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"Deep State" traitors/communists/"democrats" - sold out the CIA agents in China?


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big, serious trouble. The selling out of America. by liberals... deep state intel traitors...

marxists/communists. and they are deep inside our gov.


CIA agents murdered in China. You can bet the Russians, N. Korea...share that intel.


Drain the Swamp.



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WTF is wrong with you? Don't you understand that when I say "DRAIN THE SWAMP"...


I still want Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP ???


With all the leaks, why not DRAIN THE SWAMP ?


WTH? corrupt obamao's people, corrupt clinton people, corrupt soros

people are all over.


get them out.

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let's put it this way.


Obamao had eight years and failed to do what he said on several points.


Trump has had 3 1/2 months, close to it, and "didn't really follow through"

is a bunch of whoie.


It takes time to drain a swamp. Especially with the deep state fighting him at

every turn, every point of his agenda, fighting even outstanding nominations...


need to start firing people who worked for obamao and clinton who are leaking and

undermining Trump over political ideology. Our side gets to take our turn - we won

the election this time.


Except the left doesn't want to take turns any more. Give Pence a chance. Give Trump a chance...

without all the undermining, the baseless accusations/witchhunts/lawsuits/belligerent lies and exaggerations...

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