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Kamala Harris calls for decriminalizing sex work, insists Trump is racist


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27 minutes ago, Chemist said:

legalization without regulation isn't something that's on the table. I might entertain the idea that legalization without regulation, while it may not increase trafficking hardly if at all...it wouldn't necessarily decrease it. There's too many variables involved to make an assertion either way. I do fail to see how human trafficking would increase if sex workers had to be liscensed, and the govt went heavy after unliscensed establishments where you know the trafficked girls and boys would be. 

I wanna be clear im not in favor of legalizing full on prostitution, but getting a hand job after a massage shouldn't be a big deal. Shit, pretty soon it'll be robots anyway that massage us and then the super suction proboscis descends from the ceiling and gives a bj we ain't never known was possible. What are people going to say then? These poor AI forced to rub and suck the day's away? 

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8 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

Innacurate, they're seeing grey areas where there isnt any. I know you'll be able to but Lets see if the dotards like wss can wrap their heads around this. If ur in a whorehouse or a massage parlor etc,etc..and u ask fir a sexual service...not #metoo. If ur working in a corporate office, or just passing some rando on the street etc,etc..and ask for a sexual service... u just got a #metoo flagrant 2 violation with immediate ejection...

Im completely unsurprised at the posters here who were like hey wait if we decriminalize handjob parlors how the hell am i going to navigate my way through my daily life without asking every woman to toss my salad? Completely not surprised.

 the fact that you are a piece of shit is pretty well-known and here's why you've earned the added tag of hypocritical piece of shit. If as you claim the sex act should be no different than any other profession then why in the world would a man be fired for telling a woman she looks nice? Or Beyond that, if it's completely legal and acceptable to suck somebody's dick for $0.15 then why should a guy asking for a hum job on somebody's lunch hour be any different than asking a woman to pick him up a package of cigarettes or a newspaper on her way back from lunch? If there is no moral impetus on that blow job then what's the difference? I don't think you actually believe that the most base manner of self-abasement for money is as good and without shame as anything else, but I think you say shit like that just to be an asshole.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 the fact that you are a piece of shit is pretty well-known and here's why you've earned the added tag of hypocritical piece of shit. If as you claim the sex act should be no different than any other profession then why in the world would a man be fired for telling a woman she looks nice? Or Beyond that, if it's completely legal and acceptable to suck somebody's dick for $0.15 then why should a guy asking for a hum job on somebody's lunch hour be any different than asking a woman to pick him up a package of cigarettes or a newspaper on her way back from lunch? If there is no moral impetus on that blow job then what's the difference? I don't think you actually believe that the most base manner of self-abasement for money is as good and without shame as anything else, but I think you say shit like that just to be an asshole.


Before i respond to this ramble, i want to be clear on something...are u asking here why it would be wrong to ask a woman at work or any rando for that matter, for a bj if pristitution were legal.....??.

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3 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

Before i respond to this ramble, i want to be clear on something...are u asking here why it would be wrong to ask a woman at work or any rando for that matter, for a bj if pristitution were legal.....??.

Prostitution carries shame. If it should not and if it does not then asking for the BJ should be no more offencive that asking someone to bring you back a sandwich. If in fact it's a shameful act it's a different story. And take a quick look at the guidelines for sexual harassment. They actually include complimenting a woman on her looks. If you honestly believe women should be completely equal I will show my shoulders and say maybe. But that does not work any kind of libertine free sex ideas you may pretend to espouse.


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12 hours ago, Chemist said:

countries that have legalized the sex trade have seen sharp increases in human trafficking. That’s the only argument needed to justify the abolition of prostitution.

It’s probably because there are not enough women who are willing to work in such a profession to meet the demand. Legalizing it will only increase the demand to the point where slaves will be neeed to meet demand. 

How dare you bring up facts.

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Legally speaking, sexual harassment is anything to do regarding sex (sexual activities) or a sex (male/female). Not only can words come across as sexual or suggestive, but body language and signals can be easily misinterpreted. This is why it is essential to be mindful of your physical body, as well as your expressions. In fact, over half of physical attraction is exhibited by body language.

If your eyes linger, your body comes in too close, or your hands touch your employee, these are things that can be interpreted as sexual or suggestive. As a rule, be sure you are complimenting someone for the way they make your team or company work, rather than how they look.

Not all examples of harassment are so straightforward.  There is no doubt there are gray areas.  The most important thing to remember is to speak respectfully to all coworkers, regardless of their gender.  Whatever is spoken should be appropriate to say to either a man or women.  If you don't have a policy in your business its time to address it. 


It's time to treat people as we all want to be treated which is with dignity and respect. I applaud the action taken by some of the large media companies in taking action quickly to fire those responsible for harassment. Just remember the golden rule. If you have any doubt that what you might say may be considered inappropriate, it probably is, and you shouldn't say it. 


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10 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

Before i respond to this ramble, i want to be clear on something...are u asking here why it would be wrong to ask a woman at work or any rando for that matter, for a bj if pristitution were legal.....??.

Yeah... I'm kind if amazed some on here need an explanation. 


It's legal to be a stripper but it's still sexual harassment to ask a co-worker for a lap dance

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Yeah... I'm kind if amazed some on here need an explanation. 


It's legal to be a stripper but it's still sexual harassment to ask a co-worker for a lap dance

Steve is an imbecile. Not trolling either  he's verifiable. I really cant add anything better than ur stripper analogy, u nailed it so im just gonna let that stand....steve, ur an imbecile. May i ask why or is that an existential question ur still dealing with? 🍵

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52 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

Steve is an imbecile. Not trolling either  he's verifiable. I really cant add anything better than ur stripper analogy, u nailed it so im just gonna let that stand....steve, ur an imbecile. May i ask why or is that an existential question ur still dealing with? 🍵

That might sting if it came from somebody who has earned my respect.  You? Not one iota.


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19 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

have you asked a female rando for a lap dance today steve? A lap a dance a day keeps the.....

Hookers and most strippers are kind of creepy. And pitiable. Still I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about any more than you are. 

You don't have a defense or cogent thought so you're just rambling. There's probably only one guy here who even pretends that he thinks you are on point.


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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Hookers and most strippers are kind of creepy. And pitiable. Still I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about any more than you are. 

You don't have a defense or cogent thought so you're just rambling. There's probably only one guy here who even pretends that he thinks you are on point.


oh I know exactly what im talking about. Have you asked a random stranger today for a lap dance? Cause strippin is legal right steve? So if stripping is legal...in a strip club ofc….there should be no issue asking people for lap dances and/or just taking their clothes off. Its amazing how on one day you can make the single stupidest and most irrational contention maybe ever seen on the internet, and that's saying some shit, then the next day you're accusing the person that called you on ur hallucinogenic postulates...of not having a cogent thought. The term blissful ignorance was minted for people like you. 

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14 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Hookers and most strippers are kind of creepy. And pitiable. Still I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about any more than you are. 

You don't have a defense or cogent thought so you're just rambling. There's probably only one guy here who even pretends that he thinks you are on point.



You thinking something is weird/creepy isn't grounds to make it illegal 

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:


You thinking something is weird/creepy isn't grounds to make it illegal 

I'm not saying it should necessarily be illegal. Your POS Mentor asked me  about asking for a lap dance. As a matter of fact between two consenting adults if somebody wants to suck somebody's dick for $0.15 why not? It's just vulgar and I think it do bases a person , makes them less human , and you would be ashamed and sickened if it was your daughter. Or your sister. Or your niece.  But if either of you think that it should be no less shameful than working in the Steno pool fine. But if you do I think your fucked-up.



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23 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I'm not saying it should necessarily be illegal. Your POS Mentor asked me  about asking for a lap dance. As a matter of fact between two consenting adults if somebody wants to suck somebody's dick for $0.15 why not? It's just vulgar and I think it do bases a person , makes them less human , and you would be ashamed and sickened if it was your daughter. Or your sister. Or your niece.  But if either of you think that it should be no less shameful than working in the Steno pool fine. But if you do I think your fucked-up.



Well good thing that isn't at all the discussion here....


We're talking about whether it should be legal. Not how you feel about it.

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24 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I'm not saying it should necessarily be illegal. Your POS Mentor asked me  about asking for a lap dance. As a matter of fact between two consenting adults if somebody wants to suck somebody's dick for $0.15 why not? It's just vulgar and I think it do bases a person , makes them less human , and you would be ashamed and sickened if it was your daughter. Or your sister. Or your niece.  But if either of you think that it should be no less shameful than working in the Steno pool fine. But if you do I think your fucked-up.



1) Im not woody's mentor, that kid is further down the yellow brick than all of us. 

2) uh uh, ur not dancing out of your assertion.....answer woody's question, if stripping is currently legal..why aren't you asking random women for lap dances? Cause strippin's legal ergo in steveworld it shouldn't be offensive to ask a woman in a normal professional environment for a table dance. Can nigga steve get a table dance yo??


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Not dancing out of anything. If the sex trade which is stripping or giving blowjobs it's perfectly all right with no immorality or shame connected with it whatsoever then it shouldn't be offencive to ask for a blowjob. Except you hypocritical piece of shit stripping and prostitution are degrading professions. You can't have it both ways.


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4 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Not dancing out of anything. If the sex trade which is stripping or giving blowjobs it's perfectly all right with no immorality or shame connected with it whatsoever then it shouldn't be offencive to ask for a blowjob. Except you hypocritical piece of shit stripping and prostitution are degrading professions. You can't have it both ways.


Again, that has nothing to do with whether it should be legal.

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Again, that has nothing to do with whether it should be legal.

Try to think a little bit it's not whether it's illegal or not it's this... If it is legal and acceptable then talking about sex is no longer a taboo. Asking for sex should be the same as asking someone to bring you a sandwich.

Can you think of any other job a person could have that they should be offended if I ask them to perform it for me for money? If I said Woody I need some blueprints I'll give you five hundred bucks... Or Cal I need some tomatoes could I purchase a bushel of yours for $50? Or Cleve I'll give you ten bucks to come over and sweep out my garage?


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Try to think a little bit it's not whether it's illegal or not it's this... If it is legal and acceptable then talking about sex is no longer a taboo. Asking for sex should be the same as asking someone to bring you a sandwich.

in what world do you live monkey? NO ONE, is suggesting prostitutes openly walk around the streets advertising blow jobs or waltzing through corporate offices at lunchtime asking who wants a quick fuck. This stuff happens in IT"S APPROPRIATE PLACE. A woman working in a professional environment, take your pic..anything...should be subjected to being asked for a random blowjob. How.....hard...…..is this for you? Cause it seems like, yet again, we've bumped into some major neuropathy up in your brain that you just can't shunt. You can't rewire around these blockages. 

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20 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Try to think a little bit it's not whether it's illegal or not it's this... If it is legal and acceptable then talking about sex is no longer a taboo. Asking for sex should be the same as asking someone to bring you a sandwich.

Can you think of any other job a person could have that they should be offended if I ask them to perform it for me for money? If I said Woody I need some blueprints I'll give you five hundred bucks... Or Cal I need some tomatoes could I purchase a bushel of yours for $50? Or Cleve I'll give you ten bucks to come over and sweep out my garage?


ur exactly the kind of "cool guy" that's pretty much ruined it for everyone. YOU are why we can't have nice things. 

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