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Skinbracer... Wakes you up like a cold slap in the face. Football Outsiders' Week 1 DVOAs are Out...


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16 TB 0.0% -7.4% 24 0-0 0.0% 18 0.0% 13 0.0% 16
18 LACH -1.0% -2.0% 18 0-1 9.7% 16 -9.7% 11 -20.4% 31
19 DEN -4.6% -6.4% 22 1-0 -3.5% 21 3.3% 15 2.2% 12
20 CHI -9.6% -6.6% 23 0-1 16.2% 10 27.1% 27 1.3% 13
21 WAS -23.3% -1.8% 17 0-1 -17.4% 24 4.7% 16 -1.2% 21
22 NO -25.1% -10.5% 27 0-1 15.0% 11 46.3% 31 6.1% 5
23 SEA -29.9% 11.9% 6 0-1 -25.5% 26 13.8% 21 9.4% 2
24 NE -45.7% 19.3% 2 0-1 13.9% 12 63.9% 32 4.4% 7
25 NYG -49.4% 0.9% 14 0-1 -20.1% 25 28.5% 28 -0.8% 18
26 HOU -52.9% -14.2% 28 0-1 -40.1% 28 15.1% 22 2.3% 11
27 CLE -55.0% -21.9% 31 0-1 -13.8% 23 18.5% 23 -22.8% 32





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The Browns lost. That the analytics agree with me ( Greg WIlliams blows) is icing on your bitter "Ghoolie is always right" cake. Eat, enjoy,  much more to come.

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32 minutes ago, Ghoolie said:

The Browns lost. That the analytics agree with me ( Greg WIlliams blows) is icing on your bitter "Ghoolie is always right" cake. Eat, enjoy,  much more to come.

If you'd take a deeper look at those stats- what killed the Browns was the blocked punt for a touchdown. The analytics say we gifted the Steelers 7 points- (dead last special teams) which was the difference in the game. 

Kizer has said he needs to get rid of the ball quicker. Remains to be seen if he can. For a rookie in his first game, he wasn't that bad. And regarding our dime a dozen o-line, how many times have I said- the chain is only as strong as it's weakest link? Tretter (the center) had a bad game. I haven't had the time to completely go through Tour's all-22 film, but the little I did watch- it's pretty easy to see why Joe Thomas is going to be in the HOF someday. He's so good, opposing teams don't even bother to attack him on a regular basis. 

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Fortunately for Phoolie he was born able to play the accordion and mentally masturbate in public...

Others, like our Browns, have to develop their skills.

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Ghoolie, did you not see our D on Sunday? We looked better than ever since we came back. We were making tackles, the only person we could not cover was AB, and the Ravens do not have anybody like AB so that brings much hope to REAL FANS. We Believe in this team, (Most of us do) The only one throwing a bitch fit about everything is you. We played a good game Sunday plain and simple. The scoreboard shows it. You said we were going to get stomped...........

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

If you'd take a deeper look at those stats- what killed the Browns was the blocked punt for a touchdown. The analytics say we gifted the Steelers 7 points- (dead last special teams) which was the difference in the game. 

Kizer has said he needs to get rid of the ball quicker. Remains to be seen if he can. For a rookie in his first game, he wasn't that bad. And regarding our dime a dozen o-line, how many times have I said- the chain is only as strong as it's weakest link? Tretter (the center) had a bad game. I haven't had the time to completely go through Tour's all-22 film, but the little I did watch- it's pretty easy to see why Joe Thomas is going to be in the HOF someday. He's so good, opposing teams don't even bother to attack him on a regular basis. 

And you think, in your mind, that if they didn't block the punt...... there as no possibility that the Steelers would have scored anyway? You think that you can just pull all the bad shit out of the game, and keep everything that is good? The Steelers fucked the Browns up, again. That's what happened, they made plays, we made excuses.

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3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Fortunately for Phoolie he was born able to play the accordion and mentally masturbate in public...

Others, like our Browns, have to develop their skills.

I play 30 instruments. I wasn't "born" able to play. I studied, worked and excelled. I excelled at everything I took on. Develop skills? LMAO. These guys have been playing football 3/4 of their lives. There is nothing to develop. They are, as you see them.

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We had a blocked punt for a TD early in the game.

Take away the blocked punt and what?  We win?  No.   Err...maybe.  

The thing is the score would be different at that point in time.  But Pittsburgh would probably play differently with a  different score.  WE would probably play differently.  Especially when it's something that happens quite early in the game.  There's the WHOLE rest of the game to rectify what went wrong.

Now, if it's something that happens towards the END of the game (like the infamous signature of a poster Karlis Missed), then yeah, you could make an argument.

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1 hour ago, Ghoolie said:

And you think, in your mind, that if they didn't block the punt...... there as no possibility that the Steelers would have scored anyway? You think that you can just pull all the bad shit out of the game, and keep everything that is good? The Steelers fucked the Browns up, again. That's what happened, they made plays, we made excuses.

Oh, you mean they won- again? No improvement you say- hey Doofus, I'd suggest you take a look at week 17 stats from last year. FYI the Steelers rested all their starters that game- the Browns didn't. 

Yes, you can argue till doomsday if this didn't happen- then that wouldn't have either. It is what it is- we lost. FYI- that was a hell of a lot more entertaining game than getting blown out 50-0 like some of the pundits expected from the Browns. 

Browns actually resemble a football team- against the Steelers #1s, not Landry Jones and the scrubs. 

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The point of the thread was to show the dismissers of all the subjective "power rankings" a similar ranking from an honest-to-goodness, process based team evaluation system.

Doesn't mean we aren't on our way...

Doesn't mean we did not look better on D than we have since before Pet turned over its reins to his protegee...

... but it does mean we ain't all that... yet.


And, yes, Steeler penalties helped us a great deal. How many times over the past few (to 18) years have posts been made here decrying how we have given away games due to "stupid penalties"? Other teams can be stupid, too. And if we aren't stupid, then we can be the beneficiaries... as we were this past Sunday.



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11 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

And, yes, Steeler penalties helped us a great deal. How many times over the past few (to 18) years have posts been made here decrying how we have given away games due to "stupid penalties"? 

The only thing I would say about the Steeler penalties is this:  

  • If they didn't constantly hold, our D would've gotten to Ben.
  • They had over 143 yards in penalties, even if half of those resulted in sacks; consider the game results.
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18 hours ago, hoorta said:

And regarding our dime a dozen o-line, how many times have I said- the chain is only as strong as it's weakest link? Tretter (the center) had a bad game. 

Just remember that this is the first time oline has played together.  They need time to gel.  Can't say how long it will take, but they will come together and Crowell will be running the ball efficiently by then.

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41 minutes ago, dawg2fan said:

The only thing I would say about the Steeler penalties is this:  

  • If they didn't constantly hold, our D would've gotten to Ben.
  • They had over 143 yards in penalties, even if half of those resulted in sacks; consider the game results.
  1. We held, too. Here's lil secret... all OLs hold, whether the holds are called is all a matter of degree.
  2. Most of their penalties were on their D for helmet to helmet and PI... not following your "resulted in sacks" clause...
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