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Dear MRC Supporter,

Socialists have arrived in Congress and the leftist media are the ones who put them there.

The big question is: What will you do to help stop it? The first step is easy: get one of the MRC’s FREE “The Media ♥ Socialism” bumper stickers and put it on display!

The Media Love Socialism Bumper Sticker

Socialism is on the rise in America and it owes its newfound popularity to the nefarious efforts of the activist liberal press. They are selling radical socialism to America’s young people, making young socialists into social media stars, and entrenching them in Congress.

Why does it matter? The liberal media are force feeding their poisonous ideology to the American people. Socialism is a real danger to our democracy and the American way of life. By censoring conservative voices and using their platform to push their leftist extremism, they are putting our country at risk and jeopardizing the the futures of generations of Americans.

This is a threat we cannot ignore.

The Media Research Center is committed to combating liberal bias in the media and standing up for conservative values. We know what is truly at stake and understand that no other organization has the experience or the expertise to fight this battle.

If the leftist media are left to their own devices, socialism will become a permanent fixture in America, taxes will soar, the ridiculous Green New Deal will bankrupt our country, and open borders will compromise America’s security.

But we can’t do it on our own. We need patriotic Americans like you in order to make the greatest possible impact. Our Grassroots Army is the best and most effective way for ordinary citizens to stand up for American values and take action against the radical leftist media and their socialist agenda.

JOIN MRC ACTION TODAY and join the fight against liberal media bias.

— The MRC Action Team

PS: Sign up to receive a FREE bumper sticker that shows you proudly stand against socialism and a media that promotes it

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