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But seriously, political gotchas rule the Dems' actions.


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Nancy Pelosi knew about the waterboarding, never said anything about it.


Reports are, she didn't object at all.


Like being for the war, until pres election time, then "they were always against the war" ?


Nancy Pelosi has officially told 5 different stories to try to get the attention off of her.


Too late. Now, she says the CIA lied to discredit her because they want to get attention


off of Bush and Cheney.


And she says she isn't lying, because intel and Bush lied about wmds in Iraq.


And this Obama admin promised hope and change and transparency.


So, they released the torture memos. And Holder said they were going to be


transparent with the rest of the information, he just hadn't seen the two memos


that Cheney wants released that shows the effectiveness of the waterboarding


in saving a lot of American lives.


Now, all of a sudden, "poof" - Cheney's request to release THOSE memos is


being refused at all costs.


You have to wonder why. The part of the truth that doesn't help their political


agenda... get's hidden.


This admin and Nancy Pelosi are headed for disaster of leadership, and destined to


be seen in a bad light, even by moderate Dems.


I don't see how anybody defend this business>

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I don't think it is a thirst for power at all.....but he is grinding a axe.


But can you blame him? He has had a few sharp axes swung in his direction over the years.


In this case I think he makes a good point. If you are going to release the reports, I don't think you can cherry pick and exclude the ones that don't support your position.

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In all just a distraction away from how piss poor Obama and the dems are doing with the economy, unemployment is at the highest it has been in 25 years.


Fear of the mid term elections must really be bothering them after they have created all of these new social beuracracies and have outspent "W" (total of 8 years in office) within 4 months of being in charge.



All of the dem leaders want to jump on board and try to bring down the shephards (CIA). Good luck with that one. PigNosy has just been hung out to dry.


Give these enough rope they will hang themselves. Give them to much rope and they will hang all of us.


You think they (Dems) would be dancing with joy, but now they opened up the box and see how they were the problem all from the beginning. They are the failures in all of this especially in their ability of being true leaders and representatives.

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Did you have this much comtempt for Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff?

How do you feel about railroading Ted Stevens?


but if in fact this is how the Republicans want to play this out then im afraid somebody will be going to jail and it wont be your hated Piglosi


With the Dems in full control?

Yes I'd be surprised if the official witch hunt turned bi partisan.


Seriously doesn't it seem the zeal for justice mellowed a bit when Democrat names were mentioned?


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In all just a distraction away from how piss poor Obama and the dems are doing with the economy, unemployment is at the highest it has been in 25 years.


Fear of the mid term elections must really be bothering them after they have created all of these new social beuracracies and have outspent "W" (total of 8 years in office) within 4 months of being in charge.



All of the dem leaders want to jump on board and try to bring down the shephards (CIA). Good luck with that one. PigNosy has just been hung out to dry.


Give these enough rope they will hang themselves. Give them to much rope and they will hang all of us.


You think they (Dems) would be dancing with joy, but now they opened up the box and see how they were the problem all from the beginning. They are the failures in all of this especially in their ability of being true leaders and representatives.


Maybe george bush and Dick chutney can help us out of this economic mess



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Did you have this much comtempt for Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff?



Delay - no. Abramoff, yes, absolutely.

But it didn't involve immediately national security concerns.



Dick Cheney is blinded by his own feelings and doesnt know when to shutup.


I don't know about the first part, and he is free to the second. Free speech, ya know.


If he continues down this path he will force the country into all kinds of senseless and time wasting hearings on the definition of torture and who knew what when.


Were you this upset at the release of the pictures of the detainees being embarrassed, not tortured?


Were you this upset at the release of the memos on "torture" ?


Were you this upset at the release of info on our electronic surveillance of cell phone

converstaions of terrorists by the big WV butthead who released it for political purposes?


That KILLED a lot of our ability to protect ourselves.


Torture is wrong we shouldnt have done it but this country has bigger problems right now but if in fact this is how the Republicans want to play this out then im afraid somebody will be going to jail and it wont be your hated Piglosi and meanwhile the economy will continue to tank all in the name of power,very sad if you ask me.


War is wrong. Fighting is wrong. But sometimes, you have no choice to survive and protect yourself.


If you are in college, and you and your girlfriend go to a movie, and two hoods come after you to hurt you both,

do you fight back, or do you say "fighting is wrong no matter what" ???


I know you know what I mean - in self defense, at certain times, you have no choice but to fight back.

Same in war.


Same with a non-violent waterboarding when the nation's survival depends on it.


Cheney should ride off in the sunset but his thirst for power still rages on.


Nonsense. He has a right to his opinions. Hell, he was VP of the greatest nation on

earth for 8 years, he's old, and with health problems.


He doesn't need the aggravation. If he "goes off into the sunset with his retirement"


I'd take it you'd simply say he never really cared about this country?


Face it bud, all of us have our own political biases.


It's just that Cheney would NEVER have said "the war is lost" or "our soldiers are murderers" etc.


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Yo, nice to have you back, Shep.


I don't always agree with you (eh,,, dumb understatement),


but at least you have your OWN opinions. That's a nice change.

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The Dow had gone from 7,500 to 8,500 in the past three months.



Inflation can be a bitch cant it.


the top 30 (DOW) is currently 8,200, what are the rest of the boys doing?

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Steve dont misunderstand what I wrote,

Ted Stevens,and whoever else you want to throw into the mix from either side I wont defend I was just pointing out that pelosi is no better or worse than the last guys.


That could be.

But don't a lot of people really really hate "the other guys?"]/b]


On a side note Stevens legally got screwed but was he guilty?, in Alaska speak, "you betcha"!

Could be.


Of course if the balance of power rested on a bad call against a Dem....?

I just mentioned him cause you mentioned Abramov.



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The Dow had gone from 7,500 to 8,500 in the past three months. Obama is rebuilding our reputation abroad and has a 65% approval rating domestically including broad support from every group except older white non-Catholic Christians... and he's pretty okay there, too.


He's credible, he's thoughtful, and he's making a difference just by being the anti-Bush. Even many right wing pundits gave him an A for his first 100 days.


There isn't much to complain about, really. I know as a Republican I'd be desperately looking for chinks, too... but there aren't any yet. I think the dark days will continue for the GOP for the full 8 years in every branch... and then we'll see.


But the "rebranding" was funny. Jeb Bush, Romney, and that nerdy guy say they'll focus on lower taxes and smaller government. Whoa! Slow down there, crazies!

Which of his policies have you been particularly impressed by, Shep? What do you think about TALF, TARP, the stress tests, cap and trade, limits on executive pay, the Chrysler situation, his budget proposal/long term fiscal picture?


I only ask because usually when people discuss the "chinks" in a leader's armor, they mean something other than popularity numbers.


Also, I would recommend steering clear of the stock market if you want to defend Obama. He isnt the most popular guy on Wall Street right now, and most analysts could give you a laundry list of Obama policies and potential Obama policies that are depressing prices. Of course, as is always the case, none of us here are going to have any success trying to conclude what the overall impact of the president on the stock market has been.

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