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Duke Johnson and snap counts


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Lotta garbage yards in Duke's stats... just as was the case with Crow the past two years.


That said... I do think he has talent to be a 3rd down RB with full-time duty in a series here and there. And I still believe he has WR potential. I hope these roles emerge thru the season.

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He’s a genuine mismatch if used as receiver but they again don’t seem to want to do it. Njoku is having issues but he’s not being used very well either. 

The offense is just too predictable. 

Chubb needs to be out there too, Hyde has no burst 

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I thought l saw more attempts to get Duke involved in the game this week than last. I wondered aloud in TC and preseason games where Duke fit in with the additions of Landry, Chubb, Calloway, and step forward years for Higgins and Njoku. 

I also think teams have a plan for Duke when he’s on the field. It’s not like he’s a secret, and when he swings out of the backfield without the ball there’s usually a defender waiting to chuck him.

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Joe Schobert 66 of 66

Jamie Collins 66

James Burgess 40

Genard Avery 21


Myles Garrett 65

Larry Ogunjobi 58

Coley 50

C. Smith 38

C. Davis 10

Thomas 10

Zettel 9


Randall 59

Kindred 41

Peppers 36

Boddy-Calhoun 5


Ward 64

Mitchell 53

Carrie 35

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Mitchell looks a good pick up so far. Ward is the only one in our first four picks seeing proper game time. 

Dont think a 1-31 team should be drafting back ups in the first two rounds. Early days I know but still 

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Hard to argue with two forced fumbles... and 5 solo tackles.

4 of our 5 most active tacklers were DBs... that is not a good thing. Only Ogun broke up the top 5.

Zettel had nine snaps and did not make the boxscore.


As for the backups... I hear you, but...

  • Baker is perfectly understandable and Chubb has to be looked at for his insurance value as well as a "backup".
  • Hyde has some injury history. In his two years as a starter for SF he missed 12 of 32 games.

And Corbett? Well he's clearly disappointed us some as a fill-in to make Bito's shift to LT viable.

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Yeah i hear you there are some reasons but even Chad Thomas our 3rd round pick is doing nothing, isn’t playing. 

Chubb’s only played seven snaps in two games Corbett wasn’t even dressed week one. These are picks 33 and 35 it’s a bit worrying. 

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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

What happened to the suggestion he be converted to a slot receiver? Doesn't the FO visit here for advice? We'd be at least 3-31 had they done so.🤓

Well, with Josh gone, that might be revisited.  I will say using him as a 4th and 1 power back doesn't make much sense, but whatever.  That isn't Hue Jackson, that's Haley.  Additionally, a radio host said Tyrod audibled to that Duke running play, so who knows.  Duke also appeared to trip over his feet, and then lost all ability to maneuver.  I really thought Duke MAYBE could've made it to the sideline and stretched out for a yard.  He's not a "burner" per say, but the Saints defender (who was waiting for him) was pretty flat-footed on the edge, and I believe Duke had a better chance to make a break for the sideline.  Of course, it's hard to do that when he stumbles.  

Tyrod is having trouble getting Duke the ball because Tyrod completely stinks at throwing against man coverage.  Tyrod wants to SEE the receiver open before he throws it, and that doesn't happen much in the NFL.  It's the reason why he prefers to throw against zone.  I believe some of his better throws late in the game came against zone, but I'm not totally sure.  Duke Johnson had a LOT of his nice receptions last year after he beat the linebacker in man coverage, and either caught the slant or the out route.  Tyrod doesn't throw those routes.  How many slants have you seen us throw this year?  I can think of a couple, but I can't think of many that WORKED.  

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I can think of several passes TT has thrown into tight man coverage including the backshoulder TD to the now departed Mr. Gordon. Plus the bomb to Callaway was thrown before he outran the DB to be open... by a whole step. So I don't think he has to see the man open, but he does need to see some separation and in the replays/all-22's I've seen there hasn't been a ton of that happening.

As for when Duke got stuffed... that it was an "audible" was a plain as day. Some is on Haley for having that alternative in the playbook for that personnel grouping, but TT has to know who he is on the field with as well. And it is unlikely that there was only one alternative to whatever the primary call was.

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38 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

I can think of several passes TT has thrown into tight man coverage including the backshoulder TD to the now departed Mr. Gordon. Plus the bomb to Callaway was thrown before he outran the DB to be open... by a whole step. So I don't think he has to see the man open, but he does need to see some separation and in the replays/all-22's I've seen there hasn't been a ton of that happening.

As for when Duke got stuffed... that it was an "audible" was a plain as day. Some is on Haley for having that alternative in the playbook for that personnel grouping, but TT has to know who he is on the field with as well. And it is unlikely that there was only one alternative to whatever the primary call was.

I saw the all 22 as well, and while there wasn't a TON of separation and easy throws missed, there were several.  In fairness, EVERY QB will have his share of these plays.  HOWEVER, one such play was a semi deep route to the sideline that had NO CHANCE.  The receiver he threw it to was around the Saints 10 yard line.  The receiver he SHOULD'VE thrown it to....was in the end zone.  It was absolutely far from an "easy throw", but it was the right throw that could've resulted in a TOUCHDOWN.  Which brings me to my NEXT point....

How many throws did Tyrod attempt to the end zone?  Other than the obvious bomb that Callaway caught, which was one of the most unbelievable moments I have witnessed.  So other than THAT unbelievable throw, how many end zone attempts did Tyrod make?  I can think of ONE.  I believe it was Duke who was interferred with in the end zone, which resulted in a Hyde touchdown, but that's it folks.  I can't think of ANY OTHER throws Tyrod made to the paydirt.  So let's summarize.  Both throws Tyrod made into the end zone resulted in touchdowns.  Every other time we were in the Saints' territory, we took no shots.  THAT WON'T WORK.  

Wait a second, I might be missing one.  I think after the interference penalty we went for a stupid play-action pass on 1st down, that would not have even fooled a turnip on a ventilator.  Wait...now I remember!!  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  It WASN'T a pass, and you know why??  We didn't even have a receiver to throw it to!  BWAAAAAA!  Tyrod hiked the ball, made the play fake, and looked for someone who wasn't even there!  Classic!!  So I was right to begin with, we didn't take any other shots at the end zone.  Priceless.  Oh, and for comparison's sake, the Saints did exactly the same play and had a guy WIDE FREAKING OPEN but Brees did the unthinkable and somehow missed him.  I have no idea how.  Anyway, the point is they actually had someone to throw the ball to, and lord only knows what happened to our guy.  I'm assuming he got knocked on his butt on the line of scrimmage, or just fell down.  Something hysterical  

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