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Flynn Takes The 5th, Refuses To Turn Over Documents To Senate Panels


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Flynn Takes The 5th, Refuses To Turn Over Documents To Senate Panels

May 22, 201711:11 AM ET

Brian Naylor - Mary Louise Kelly

Updated at 3:45 p.m.
Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn is invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination on Monday, refusing to hand over documents subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The panel wants to see documents relating to Flynn's interactions with Russian officials as part of its probe into Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

In a letter to the committee's chairmen, Flynn's attorney Robert Kelner writes, "Producing documents that fall within the subpoena's broad scope would be a testimonial act, insofar as it would confirm or deny the existence of such documents."

The letter also states that Flynn is "the target on nearly a daily basis of outrageous allegations, often attributed to anonymous sources in Congress or elsewhere in the United States Government, which, however fanciful on their face and unsubstantiated by evidence, feed the escalating public frenzy against him."

Flynn was asked to resign from his post in February after it was revealed that he lied to Vice President Pence about his communication with Russia's ambassador to the U.S.

The intelligence committee is one of multiple congressional panels that are looking into Flynn's conduct as well as possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Flynn has previously sought immunity from what he termed "unfair prosecution" so he could cooperate with the committee.

It's unclear exactly how the committee will respond to Flynn's refusal to hand over the documents. It could hold him in contempt of Congress, but there are other options. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says both the intelligence and judiciary committees "should continue to seek other ways to gain access to this information."

She says she and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa have sent requests to the White House, FBI and Defense Department "for memos, recordings, notes and other documents."


NOTE: The full text of Flynn's lawyers letter to the Senate committee is at the bottom of the above linked article.


This is going to get interesting. Much of the subpoenaed material are business records for which there is no legal precedent under the 5th amendment.

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don't know... gov business on gov servers is owned by the gov....


although, gov business on a secret, private higgardly server...was deleted...


after being subpoena'ed


and that was okay with obamao's comey homey.

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From what I gather he broke a law of omission. In filling out some form about whether or not he'd ever taken money from a foreign government he supposedly left that question blank.

And to Bacon, yes that's true. How many people took the 5th refused to testify or went to jail for contempt rather than speak out against Bill Clinton in Whitewater?

The biggest reason I hate special prosecutors.


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I'd plead the 5th if I were in his shoes. I do find it funny when the self-righteous in here are hypocrites when it suits them.


Also funny... when the guy you defend by casting aspersions is that aspersion personified...


"When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime." - Flynn


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if flynn is guilty deserving of jail, throw him in the clink with the other dems he was a part of.


but dems get a free pass on felonies, whereas non-dems get hammered on techinicalities and misdemeanors.


like Scooter LIbby and Dinesh D'Souza.


To the left, the law is THEIR weapon, and doesn't apply to THEM.

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if flynn is guilty deserving of jail, throw him in the clink with the other dems he was a part of.


but dems get a free pass on felonies, whereas non-dems get hammered on techinicalities and misdemeanors.


like Scooter LIbby and Dinesh D'Souza.


To the left, the law is THEIR weapon, and doesn't apply to THEM.



And Oliver North

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And yet another of Tour's queries to cal goes unanswered.... sigh...


Speaking of Oliver North what was he charged with and convicted with? How about Bill Clinton? How about scooter Libby? How about Martha Stewart? What about Richard M Nixon?

One of these things is not like the others... **everybody sing**

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