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The Left Has Become American ISIS: ‘Convert or Die’


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ISIS takes the “convert or die” position. This growing strain of the American left takes the “convert or be destroyed” position. The former will cut off your head. The latter will destroy your livelihood, take away your business, drive you from the public square, and use the government to drive you to bankruptcy. It’ll also gun you down on a baseball field.


This is not a left-right divide, but an earthly vs. heavenly divide. Grace comes from Heaven and the things of this world hate the things of Heaven. Both American secular progressivism and Islam are things of this world. They may be mutually incompatible, but will gladly ignore each other while they mutually work to stamp out the things of Heaven before turning on each other.


With both this increasingly violent strain of American progressivism and ISIS, we are dealing with “the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12. Both the actual ISIS and this American one are hostile to Jews and Christians because of that. They seek to drive us from jobs, from college campuses, from the workforce, and from the planet itself.




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Thanks for the links that reinforce the message of the article I posted. Many more could be posted.


In the name of tolerance the liberals have become the most intolerant of all.

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like nazis...violence toward innocent people, is okay because THEIR cause is..."superior" and must not be opposed.


like terrorists......


meanwhile, from a comment about the article:


"There’s no such thing as ”think” for a progressive. It’s all feel, all the time, for that ilk."


amazing. I've been saying that for years.

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The intolerance of the left today is well documented and your either condoning of it or denying it doesn't change the facts.

Same with the intolerance of the right. The fact that you are ignorant about it...or that you condone it or deny it doesn't change the facts.

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this is your obaMao left base, Gip:




anywhere you go now... leftist/black violence can happen, "Islamic" violence can happen.


like Denmark. Sweden. Germany...France... Norway....


only here, our America... big serious trouble.

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