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Leftwing character assassination of our Pres Trump


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Constant false allegations, constant dishonest attacks, constant lies, constant calls for

his demise, including assassination, impeachment for nothing, etc etc.

Just one example:




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Even though I was disappointed with Obama as president I never even thought he could be drummed out of office just because of not liking him or his policies. He was duly elected by the people of this country and the left has never been able to accept Trump was duly elected by the people and have been looking for ways to get him out of office from day 1. First the collusion with the Russians charge with no evidence and now that hasn't gone anywhere they are challenging his fitness to be in office. If they were successful to get Trump out of office it would be a sad day for democracy. My advice to those on the left is to do what us conservatives did with a president we didn't like and suck it up and deal with it for the next 4 years and then you will get another bite at the apple to legitimately replace him.

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