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Gun banning and change to socialist--> communist gov you betcha


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yet, Trump is DOING great things for our country. The rabid higgardlybeast did BAD things for our country and she wasn't even president.

I don't get to pick who gets the nominee by myself. I pick the best person to be president. You can NOT say higgardlybeast would do a good job. She was all in on Uranium One, Benghazi, emails scandal... ridiculing women who were used/abused/assaulted by. We elected PRes Trump BECAUSE you twits elected a corrupt moral failure to the presidency twice.

IOW's, as I have said for years - The American Political Pendulum swings one way, then the other.

THINK about it.

JFK - a REAL American President.

LBJ - a scumsucking corrupt social welfare failure. SWING to the LEFT

Nixon - partly good, really bad over Watergate. SWING TO THE RIGHT

Ford - Good man, whatever.

Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter - bad swing to the LEFT - Economic you name it DISASTER.

Ronald Reagan - a REAL AMERICAN president - a Great Swing to the REAL AMERICAN RIGHT

Goofy George H. W. Bush- A swing to the MIDDLE. whatever.

Dirty Corrupt Bill Raper Clinton - a very sick, bad SWING TO THE CORRUPT DEEP STATE LEFT

George W. Bush - A major SWING TO THE RIGHT, (but he still played the games with the left - like NCLB with Ted Kennedy)

dirty corrupt marxist sleazeball Fidel Castro wannable Buttock ObaMao - a MAJOR DISASTROUS SWING TO THE HARD CORE LEFT

which bring us to the required MAJOR SWING BACK to the REAL AMERICAN RIGHT.

My concern is when we swing back to the extreme hard core left. Maybe we never do -

my favorite republican to run last election was John Thune of S. Dakota. He didn't run.

Right now, what used to be the democratic party is now owned and run by "sandanistas" from Nicaragua it seems.

secret/not so secret marxists/leninists and communists.




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11 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

He's a freaking congressman.  Not the President.  And using nukes against your own citizens, in your own country?  Common now.  He was obviously kidding.


Exactly the point - he's a freaking Congressman.

He's a representative of The People, he should not be looking or talking about using extreme force (of any type) against The People.


The fact he even says this exemplifies what these people think of us - the Deplorables, the Sheep.

Do I think he really meant this ?

I should certainly hope not   .   .   .   the guy does not have the best history.


This is why the Founding Fathers put the 2A in (immediately after the 1A which is also being subverted).


The point has not been missed by others either :




There is even talk the guy is in hot water with Congress over this.


People have become too complacent, too easily dismiss Tyranny.




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10 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Congressmen don't have the power to do that, only the President, maybe.  As long as our great leader, President Trump is in power, we have nothing to worry about.  MAGA.

This guy is being talked about as being a presidential contender in 2020.. If he does ever become president his mindset scares me more than Trump scares someone like Tex...Not only the gun confiscation he is talking about but strong arm use of the government to force compliance..

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