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The Dangerous Fourth Branch of Leftist Government


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   Given the bad side of enough human nature on the side of power, wealth, control over everything possible ...

that is the leftist desperate desire. They demand to have the power to stay in power. I was listened to

Mark Levin last night - he was saying that FDR, JFK, LBJ...and now ObaMao Commie, all three democrats...

covertly? used the IRS against political opponents. But it's obaMao who put dangerously corrupt Fourth Branch of Government (commonly known

as "DEEP STATE", at the heads of every government agency.

    The fake investigation they started, loved by those who would love an all powerful *leftist* Fourth Branch of Government, only to find out 2 1/2 years later, that it was a complete fraud from the beginning.

     Never before has any president NOT USED EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE to protect himself and those around him, per Levin.

It was all a lie, extended long enough, for the left to use it, and win the House. It immediately then, fizzled out because they still

had NOTHING. So dirty mueller and dirty democrat power playing Fourth Branch attorneys left the silly door open to congressional democrat Fourth Branchers to go with "obstruction".

    Pres Trump even let his WH staff testify. Even freely gave ...1.9 ? MILLION documents over to them.


   It's an American history first - a FOURTH BRANCH that refuses to lose power, and will try to destroy our ability to control

putting a president in OUR WH, by any means necessary. It's been building for decades, folks. We should post a list of mysterious DEATHS of people associated with the Clintons... who die, after becoming a possible liability.


Trump Is a Threat to the Constitution? Nice Try, Nancy

"The framers believed our rights are God-given, and thus inalienable, and they sought to ensure them by designing a system of limited government.

Just providing for the people's democratic participation would be insufficient to secure their liberty, because people can vote themselves into tyranny. They knew men aren't angels and that, left to their own devices, they would eventually subjugate others. So, in addition to establishing the Bill of Rights, they divided power among different levels of government — national, state and local — and within the federal branch — legislative, executive and judicial. They crafted a partially but not purely, democratic system. Indeed, they imposed safeguards against pure democracy (including the Electoral College), which they knew would lead to mob rule."



By the way, the allegedly anti-Constitution ogre, President Trump, has done more to disempower this “fourth branch of government” than any other president, so the constitutional system is stronger, not weaker, as a result.

More recently, Democrats have proposed a rash of disturbing ideas designed to alter our system of government through fundamental changes in our elections. The same Steve Cohen, who's now yelling about President Trump's threat to the constitutional order, introduced a bill to effectively eliminate the Electoral College and provide for the direct election of the president and vice president.

Democrats have advanced proposals to pack the Supreme Court, and a majority of them have voted to reduce the voting age to 16, which is egregious on multiple levels and unwise. In addition, Pelosi introduced the euphemistically dubbed For the People Act, which would overhaul federal election laws to micromanage and centralize the election process now administered by the states, and which would favor the election of Democrats. Other examples of Democrats' mischief that impairs free and fair elections, include their opposition to voter ID laws, and their objection to a citizenship question on the census form.

And please don't get me started on the Democrats' failed coup to delegitimize and oust President Trump, or their ongoing efforts to baselessly impeach him. Suffice it to say that he represents no threat to the Constitution, but Democrats do. But why shouldn't they? Many of them have openly said that America is not that great, so why trifle over preserving the integrity of the document whose ideas make it unique?"


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