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more progressive neo-nazis in the fake democratic party front


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get this, this corrupt sombietch says that our Constitution is worthless, and they

can change it any time they want every couple years. Oh, but deny THEM any of THEIR FREEDOMS, and they will go to court and raise hell.

freaking just like the nazi brownshirts. they worship progressive tyranny. Their way, all the time, or we hit the highway to prison or move out or get killed, etc. These "neo-nazis" get to decide what they are allowed to do, and they get to decide what everybody else is NOT allowed to do.

How convenient.

Except we have our guns, you traitor, and we will never give them up. Go register yourself.

No history - just science and arrogance. Sounds like a bird...now who would that be.....


One thing gun control advocates such as Vox would never mention is that every single time that guns are banned — either all guns or all handguns — homicide/murder rates rise. This is a remarkable fact.


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