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Pro life teens get settlement, gay God hater sicko loses job. Good.


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assistant principal...how the heck does ?THAT happen?


obaMao inspired libs and illegals to go after people. "get in their face" he said.


big serious trouble. can't wait for a sombietch like him to be a gay/trans in the military,

and go around screaming epithets at anyone who gives him an order....

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Sounds like the principal overreacted. Should be punished for it


But I'm not sure you should be showing giant photos of aborted fetuses outside of a school either...


Pro choice is just a sanitized word for legal murder of a baby. One of the reasons many people supported abortion in the 70's was that people were told this was just a blob of tissue and not an actual baby being murdered in the womb. Later with ultra sounds people could see that was a lie and this was not a blob of tissue but a little baby with arms and legs and eyes and mouth and a beating heart. I read a testimony of a pastor who bought into the blob of tissue lie and he supported abortion in the 70's and volunteered to work at an abortion clinic. He was horrified to see the little arms and legs being sucked out and realized he had fallen for a lie. He then dedicated himself to being pro life.


Those pictures of aborted fetus's are not lies. The lies came from the other side who told people that a fetus was nothing more than a blob of tissue and the truth doesn't need to be suppressed. Let people see the horrors of abortion with the photos.

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They could easily be misleading. You could be pro choice up to certain point and these photos could be from damn near the entire pregnancy. They'd have you believe it looks like that right at conception. It's clearly shock value.



Could I stand outside of a school with horrible pictures from war as part of an anti war protest?

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They could easily be misleading. You could be pro choice up to certain point and these photos could be from damn near the entire pregnancy. They'd have you believe it looks like that right at conception. It's clearly shock value.



Could I stand outside of a school with horrible pictures from war as part of an anti war protest?


War is horrible and maybe sometimes in the past Hollywood has glamorized something that shouldn't be glamorized. So I don't have a problem with anyone showing horrible pictures of war as war is horrible. It may be unavoidable at times and I believe there is only peace through strength but when someone goes into combat they should have an idea of what they are going into beforehand.


As for the abortion pictures being shown being in the later stages of pregnancy remember Hillary Clinton (and many other democrats) was so pro abortion she was for abortion right up until delivery and supported partial birth abortion. So the photos being shown even in late stages of pregnancy are relevant.



Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Abortion Argument: 'No More Euphemisms'


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Not really irrelevant, unless they specifically state when the photos are taken.


From my experience with these types in Ann Arbor it's just large shock photos and yelling that we're all sinners. Just saying...



I still think it's wrong to call people pro abortion btw. But saying things like pro abortion and baby murder paint generalizations that help your side seem right. I get it.

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Not really irrelevant, unless they specifically state when the photos are taken.


From my experience with these types in Ann Arbor it's just large shock photos and yelling that we're all sinners. Just saying...



I still think it's wrong to call people pro abortion btw. But saying things like pro abortion and baby murder paint generalizations that help your side seem right. I get it.


Abortion is an issue that parallels legal slavery we had 175 years ago. You were either on the right side of the fence or the wrong side on the issue. There is no middle ground that I see. If you read the article I linked by Ben Shapiro he specifically states he is using the scientific argument and not a religious one against abortion. The science is all there that baby is not just a part of the mother as some try to argue but an entirely separate unique human being:


"Though Shapiro affirmed that the Bible is correct on this issue, he explained that the argument from pro-lifers should be rooted in science.


"I think what's important here is the science," he posited, "and I think you're talking about the creation of a unique human life on day one."

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I still think it's wrong to call people pro abortion btw.




Why? Because its best for the sake of pro abortionists that hey hide the gory truth behind the much more kinder, softer, gentler "pro choice" label?


Sorta like refusing to call Islamic terrorism what it really is.

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Abortion is an issue that parallels legal slavery we had 175 years ago. You were either on the right side of the fence or the wrong side on the issue. There is no middle ground that I see. If you read the article I linked by Ben Shapiro he specifically states he is using the scientific argument and not a religious one against abortion. The science is all there that baby is not just a part of the mother as some try to argue but an entirely separate unique human being:


"Though Shapiro affirmed that the Bible is correct on this issue, he explained that the argument from pro-lifers should be rooted in science.


"I think what's important here is the science," he posited, "and I think you're talking about the creation of a unique human life on day one."

Except you aren't creating life on day one as we define life now. We have a medical definition for death. Why not use that for life? If you do, two cells don't equal life.


Link me that article.

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Why? Because its best for the sake of pro abortionists that hey hide the gory truth behind the much more kinder, softer, gentler "pro choice" label?


Sorta like refusing to call Islamic terrorism what it really is.


Because they don't want more abortions. They want women to have the choice. They would also prefer she not even get into the situation to begin with.


A rabid pro life viewpoint doesn't change what the other side actually believes

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