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LBC mike

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well, heard it just now, was just announced on the local news...

I suppose it doesn't matter, except it gives os a chance to shine... or not.


It seems Kessler's arm will hold him back a bit on getting defenses to respect

the long game.. and Kizer is still learning a lot.


Hogan may always be a backup... it makes sense. What if Os lights it up?


I'm rooting for him to do just that.



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well, heard it just now, was just announced on the local news...

I suppose it doesn't matter, except it gives os a chance to shine... or not.


It seems Kessler's arm will hold him back a bit on getting defenses to respect

the long game.. and Kizer is still learning a lot.


Hogan may always be a backup... it makes sense. What if he lights it up?


I'm rooting for him to do just that.



Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning didn't have trouble getting defenses to respect them...Jay Schroeder and Jeff George had "Great" arms.. niether one hoisted a trophy...

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Hue Jackson released a statement this morning, naming Osweiler the starter for the Saints game, but he made it clear that the starting job on opening day is still up for grabs...

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Wow. I hope it's just so other teams can pick him up. Otherwise bad move imo

Why? Honestly....what have the other QBs done so much better....in their careers, in this training camp, that would warrant them moving ahead of B.O.? Nothing. Almost all commentaries that I have heard have said that Kessler is essentially stinking up the joint, that Kizer is still just absolutely too raw and inexperienced....and that Hogan is no Hero.


The thing that likely, ultimately makes sense is for Osweiler to start the season....have Kessler as backup, and have Kizer play the Apprentice...having him look, listen, and learn.

Makes the most sense.


Unless you want the Browns to bring back RGIII or to bring in Kaepernick.

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I just wanna see the team in believe in what is going on. They participate in practice and exhibition games, they have their own opinions on who is doing better, and chances are they believe in the guy who is sucking less. If Brock is the guy, then why not? Dude's still young. If he lights it up we got the cap room to extend him.

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Kessler did not step up his game. Glad to see that you earn playing time with Hue just like Belichick.


Oswieller could be the surprise of the 2017 season. One year removed from a pretty nice season in Denver. I still believe that he was in the wrong offense in Houston.


And the wrong HC too. I'm hopeful like you.

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A little curious if the Browns cut the loser between Oz and Kess. Kess might make it to the PS but would be a bit of a gamble seeing how they picked him relatively high last year. Teams don't like to carry 3 qb's these days. I see a lot of post here hoping to showcase Oz for a trade. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it. I am not sure too many teams would be sure that Brock will be enough of an upgrade over their backup for it to be worth it to ship picks for him. That and Cleveland is a team that needs a qb as well, so why not keep him if he is the best qb right now.

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I have to agree with this


Ross Tucker



Starting a QB in preseason opener that you haven't given ANY 1st team reps in practice makes no sense whatsoever.


1:44 pm · 7 Aug 2017

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I have to agree with this

Ross Tucker


Starting a QB in preseason opener that you haven't given ANY 1st team reps in practice makes no sense whatsoever.

1:44 pm · 7 Aug 2017

I would have to say it's because Brock is the only QB that has made the offense go, he had 2 scoring drives against the #1 D with backups at his side. Kessler with the ones did absolutely nothing against our #2 D. Everyone needs to stop being so hung up on BO bad season in Houston, QB's struggle with Bill Obrien. Then he sticks them in a corner for a time out. Denver tried to keep him at 48 mil, but the 72 was just impossible to pass up.
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I would have to say it's because Brock is the only QB that has made the offense go, he had 2 scoring drives against the #1 D with backups at his side. Kessler with the ones did absolutely nothing against our #2 D. Everyone needs to stop being so hung up on BO bad season in Houston, QB's struggle with Bill Obrien. Then he sticks them in a corner for a time out. Denver tried to keep him at 48 mil, but the 72 was just impossible to pass up.


Yep-very good chance he is the best for this season while developing de Kaiser.


Gotta like the confidence.

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Brock is currently the best QB on the roster, like it or not. I believe Hue hoped that Kess would be able to take his game to the next level and gave him every opportunity to show him he could, but it became painfully obvious that even with all of Kess's hard off season work, it just wasn't and probably isn't going to happen.


They have only been in camp for a little over a week, so it's really not the end of the world the BO hasn't gotten any #1 work...... Hell, he took his merry band of 2s and moved them against the 1s.


Kizer will play this year, but he is nowhere near ready now and BO will start opening day.

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Our first regular season game is at home versus the Steelers. Does anybody REALLY want to see Kizer thrown out there to get butt-surfed by Big Ben and Company? I know I don't, and I'm not sure it's fair to Kizer either. Now, if Kizer continues to improve to the point where he's the obvious best QB on our team, then by all means, start the kid. However, I don't see that as being the case...at least not right now. I don't think for one second that our defense will resemble last year's Texan's defense, but I HAVE to believe we'll be better than last year. Despite underwhelming numbers, Brock managed to win some games. Heck, he managed to win quite a few games. Now we all know those Denver and Houston defenses were pretty damn stout, but can Osweiler win us 5 games with a "pretty good" defense? If he can, wouldn't that be improvement?


I honestly believe we're essentially "showcasing" Brock to the rest of the league, and there's a chance we'll trade Brock before the start of the season. I recently read a report that said we weren't interested in trading Brock to the Fins, but I don't know if that's verified or not. The thing is, if Brock comes out in the preseason and performs rather well, how the hell can we justify TRADING a QB who is moving the ball? LOL. I don't think we can, but we also realize that preseason numbers don't always add up to much.


I think we're in for an entertaining situation, I really do. I can't wait to see what the boys do! One thing I'm very nervous about is the wide receiver corps...I really hope some people step up in the preseason games.

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I have to agree with this


Well look who dropped in... must be preseason... PUB CRAWL 10/17!!!


I honestly believe we're essentially "showcasing" Brock to the rest of the league, and there's a chance we'll trade Brock before the start of the season. I recently read a report that said we weren't interested in trading Brock to the Fins, but I don't know if that's verified or not. The thing is, if Brock comes out in the preseason and performs rather well, how the hell can we justify TRADING a QB who is moving the ball? LOL. I don't think we can, but we also realize that preseason numbers don't always add up to much.


You buried the lead in your 2nd paragraph... ;)


We are in the danger zone of market building... that Brock's fan-stock rises faster than his trade value. It's really up to Kess to come on and take the job back over a highly functional Brock... that's the ideal scenario anyway... at least the one within reason. I can't see Kizer accelerating his learning curve enough to get in the competition this early.


Fins were never going to come close to offering what we'd want for Brock. With Cutler off the market the stage is set. Now all we need is Kess to step up... wish I felt better about the odds.

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In other words, Hue is saying " I still have no fucking idea what I am doing, and will play roulette while I hope a miracle happens".


Seriously, this fucking guys needs to go.


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Should go Oz, Hogan, Kessler, Kizer.

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Brock is currently the best QB on the roster, like it or not. I believe Hue hoped that Kess would be able to take his game to the next level and gave him every opportunity to show him he could, but it became painfully obvious that even with all of Kess's hard off season work, it just wasn't and probably isn't going to happen.


They have only been in camp for a little over a week, so it's really not the end of the world the BO hasn't gotten any #1 work...... Hell, he took his merry band of 2s and moved them against the 1s.


Kizer will play this year, but he is nowhere near ready now and BO will start opening day.

Cha-G hing!!..And Hell D-Bone was our Kessler Band leader from So-Cal when we drafted Kess..Kess tried to find a better NFL body type hoping to improve his game. Can't say it failed but it maybe still under construction?



We are in the danger zone of market building... that Brock's fan-stock rises faster than his trade value. It's really up to Kess to come on and take the job back over a highly functional Brock... that's the ideal scenario anyway... at least the one within reason. I can't see Kizer accelerating his learning curve enough to get in the competition this early.


Fins were never going to come close to offering what we'd want for Brock. With Cutler off the market the stage is set. Now all we need is Kess to step up... wish I felt better about the odds.

The Fins were still un-scrambling the loss of Tanny when Hue got hit the question at the podium talking QB change. ya got to wonder what Case's next call was if Cutler said no? Am guessing Sashi had a hope with the Case & Brock connection? But did the phone call ever come? Either way it goes.. "somebody" was that close..

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Cha-G hing!!..And Hell D Bone was our Kessler Band leader from So-Cal when we drafted Kess..Kess tried to find a better NFL body type hoping to improve his game. Can't say it failed but it maybe still under construction?


Yep gumby, I still really like the kid... He's tough, loyal and a hard worker, but he just isn't passing the eye test as a starting NFL QB. Hue and his staff can only coach him up so much, and at some point you are either gifted or you're not.


^ With that being said, I'm still a fan of his and think he will make a serviceable backup NFL QB.

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Back up has always felt about right... primarily due to arm limitations. But if you are fast enough in processing info, you can compensate for some zip deficiency.



In other words, Hue is saying " I still have no fucking idea what I am doing, and will play roulette while I hope a miracle happens".


Seriously, this fucking guys needs to go.


Remind us all what your obvious choice has been among the rostered QB options based upon your observations of their mini-camp and full camp work to date?

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Why? Honestly....what have the other QBs done so much better....in their careers, in this training camp, that would warrant them moving ahead of B.O.? Nothing. Almost all commentaries that I have heard have said that Kessler is essentially stinking up the joint, that Kizer is still just absolutely too raw and inexperienced....and that Hogan is no Hero.


The thing that likely, ultimately makes sense is for Osweiler to start the season....have Kessler as backup, and have Kizer play the Apprentice...having him look, listen, and learn.

Makes the most sense.


Unless you want the Browns to bring back RGIII or to bring in Kaepernick.

Because we've seen what BO can do with a good team. Kessler played good last year. Despite having a bad team. Only knock on him is that he is too conservative. And a weak arm. I wouldn't mind bringing in Kap. And have him play WR/Qb. Like when he first got some time on the field. But not as starting QB. Negative on RG3.

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no, no, no. I wouldn't have kap on my team if he played for free. He couldn't buy his way onto my team.


Why add a cancer to your team, when you've been building a great lockerroom, etc etc for two years?


We haven't seen what Bros can do with these Browns. Apparently, all the coaching done on fundamentals wasn't

being done on that other "good" team. Os has enough experience, and with coaching, he could turn out to be

terrific. So far, he really deserves the chance.

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Kessler did not step up his game. Glad to see that you earn playing time with Hue just like Belichick.


Oswieller could be the surprise of the 2017 season. One year removed from a pretty nice season in Denver. I still believe that he was in the wrong offense in Houston.

I agree and I've said this since we've acquired OZ. How are we so rich in QB talent that we would not consider that Brock could come back to be "the man" and lead us out of the cellar of the league? IMO, being a good GM is 50% luck and 50% skill in that all decisions have such a high degree of risk and then there is the risk of injury, coaching systems, etc.


It's time for the Browns to do both - make good decisions and get lucky. Maybe OZ will be a prime example. I would love him to step-up and show that he's an above average QB. It would make the Texans look absolutely foolish!

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no, no, no. I wouldn't have kap on my team if he played for free. He couldn't buy his way onto my team.


Why add a cancer to your team, when you've been building a great lockerroom, etc etc for two years?


We haven't seen what Bros can do with these Browns. Apparently, all the coaching done on fundamentals wasn't

being done on that other "good" team. Os has enough experience, and with coaching, he could turn out to be

terrific. So far, he really deserves the chance.


& now guys like Spike Lee are protesting that NFL GMs can't see Kaps greatness, and he's being deliberately shunned.

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