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Is Comey a Democrat shill

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I've always thought so. And before anybody points it out I've never heard of the fucking conservative Treehouse before but that doesn't mean the story is or isn't true.


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he's a hack for sure, now. I was wondering early on, his coming out with his "investigation" over higgardly.


Truth is, I believe that the higgardly thing was cover for what they were really doing to the Trump campaign -

if they got caught - it would be cover that they were "non-biased".


Which, clearly, they were not. They covered for higgardly, and are still trying to get Trump with leaks and more leaks.


odd, there was never a leak about the higgardly investigation. Nope.

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Comey basically put trump in office so i dont understand the ingratitude

Actually what you dont understand is this. There was a firestorm of controversy about Hillary's emails. Not because she had a private email server but because she deleted thousands of them which probably had something to do with payoffs to the Clinton Foundation. Remember Nixon's missing minutes from the White House tapes? Anyway it seemed like the Scandal was a big deal when Comey came out and said that they were going to reopen the investigate right? So they investigated for five minutes or something and came back and said nope nothing here clean as a whistle free as a bird. Ironically just before the election. This was done to make her look like there was nothing there even though Comey refused to put her under oath when she lied through her ass during the investigation.



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