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some hardcore republican phagotry on display...

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Larkins Hall, the building that housed athletic teams, became such a well-known target that people who frequented it at the time have reminisced in anonymous postings online how easy it was to ogle naked members of the wrestling team.

The situation was so egregious that former wrestling head coach Russ Hellickson would at times have to physically drag the gawkers out of the building, several sources familiar with his actions at the time said. Hellickson also pleaded with the university multiple times to move their athletes to a private facility, the sources said. Jordan served as Hellickson’s No. 2, and the coach has been described as Jordan’s mentor.

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First off, gross!!

Second, there are a few issues with this allegation.  You could laugh and joke if it happened a few times, but not everyday.  That seems like a stretch.  Bet there is a little overselling going on, but more than a couple times is enough.  It should have been solved immediately.  Just hard to think people knowingly let people rub one out while staring at them.  Sick.

Third, there just isn't enough evidence to suggest Jordan knew about it and did nothing, yet.  Certainly it deserves some further investigation though.  Don't need a Jerry Sandusky speaking on the house floor, that's for sure.


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29 minutes ago, htownbrown said:

You recusal seems suspicious under these circumstances.  Lol.  

Anything I say will be taken poorly. OSU, my perceived anti Republicanism. No thanks


But it looks like not saying anything has issues too. Geez

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