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Book Of Henry

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It seems that lately I am seeing movies in which the plot is good but the screenplay, or whatever you call it, veers off the road a bit.


Henry is a young super genius, who lives with his Mom and little brother. He solves adult problems, has an amazing tree house, plays science tricks, is far advanced in school and is just a very likable, admirable young man.


The film is about Child abuse and Dean Norris (Uncle Hank from Breaking Bad) is the police chief who is abusing his step daughter.


This movie gives you a tear jerk at the end and a couple surprises, both pleasant and not so.


Overall, it was very discombobulated. At times it hinted of a fantastic journey like "Stand By Me" at others it felt like Radio Flyer, and at others, like a sinister ghoul movie.


I don't know what to tell you about this one. It's not great. If you need a tight story line with believable events, this is going to irritate you.

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