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The Dangerous Truth about dirty Mueller and his leftwing helpers


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The Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert S. Mueller III, as Independent Counsel, ostensibly to undertake an investigation of purported Russian influence in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election cycle, operates as a devious and insidious attempt to wrest control of DOJ from the United States President; and the U.S. President, Donald J. Trump, expressed his rightful indignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ unilateral decision to recuse himself in matters pertaining to the Department’s probe into allegations of Russian meddling and interference in the Nation’s 2016 U.S. Presidential election; for, this careless decision to recuse gave an opening to those secretive forces both inside and outside this Nation that seek to destroy the Trump Presidency. For, no sooner had Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, recused himself from all matters pertaining to the Russian probe than the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, took it upon himself—or possibly acted on instructions of others, in the Shadow Government, who gave Rosenstein the green light—to appoint outside Counsel, that Rosenstein knew or should have known would eventually attack the Nation’s President, which, of course, has now happened. But, in appointing outside Counsel to do the unpleasant, revolting and, in this instance, illegal job of taking down a sitting U.S. President, the DOJ could argue that it wasn’t by its own actions, but, rather, that it was through the actions of another, that the Nation’s President is attacked. Thus, DOJ could point to plausible cover insofar as it is outside Counsel’s that has undertaken to bring down a U.S. President, whom DOJ otherwise would have had an obligation to protect, as Rod Rosenstein would insist that it wasn’t DOJ that is bringing action against the Second Branch of Government, the Executive—which is to say, the U.S. President. Rather, Rosenstein would insist that it is outside, private—independent—counsel that is bringing action to bear against the Second Branch of Government. But, is that true? Can DOJ truly hide behind appointment of outside Counsel, here? Is that not merely a façade, plain to all to see?

The decision of the Deputy Attorney General to employ outside counsel, ostensibly to investigate allegations of Russian influence and meddling in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election cycle, operates as an attempt to disengage the DOJ from what would otherwise present itself as a blatant attack on the sanctity and inviolability of the Office of the U.S. President, itself. In that regard, the American people should be clear that what is at stake here is the very existence of our Nation as a free Republic.

Robert S. Mueller, having accelerated the audacity of his assault on the U.S. President—having had, in recent days, the incredible impertinence to empanel a grand jury—clearly intends, through use of a grand jury, to discredit and eventually destroy the Trump Presidency. Thus, months of Democratic Party collaboration with mainstream media, along with the acquiescence of and, indeed, even with the disgusting active participation of some members of the Republican Party to thrust, endlessly, monotonously, repetitively, before the consciousness of the American public, notions of Russian interference in the U.S. election—preposterous, even imbecilic as those notions are—as if the Russians could truly impact our elections and our Democratic processes (which credits the Russians with much and at once belittles our Nation’s fortitude)—brings to fruition and crystal clear clarity, the true objective of those dark influences and forces and instrumentalities behind the Shadow Government. It is no less than the singular desire to topple the Trump Presidency.

Yet, in their zeal to destroy our Country as an independent sovereign Nation and to undercut the United States Constitution—all in an unholy attempt to create their New World Order—those secretive, powerful, wealthy and ruthless interests, both inside this Nation and outside it, are scarcely able to hide the illegality of their actions. For, it is highly questionable whether a sitting U.S. President can be indicted for a crime, prior to impeachment. Yet, Robert Mueller’s empaneling of a grand jury presumes a U.S. President can be indicted for a crime while sitting in Office. If so, then the Executive Branch of Government is under a coordinated, illegal attack. But, where is “the Press,” in all of this? Where is the righteous indignation of the Press qua mainstream media? Clearly, the Press chooses not to entertain the illegality of Mueller’s actions, and some Congressmen presume that U.S. President, Donald Trump, can be indicted for a crime while still serving in Office—assuming probable cause for having committed a crime at all—a ridiculous, absurd notion at best. Empaneling a grand jury on a sitting U.S. President is a brazen, arrogant, foolhardy, clearly illegal action, illustrative, too, of slipshod legal thinking and rancor on the part of Robert Mueller. Mueller’s actions to date show absolutely no restraint. And, neither DOJ nor Congress shows any inclination to keep Mueller restrained, on a tight leash—if either wishes to keep Mueller operating in disregard to the well-being of this Nation, and its people, and its laws, at all. Rather, Congress and DOJ have allowed Mueller to operate freely, without restraint, to create disarray, disharmony, and destruction, like a rabid dog, completely, untethered and uncontrolled. The American public bears witness to the fact that Congress and elements in DOJ—most notably and notoriously, Rod Rosenstein—and outside counsel, Robert Mueller, endanger the sanctity of our Republic and of our Constitution.

Who Is At Fault Here?

Greatest fault rests upon the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. He employed a little known, and dubious Rule—28 CFR § 600.1—to appoint outside, independent counsel to undertake an open-ended, and ill-defined, and unconstrained investigation into allegations of Russian meddling and interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election—a matter that, even if true, lies altogether outside the purview of independent counsel, as such matters fall only within the purview of the FBI, a Governmental Bureau. It is the FBI that engages in counterintelligence and counterespionage operations and investigations. It is not the role of private counsel to engage in such undertakings and Rod Rosenstein had no rational or legal basis to appoint independent counsel to engage in a probe against Russia that has now metastasized—as Rod Rosenstein should have anticipated, and certainly desired, and probably knew would accrue—into an illegal investigation of the U.S. President, himself.


Some fault also rests with the Attorney General. Jeff Sessions must be faulted. The U.S. President had good cause to question Jeff Sessions’ unilateral decision to recuse himself in matters pertaining to allegations of Russian influence in our electoral process; for, having recused himself, that action allowed dark influences within our Government to use their tool, the Deputy Director, Rod Rosenstein, to grant a private attorney, Robert Mueller, carte blanche, to undermine the Nation’s Second Branch of Government, the Executive.

We could, of course, also legitimately blame the mainstream media, and Congressional Democrats, and many Congressional Republicans as well, for creating the false impression that Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller are honorable men, who uphold the rule of law and who have the best interests of our Nation at heart, when, on the basis of the evidence, on balance, nothing could be further from the truth. But, then, the mainstream media outlets are nothing more than propaganda peddling sources that serve not the American people and serve not our Nation’s interests, but serve only the goals of the immensely wealthy and powerful and secretive and ruthless and decadent forces that reside both inside and outside our Nation and that seek to destroy this Nation, relying, ironically, on the First Amendment’s Freedom of the Press protection, to undermine rather than strengthen our Nation’s institutions, our Nation’s core values, and our Nation’s sacred history and traditions, and our Nation’s inviolate Constitution. And, many members of Congress have much to answer for, too, as their poisonous intentions, in this ungodly endeavor, clearly percolate through their lofty words.

Thus, at the end of this essay, we return to the beginning and assert, once again: “Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur” (“He Who Does Justice in the Name of the Queen”). Indeed, He Who Does Justice in the Name of the Queen! Certainly, it is no one we can see in Justice who does Justice, here, in the name of the U.S. President, or in the name of our Nation and of its People, or in the name of our Nation’s laws! Perhaps, then, Justice is done, if done at all then, alone in the Name of the Queen, or in the name of some other disgusting, obsolescent, loathsome, leprous New World Order “elite.”

We continue our critical analysis of the undermining of a U.S. President in forthcoming articles.

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If he is such a horrible Independent Counsel, then why was he so overwhelmingly applauded as the pick by Republicans in both houses of Congress? And more importantly why did they make it very clear that they would not allow time THIS YEAR to approve another pick for AG if Sessions were fired to get to Mueller and they technically kept in session so Trump could not fire Sessions and just put his own hit man on Mueller without consent of Congress?


Why don't you just find out the answers to that instead of continually attacking the man who is doing his job correctly and totally legally to get to the bottom of all of this? If Trump, his family and his cohorts are totally innocent of anything then you will never see any charges filed against anyone. It is not Mueller's long established history as a fair, objective legal mind to just randomly shoot from the hip, unlike other irresponsible persons in position to abuse their power.


The warning by Trump to stay out of looking at finances of family businesses is like telling a bird dog not to sniff out the Russian quail. If they're in there we have the right dog on the scent. If they're not then the dog won't take us on any false trails. He's too damn good at what he does and that's what shakes up only the guilty.


And just so you are aware, he's onto something because you have to present extraordinary criminal evidence AND likelihood of obstruction of or destruction of further evidence to get an early morning FBI raid like that out of a federal judge. It's not like dropping by Wal-mart for a toy detective badge or something.

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Some people seem to be dumbfounded by the fact that many Republicans are jumping on the I hate Trump bandwagon. He made their shitbag party look like the bunch of turds that they are when he won the nomination over the raft of garbage they put up. This just underscores the fact that Politics as Usual is going to win no matter what whiny little fake independent people on either side of the aisle pretend to want. Your vote means nothing more than the decision at a student council meeting.


Tired of business as usual? Tough shit kids.

Mueller's job as witch hunter in chief is justifying any meaningless ticky-tack charge. And I guarantee it will be a charge that none of the Democrats would give fuck number one about if or being made against one of their own.



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Trump wants what we want, Republicans that get off their asses and DO what they SAID they would do.


But no, they are terrified of the left. The dems play dirty, and leftwing groups will go after their

homes and families, and they go a little left to stay safe....


or, they are on the take from indirect george soros money, like mccain, paul ryan, and others.


The reps HATE being called out on their do nothing cowardice. They hate us for demanding action,

and they hate our President Trump. McConnell even said he wanted the conservatives to shut up.


As far as mueller, look who he hired - all staunch democrat partisan hacks. and, Mueller is a best friend of..

Comey. That right there means he must resign, and should never have accepted the independent prosecutor role.


Legal experts say that, and it's true. He's bigoted, and it displays partisan politics from the gitgo, and they still

haven't found evidence of any wrong doing. But Mueller loves the leaks coming out that try to ruin Trump.

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Trump wants what we want, Republicans that get off their asses and DO what they SAID they would do.


But no, they are terrified of the left. The dems play dirty, and leftwing groups will go after their

homes and families, and they go a little left to stay safe....


or, they are on the take from indirect george soros money, like mccain, paul ryan, and others.


The reps HATE being called out on their do nothing cowardice. They hate us for demanding action,

and they hate our President Trump. McConnell even said he wanted the conservatives to shut up.


As far as mueller, look who he hired - all staunch democrat partisan hacks. and, Mueller is a best friend of..

Comey. That right there means he must resign, and should never have accepted the independent prosecutor role.


Legal experts say that, and it's true. He's bigoted, and it displays partisan politics from the gitgo, and they still

haven't found evidence of any wrong doing. But Mueller loves the leaks coming out that try to ruin Trump.


If the republicans cannot get their act together and start working with Trump it could be a rough mid term election next year. I could see the House flipping with an energized democrat base and low voter turnout for republicans who have felt betrayed and let down by the GOP. The republicans may keep the senate only because the match-ups are favorable next year.

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Trump wants what we want, Republicans that get off their asses and DO what they SAID they would do.


But no, they are terrified of the left. The dems play dirty, and leftwing groups will go after their

homes and families, and they go a little left to stay safe....


or, they are on the take from indirect george soros money, like mccain, paul ryan, and others.


The reps HATE being called out on their do nothing cowardice. They hate us for demanding action,

and they hate our President Trump. McConnell even said he wanted the conservatives to shut up.


As far as mueller, look who he hired - all staunch democrat partisan hacks. and, Mueller is a best friend of..

Comey. That right there means he must resign, and should never have accepted the independent prosecutor role.


Legal experts say that, and it's true. He's bigoted, and it displays partisan politics from the gitgo, and they still

haven't found evidence of any wrong doing. But Mueller loves the leaks coming out that try to ruin Trump.


You still have not answered why so many Republicans want Mueller to continue his investigation to the point of protecting him from a firing. And I don't know which "legal experts" you listen to, but I have not seen any that support the ideas you put on here about how corrupt Mueller is.


One more question. Have you ever asked yourself how you have gotten into the position of having to defend a man like Trump who has shown no real redeeming character traits? He's demonstrated nothing at all that resembles a human being I would want my grandchildren to emulate, starting with the constant lies and self centered sense that he is God's gift to us all. I wonder what the good Germans felt once they realized what it was they had supported that nearly annihilated their whole country.

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yes, I did, somewhere. several reps are terrified of the vicious, corrupt left. They don't want leftwing groups camping near their lawn,

threatening their families, they don't want strange women ruining them by claiming sex harrassment twenty years ago, etc etc etc.

They don't want to get shot like so many of the Clintons' associates over the years.


that is why they haven't had an independent prosecutor over higgardlys destruction of 30,000 records,

etc etc etc etc.


and susan white was it? and lynch? and holder? and the IRS scandals? the Lynch/Comey/Bill Clinton scandal?

Benghazi? Wasserman Shultz? Anthony Weiner? the obamao mandated political leaks environment?

Fast and Furious?


Trump wasn't my first choice, but seeing that the left is trying to destroy OUR chance at FIXING America.....


I'm voting for Trump the next time, and support him even more. The corrupt SC Justices that obamao put on the court...

want to abolish our 2nd Amendment. Trump picked a guy who will SAVE us from liberal garbage.


Nobody is perfect, but Trump is exactly the strong personality to buck all the attacks and lies and fake news and still

do his job. Trump has a few faults, but your obamao was a traitor, a marxist liar, and an arrogant, racist sombeitch.

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