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Twitter Bias


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After listening to the full podcast, I can empathize with the Twitter execs a bit.  But I'm not buying all their bullshit.  They're a private company and can do as they wish with their platform, but there is no doubt anymore they have a liberal slant.  I get the squeeky wheel gets the grease routine, but if this is the approach then the outcome will be obvious.  We all know who whines about everything.

I don't leave this clip because of Milo or Alex.  Just the content really drives it home for me.  Fuck those guys.



Also noteworthy, even left leaning Twitter knows the SPLC is full of shit.  Too bad it's a gold standard here.



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I think the Tim guy is really, really pushing for more of a damn story than there is. 

Twitter is massive. Content moderation is impossible. It completely relies on users flagging content. If there happens to be more liberals flagging conservatives there's nothing Twitter can really do.

The exec made it clear Milo was banned for numerous things. Her point to consider the context is valid.

Twitter is a private company as well, so really they can do as they please. She even admits they make mistakes and can do better. 

Tim not liking the fact that something he disagrees with has influence over his country's government is nothing new. There are countless shady lobbying groups. Hell, religion has a big influence and a lot of people aren't fans of that. 

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I agree with a lot of that.  The real issue is they are setting up rules that inevitably create a protected class.  They can do that if they'd like and I would urge conservatives to stay away from the platform, as they're on the bottom of this list.  It's only going to get worse because people have an evolving queue of complaints to replace the one's that get resolved.  It's the slow creation of a global echo chamber. 

As Tim pointed out, someone threatened to kill him and someone else called him a fag.  The twit that called him a fag got banned, while the other one didn't.  In any context that's bad moderation.  There has to be a point that coincidence just can't be the answer.

And yes, Twitter is massive.  I can imagine it's incredibly difficult to control, but it just begs the question why even try to moderate it then?  Since you can't provide equal protection, at least you could provide equal opportunity.  

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"...Thank you for your feedback."


I think that the Twitter lawyer spent more time dodging than Neo from the "Matrix", and Jack Dorsey looked completely lost. 


Tim Pool with the Zapruder-film headshot on Twitter for the W.

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Laura Loomer was given a permanent ban on Twitter for criticism of an elected politician.

She’s a conservative Jewish woman that called out the anti Semitic tweets of Ilhan Omar.

Twitter is turning into a liberal cesspool.

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