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Dirty Comey, Dirty Rosenstein, Dirty Mueller, Dirty Brannon, Dirty Clapper, Dirty Hillary may get hammered for their dirty attempt to get Trump


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A federal judge is not impressed at all with the bs.

Dirty Mueller is sanctioned by the deep state to ruin Trump, and anybody close to him by any means possible.

But the truth is closer to setting America free again:


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another Judge is NOT impressed with dirty corrupt mueller and his hateful band of idiots - they have pushed it

so far over hateful politics of losing their stability - of their deep state mafia-type group - they don't care if there's any evidence,

they will go after political opponenets anyway, trying to find some, and ruin their careers and terrify their families by gunpoint in their homes, then wait til late, to ask for a delay, because they don't have zilch, and don't want it let known.

and for them to deny the previous judge an unredacted copy of their phoney bitchy memo that justified it?

very, very bad. These egomaniacs are playing hardball with judges, the entire Trump admin, all Trump supporters in Congress, and all Trump supporting Americans - what happened to cohen could happen to you or me. Rudy aptly referred to it as "storm-troooper tactics".

    I've already referred to them as out of control neo-nazi types. So there ya go.

We are now in very, very deep, serious trouble in out government - because they lost the election, and if they don't fight - they may lost everything.

Check THIS out:

https://books.google.com/books?id=k_3EeVj2_IUC&pg=PA46&lpg=PA46&dq=giuliani+stormtrooper&source=bl&ots=WxHWD4Dv3E&sig=-dYYfdGhSYj3awyqLReK_sfCkH0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxwO7PkvHaAhXs6YMKHU2EDnc4MhDoAQhBMAU#v=onepage&q=giuliani stormtrooper&f=false

Giuliani was called a fascist and a stormtrooper. But that was fine with the left. Let HIM say it, and they feign

offense. Most all of intelligent America knows it isn't all FBI agents, but that warped, dangerous top twenty? of the entire bureau

...all leftist/deep statists hacks put in place by the clintons and obaMaos.

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