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Australia orders the END of temp reading TAMPERING -


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the temp readings plunged downward.


there is the man made global warming warning fraud.


it was a crock. I wish al gore and all the rest of the superduper lovers of mmgw fraud lived in




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which has nothing to do with the point of the thread, as nearly always, stupid woodypeckerhead.

That one place

was one of many around the world that was used in trying to calc a global temp.


and, they were....


"It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review."


it was manipulated...false. Meaning that the mmgw figures were wrong.

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yes, you've been wrong about mmgw all this time. let all that bogus hot air out.

go have a good chirp somewhere nice and quiet, get the disallusionment out of your system.


mmgw as a fact is now crocked. have a nice reality day.

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