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The Grand Old Party is about to commit suicide.


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Good read:

The Grand Old Party is about to commit suicide.  

All this talk about Trump this, and Trump that, masks a far bigger political controversy. The Republican Party leadership in Washington, D.C., has fundamentally betrayed its constituents and they are about to learn that they’ve been double-crossed — for years.

Every Republican candidate’s stock speech sounds the same, the thunderous roar about a government out of control, federal spending out of control (insert charts and graphs and why, if you stack hundred dollar bills, they will reach the edge of the universe), federal taxes out of control (insert comparisons to socialist countries), the federal bureaucracy out of control (insert metaphors about chains, yokes, and the like), the family shattered with federal funding of abortion a crime against humanity (watch for it — there! The heart-wrenching sob), and our military is emasculated.

Two more items were added to the menu, courtesy of Obama.

 Obamacare Will Be Repealed! and Illegal Immigration Will Not Stand!  

In 2009, the Democrats controlled everything, partly due to the Republicans’ cowardice on Capitol Hill, and in part because of some of the most inept candidates and campaigns America has seen in years. The Obama folks could have played it safe but went for socialist gold, using the power of the legislative and the executive branches (and later the judiciary, thank you Justice Roberts) to advance their agenda.  

That included federal spending on a level unmatched in human history resulting ultimately in a $19 trillion in debt we simply cannot pay, and with so many tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that “infinity” is not far behind. One seventh of the economy was confiscated by the federal government with the passage of Obamacare. Our national borders were declared open and discussions over our national sovereignty closed. And to top it off, the Democrats all but declared themselves above the law.


The GOP harrumphed that this would not stand, by God! If only… if only America would vote them into the majority.

In 2009, the Tea Party was born. The Grand Old Party was rejuvenated. Happy days were here again.

Just one year later, the Republicans captured the House, and with that, the power of the purse. They now had the authority to stop the insane spending on so many obnoxious and wholly unnecessary ventures. They could end Obamacare simply by not funding it.

Instead, under the “leadership” of John Boehner, it did absolutely nothing. Why, if only we had the Senate! Then we could take on the President!

So in 2014, after spending hundreds of millions of campaign dollars running hundreds of thousands of television and radio ads pledging to end illegal immigration while repealing Obamacare “root and branch” (author: Mitch McConnell), they were given control of the Senate.


And within a month McConnell re-authorized both, along with every single other thing Harry Reid and Obama wanted for yet another year.

But that’s because we can’t do what we promised until we have the Presidency! The excuse was as predictable as summer heat in the Sahara.

In 2016, they were given that too.

They were given everything.

In January of this year, they formally controlled both houses of Congress and the executive branch. Every single thing they’d ever promised was now possible.


They now had the power to enact every single spending cut they’d ever solemnly pledged. All those wasteful programs designed to fill the liberal sandbox — PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood, NEH and the rest of the alphabet soup; all the hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate welfare to multi-billion-dollar corporations; all of the hundreds of billions of dollars directed toward leftist social engineering — poof! All of it could come to an end with a stroke of a pen.

They now had the power to restore fiscal tax sanity too. Remember the flat tax? The fair tax? Slashing the highest corporate taxes in the world? Giving you a tax break? All of it could be done with a snap of the fingers.

Repeal Obamacare? Check. End illegal immigration? Check. Build the wall? Check.  

Crush the Deep State? Done, by God, done!

There was not a damn thing the Democrats could do to stop them from draining the swamp.


Except the Republican leadership didn’t mean it. With the exception of the Freedom Caucus in the House, and literally a handful in the Senate, the rank-and-file didn’t either. Not one word of it.

The opportunity arose for the vote to repeal Obamacare, and after huffing and puffing, and huffing and puffing some more, the dust settled and socialized health care remains the law of the land, perhaps permanently.

The opportunity arose for tax reform, to enact the cuts America desperately needs. It was never a matter of if, it was a matter of how much. It is now mid-August and nothing, absolutely nothing has been accomplished — even attempted!

And now we face the final test: the debt ceiling. Will we or won’t we stop the spending madness? Will the Republicans enact the cuts they’ve promised, or will they now be the ones to kick the can, piling evermore trillions of dollars of debt on their own grandchildren?

By every indication that’s precisely what they plan to do. The signal has come from President Trump, from Speaker Ryan, and from Majority Leader McConnell. The debt ceiling will be raised and no fiscal sanity will be restored.

There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Put them together. They are the swamp.

Just as Republicans have the power to enact the agenda they’ve pledged in toto, so too do they now own the federal government, in toto. It’s no longer Obamacare. It’s GOPcare. It’s no longer crazy liberal Democratic spending. It’s crazy liberal Republican spending. It’s no longer socialist Democratic Party taxation, it’s socialist Republican Party taxation. All the legislation authorizing all these programs, all the graft, all the waste, all the obscenity, all the immorality, and where Planned Parenthood is concerned, all the killing — all of it is now formally authored by the Republican Party.

Come the Congressional elections next year, and the presidential election in 2020, the Grand Old Party will once again bellow its hallowed promises. But this time it won’t work. This time there will be no straw men to blame. This time their voters will know those hallowed promises are not even hollow promises. They are lies.

These voters are tasting betrayal. They will not vote to swallow more vomit.

We are watching the GOP systematically committing suicide.


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It doesn't matter who is saying this the republicans are going to have a very hard time in 2018 explaining to their constituents why they never followed through with their campaign promises. They don't have Obama to scapegoat any longer. Voters have given republicans control of all 3 branches of government but you would never know it with their actions or lack of actions. 

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2 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Your hatred for anything Breitbart clouds your judgement here Tex. This article was written by Brent Bozell.

Well in that case.;)


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1 minute ago, TexasAg1969 said:

That is why I noted the article was written by Brent Bozell who hasn't been a big fan of Donald Trump. The fact is the republicans are going to have to answer for their dishonesty to their constituents. Trump calls them out for it which I credit him for doing it but they hate him for it. If things don't change I think the dems will take the House back and even possibly the Senate in 2018. 

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Sure. Split the Tea Party Real Americans and the "RINOs". Maybe the old Republican Party can become the moderate party the majority of Americans actually want. 

Or we can have the democrat party and the democrat lite party? When the lesser of the two evils isn't worth it then you will see the rise of a third or even fourth party and that is not a bad thing. 

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 I see it as the timid, cowardly reps are afraid of the left/dems. Anybody who really stands in their way -

will be ridiculed, lied about, "investigated", their antifa/soros protesters will protest at their house,

they will find some liberal woman, somewhere, who will say bad things about them that happened "twenty years ago"...

their rabid hit goons like maxine waterforbrains will make glaring wild and weird accusations....

it's easier just to do nothing to stay out of their "line of fire". Like cowardly kasich of ohio. he's thinking of running for

pres...with a democrat as his vp. what a loser.

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10 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

No it isn't, we need more parties. I'll make a prediction if it happens....the parties that gain power will be the ones just left and just right of center. The rest will fall into the wastebin of American history where they belong. 

On the left if you were a Bernie Sanders supporter I don't know how you can support the democrat party that worked to sabotage his campaign at every turn.

For me I have had it with the liars in the republican party who campaign on issues like border security, getting rid of Planned Parenthood, tax reform, repealing Obamacare and the list goes on. Then they go to DC and do nothing on these issues. At this point I don't see why I should bother to go out and vote for many of them. 


Eventually I think we might have 3 or 4 viable alternative parties but right now the money in politics has kept that from happening.

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I am still waiting for the American Eagle party. Pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-military,

and not liars and scum do-nothing reps and not liberal scum.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

I am still waiting for the American Eagle party. Pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-military,

and not liars and scum do-nothing reps and not liberal scum.

Without a lot of free shit they would be dead in the water anyway. The Republicans really are, of course, committing suicide. Too many of them are taking the Lindsey Graham John McCain approach and acting as opposition to the president and canceling out whatever of his policies might have a chance. They think that because  while they speak against Trump  they are The Darlings  of the mainstream media  that will carry over  somehow.  It wont.  In the end Democrats will vote for their own , not  the interloper . That makes the party look foolish and lessens the enthusiasm for people to vote Republican again. Then again if they can't deliver what they promised who cares if they ever get voted in?

The conservative caucus will cost them their chance at getting anything done and those of you who stand with them will have no one to blame but yourselves.


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The conservative caucus will cost them their chance at getting anything done and those of you who stand with them will have no one to blame but yourselves. Steve


    Not sure I buy that. The conservative caucus isn't me - isn't the problem the purist pouty naysayers? I couldn't attribute that

to the conservatives - Pence is conservative... Thume is conservative - they aren't raising crapola at every attempt to accomplish

anything. Paul Ryan and McConnell need to get the hell out. They may as well become democrats, the cowardly lie-ins.

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And if they refuse to do their bit for the agenda the only option is to vote out the bad apples and replace them which considering the power of incumbency will be almost impossible.

And I don't even see it as letting the good be the enemy of the perfect. It's the false sense of Love they get from the opposition when they oppose the president. Opposition accepts and rewards traitors but they never really trust them when push comes to shove.


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12 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I don't really give a shit about politics anymore.  No matter who you vote for, you're getting screwed.  Just less by one then the other.  I'll let the Woodpeckers of the world decide their own doomed fate, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

So ur saying you'll leave it to young smart people who think shit through before they impulsively act/speak? Deal!!! No backsies either... kthnxbye

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7 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I don't really give a shit about politics anymore.  No matter who you vote for, you're getting screwed.  Just less by one then the other.  I'll let the Woodpeckers of the world decide their own doomed fate, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Alright. We'll try to turn it around from here

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