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White Men Privilege

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The only privilege I see is treatment when dealing with police. My wife is well spoken and dresses like anyone else. How police have treated me in passing interactions as opposed to her is very different. All anecdotal mind you, we both got speeding tickets but we were made to leave the car when she was the one behind the wheel. 

We had to call the police on two occasions for idiot hood rat kids fighting in the street by our house. I got zero hassle. Stood on the porch and spoke to the police when they arrived. My wife called, waited on the porch for police to arrive, and the questioning was wayy different. It was accusatory as if Jas might know them. The police eased up as soon as I walked to the front door to speak with them. 

I know it is a small sample size but that is about the only thing I can think of as far as “privilege”. I live in WV. White, black, most people here live in poverty.

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4 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Oh and the fact that I bought her for 3 silver and a goat.I kid.

That terrible. But really lol funny.

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You know logic that's probably true. And it's too bad. For myself I always try to go out of my way to be polite and respectful to black people especially children just so we can start to let some of that old tension fade away. Also I bet rank-and-file black people are, or should be upset with the hoodrats and ghetto politicians giving the majority of them a bad name.


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12 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Well it isn't JayZ, but here's one reason we can talk about.




Just an amazing vocalist.

His range was incredible.


Although Mercury's speaking voice naturally fell in the baritone range, he delivered most songs in the tenor range.[31] His known vocal range extended from bass low F (F2) to soprano high F (F6).[32] He could belt up to tenor high F (F5).[32] Biographer David Bret described his voice as "escalating within a few bars from a deep, throaty rock-growl to tender, vibrant tenor, then on to a high-pitched, perfect coloratura, pure and crystalline in the upper reaches."[33] Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé, with whom Mercury recorded an album, expressed her opinion that "the difference between Freddie and almost all the other rock stars was that he was selling the voice

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