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School that Browns draft from

The Gipper

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Here is a basic thread on what colleges the Browns had drafted players from. Here, I am only going back to 1999:


Miami Fla. 8


Va. Tech 5

Arizona 5

Colorado 5

Stanford 4

Notre Dame 4

Florida 4

Cal 4

Maryland 4

Texas A&M 3

Wisconsin 3

Washington St. 3

Michigan 3

Oklahoma 3

OK. St. 3

Georgia 3

Florida St. 3

Boston College 3

Baylor 3


The Browns have only drafted 2 players from Ohio St. and two from Alabama. This is the same number as from Nevada, UNLV, Hawaii, and South Florida.


Maybe they should really start thinking about taking players from the schools that have really produced the Pros in recent years...instead of dipping down into these really small schools. They have taken players from Lindenwood, Towson St., St. Augustine, Tarleton St., East Central OK, Chadron St. and La. Monroe......but only 2 from Bama and the Buckeyes!!

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Here is a basic thread on what colleges the Browns had drafted players from. Here, I am only going back to 1999:


Miami Fla. 8


Va. Tech 5

Arizona 5

Colorado 5

Stanford 4

Notre Dame 4

Florida 4

Cal 4

Maryland 4

Texas A&M 3

Wisconsin 3

Washington St. 3

Michigan 3

Oklahoma 3

OK. St. 3

Georgia 3

Florida St. 3

Boston College 3

Baylor 3


The Browns have only drafted 2 players from Ohio St. and two from Alabama. This is the same number as from Nevada, UNLV, Hawaii, and South Florida.


Maybe they should really start thinking about taking players from the schools that have really produced the Pros in recent years...instead of dipping down into these really small schools. They have taken players from Lindenwood, Towson St., St. Augustine, Tarleton St., East Central OK, Chadron St. and La. Monroe......but only 2 from Bama and the Buckeyes!!

drives me nuts, these execs that think they are going to uncover a gem with that illogical approach. Our record speaks for itself.

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T A&M - couple of first rounders. Hopefully this new one pans out.

Agree, I was poking fun at Butch Davis, when he drafted Thompson from an 0-11 team with the worst ranked D in division 1 at the time.

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The Steelers love Ohio State Players. Of course, what do they know?

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I fail to see any issue about where players come from. It's how they've been coached over the years that is the real problem.

Well...if there is an issue, as I said it is "why have the Browns ignored taking players from the programs that have produced the most quality players?

Now, you can say that is not true....because the Browns have taken the most players from Miami Fla. and USC ....which has in fact been right up there high if not on top in producing NFL talent. But...they have also sort of ignored the likes of Ohio State and Alabama.

And while, sure, we should not be concerned that the Browns don't take home grown Ohio State talent...(again....Craig Powell syndrome?)...I still don't think quality talent should be ignored.

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For a northern team, they sure do draft a lot of southerners.


Who was that receiver that called snow plows, 'snow pushers'?

Not sure that matters. Supposedly the SEC has produced all these good players.....if so, then if they were really going after the talent...then they should really draft from that part of the country.

But....it seems that they have apparently taken all the shit talent from there and not the good talent.


(But...actually, if you look...they have taken more from the Pac 10 than just about anywhere else)

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