his leftwing appointees and hirings an open door to get stuff

on Trump admin communications, they are already leftwing political..


now they have far more power to spy ... on any conservative in gov.


This explains a lot.



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something just occurred to me. With leftists in our intel agencies, loyal to

the dems/progressives/marxist sombeitches...


suppose they issued "intel" falsely, to the Bush admin, deliberately about

wmd's/nukes/etc in Iraq, to discredit them and get the dems back in office?


suppose they covered up events leading up to 9/11, to keep the pressure off bill clinton?


doubtful, but after this leaking garbage, ....we seem to have traitors in our gov services.


drain the swamp, bigly.

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Aha so this is about flynn. Not about what he did but ur all salty he got caught and now trump has egg on his face. Isnt this exactly what democrats did when hillary got caught ? They were more pussef about the leaks than they were the content.


So yup, you guys are no different....proving "yet again" the narrative from the middle that y'all on both sides should be deported to anothet planet. At leadt what i would do with the whole sour lot of you

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Aha so this is about flynn. Not about what he did but ur all salty he got caught and now trump has egg on his face. Isnt this exactly what democrats did when hillary got caught ? They were more pussef about the leaks than they were the content.


So yup, you guys are no different....proving "yet again" the narrative from the middle that y'all on both sides should be deported to anothet planet. At leadt what i would do with the whole sour lot of you


They can do both. Investigate Flynn and those who illegally leaked this to the media.

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Obama set Trump up.


With the Russian sanctions and allowing eavesdropping on civilian communications. People told me that Obama would do something to screw things up (not just every day Obama screw up) before he left office. Something big.

Crafty obama right? He totally set flynn up and jedi tricked him into lying to pence about it. Man, fucking sith lord of funk that obama!!

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IF and right now we don't know but if the information we have right now is correct then I would agree with Trump it is shameful how General Flynn has been treated. There has been wild speculation over this with no facts to back them up. Some even have been speculating about Flynn being a traitor.


It may very well be Flynn is only guilty of not being forthcoming with Pence about this and Pence looking bad going on talk shows not having the correct information from Flynn. That never hurt Susan Rice who went on 5 talk shows to lie about Benghazi being over a youtube video and in fact she was promoted by Obama shortly afterwards.


Maybe both sides are guilty of this but I see it more from the left where they have no problem in demonizing anyone to achieve their goals. Hillary Clinton got an innocent youtbube videomaker thrown in prison to help her in her lying about Benghazi. I remember what the left did to Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork. We will see how the left reacts to Gorsuch's nomination. He has a super record right now but the left will do everything to demonize him now because of politics.

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"Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. ... The termleft wing can also refer to "the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system".


they are fighting to undermine who we are as a country. They lost in the elections,

so the courts and disruption is the only recourse left for them.

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NPR: Transcripts of Flynn’s calls don’t show any criminal wrongdoing


NPR reported this morning that they are hearing from an intelligence official that the transcripts don’t show that Flynn did anything wrong, nor that he was acting under orders from Trump or someone else:

A current U.S. intelligence official tells NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly that there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing in the transcripts of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, although the official noted that doesn’t rule out the possibility of illegal actions.


The official also says that there are recordings as well as transcripts of the calls, and that the transcripts don’t suggest Flynn was acting under orders in his conversations.


The intelligence official who has personally seen the transcripts told Mary Louise they contained “no evidence” of criminal wrongdoing, although the official said it can’t be definitively ruled out.


The official also said there was “absolutely nothing” in the transcripts that suggests Flynn was acting under instructions “or that the trail leads higher.”


“I don’t think [Flynn] knew he was doing anything wrong,” the official said. “Flynn talked about sanctions, but no specific promises were made. Flynn was speaking more in general ‘maybe we’ll take a look at this going forward’ terms.”

So for all the obsession in the media over this phone call, it looks like, as we long suspected, that Flynn didn’t actually do anything wrong in the first place to warrant such scandalous coverage.


What a disgrace.



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Here is what is alarming. Obamao opened up the NSA broad wiretapping

data...to other agencies, and some agencies are leftwing friendly.

Like a thousand justice dept employees putting up a letter wanting

Sessions to not be the next AG. I wonder how many of them are new

Obamao hires, which was expanding in desperation after the dem party lost.


and recently, 800 employees of obamao's EPA put up a letter to not have Trump's

nominee to take over the EPA. I wonder how many of them are new hires.


These dirtbags are all over our gov. Without hurting our nation's ability to get gov dept work done...

there should be many firings of these dirtbags, with them being replaced by honest,

qualified Americans.


Because the NSA would have to get a FISA (stands for "rubber stamp if they like the party in power"),

and/or be directed at high levels of our gov.


And, this was approved and done while obamao the leftist was president. And, leaked to the press,

for political reasons.


After a secret service high level agent saying she certainly wouldn't defend Trump from a bullet,


we as a nation are not only divided, but the left wants control over our country even after

they lost the presidency without owning either house of Congress.


What did obaMao know, what did higgardly know, and when did they know it?

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