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London mayor tried to overturn U.K. ban on Farrakhan Sadiq Khan now wants to bar Trump from Britain

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London Mayor Sadiq Khan — who wants the U.K. to cancel Donald Trump’s upcoming state visit because the president’s “policies go against everything we stand for” — once tried to overturn Britain’s ban on Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.




Farrakhan Shouts “Allahu Akbar!” and “White People Deserve to Die” In Latest Sermon (Video)



*The hypocrisy here is stunning. The mayor of London wants Trump banned because he is "so bad" but yet wants the ban on Farrakahn lifted.





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because they think Islam is the new Third Reich. Once those who want the ownership of a country...and as usual,

the entire world...


they liberally flip stances as they see fit.


The nearly profound extreme arrogance is historically glaring, the propensity for extreme offensive violence against innocent

people is their weapon os choice to instill fear of opposing them, and surely, there were nice talking, common sense

front men who say nice things and seem quite human along the way.

But ask those nice ones about the violent ones...and their tones will change.


That is how the nazis operated in Europe, and eventually, around the world.


with nazis, extreme violence was the engine behind their rocket. With the extremist terrorists in this world...

it seems to be the same.


With the extremists now, who falsely claim to be Islamic...though I don't understand the particulars given the

verses in the Koran that confuse the issue for me... I see similarities.


In Europe, I'm sure a lot of people joined the nazi party out of fear. Ruthless, horrifying torture/death/destruction...

is their engine. Most human beings do not care what color or style the car is. They reject the engine.


Some, like george puke soros, will happily join up and reap the power/money/security/whatever... that joining up brings.


This London mayor has a whole LOT of explaining his bigotry and hypocrisy to do. Maybe it's fear that drives him, too.

...or not.

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So his job was a human rights lawyer and he represented Farrakahn? And that definitely means he agrees with everything he says? Sounds like the whole Clinton thing again.




And haven't a lot of you complained about other countries making unsavory speech illegal?

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The whole point of the thread was this mayor wanting Trump banned from England "because the president’s policies go against everything we stand for”while wanting the ban on Farrakhan lifted. That is hypocrisy on steroids. Farrakhan is a racist anti Semite so why would this London mayor want him un-banned? If Trump goes against everything he says they stand for then how can he justify wanting the ban on Farrakhan lifted? He can't,

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Islam and Nazism do not mix it seems. As really both are threats to national security and all of humanity.


Actually, Islam and nazis go way back...







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