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another one of woodpecker's people who want a better life


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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Uh oh, I'm in the title. He must be mad.

Poor wittle snowflake

never, ok, rarely ever, woodpecker. I laugh and sneeze in your annoying direction. Just wanted to make sure you saw it.

Have some breakfast:1760638.jpg

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1 hour ago, jbluhm86 said:

Another "self defense" thread, I see...

left over from the mmgw thread. try to keep up for a change.

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Yeah J, I said something Cal disagrees with on climate change so clearly I support serial murderer illegals

You attacked the one source you could bitch about. It's all you do - you never? comment on the subject posted.

About serial murdering illegals - you laughed about our posts in earlier months, disputed it being a problem, changed the subject of ms13, made a joke about that...

  it's what you do. You are a woodpecker. You haven't posted an intelligent comment on any subject since....

since....eh....when were you hatched again?

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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

left over from the mmgw thread. try to keep up for a change.

I read the thread in question.

Woody criticised your sources, not you. Regardless of whether or not you agree with him, that was not a personal insult towards you. You, however, seemed to take it personally.

"Self defense". Yeah...

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5 hours ago, jbluhm86 said:

I read the thread in question.

Woody criticised your sources, not you. Regardless of whether or not you agree with him, that was not a personal insult towards you. You, however, seemed to take it personally.

"Self defense". Yeah...

   He doesn't have to insult me directly - he screws with threads as a way of trying to look intellectual. I just said he criticizes sources.

Are you his bird nanny or what? I don't take it personally at all - but he changes thread subjects faster than a hummingbird's wings flap.

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10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

   He doesn't have to insult me directly - he screws with threads as a way of trying to look intellectual. I just said he criticizes sources.

Are you his bird nanny or what? I don't take it personally at all - but he changes thread subjects faster than a hummingbird's wings flap.

So he doesn't have to personally insult you for you to consider it an attack, but you "don't take it personally'? That makes no sense. If criticizing source material is considered a personal insult to you, then you have a pretty low bar on what is personal, and that's on you.

And, no, I'm no one's "nanny" on this board. I'm just pointing out the paradox of someone who throws the proverbial first punch while screaming "self defense" simultaneously.

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2 hours ago, jbluhm86 said:

So he doesn't have to personally insult you for you to consider it an attack, but you "don't take it personally'? That makes no sense. If criticizing source material is considered a personal insult to you, then you have a pretty low bar on what is personal, and that's on you.

And, no, I'm no one's "nanny" on this board. I'm just pointing out the paradox of someone who throws the proverbial first punch while screaming "self defense" simultaneously.

 IT's not an attack, I said he screws around with subjects of threads, and I don't take it personally. What  makes no sense, is you misinterpreting, on purpose, as usual, to have a point you can spout off about.

Here is what I said:

"   He doesn't have to insult me directly - he screws with threads as a way of trying to look intellectual. I just said he criticizes sources.

Are you his bird nanny or what? I don't take it personally at all - but he changes thread subjects faster than a hummingbird's wings flap."

Now, tell us, where in the heyl do you see me saying "attack" ??? and yes, you act like woodpecker's bird nanny - always coming to his ? rescue.

  No workie.

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1 hour ago, Chemist said:

Lol that is pretty funny I have to admit

it is funny - but the point was, back then, I would post about illegals and crime, ms-13, etc, and woody would go birdpoop smarting off in supporting illegal immigration.

so, with supporting illegal immigration, unvetted, you actually condone/support the crime that goes with it. If you didn't condone/support the crime, then you wouldn't support unvetted illegals coming here "to have a better life"....

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On 5/16/2019 at 11:55 PM, calfoxwc said:

Cal, if this was done by US citizens or legal immigrants, would you feel less strongly about the fact that they murdered old women? I would say no. If so, this doesn’t help or hurt the debate for or against illegal immigration. It just becomes an emotional plea. There are a ton of arguments to be made against open borders. Crime, to which most of it is committed by US citizens, is not one of them. 

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2 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Cal, if this was done by US citizens or legal immigrants, would you feel less strongly about the fact that they murdered old women? I would say no. If so, this doesn’t help or hurt the debate for or against illegal immigration. It just becomes an emotional plea. There are a ton of arguments to be made against open borders. Crime, to which most of it is committed by US citizens, is not one of them. 

   That is one way to look at it - but I see it as the problem of not vetting illegals coming in. Those lives would be saved, if we hadn't let vermin in, vermin meaning - criminals, insane people, violent, mentally disturbed, ms13...etc etc. Those lost lives to illegals would still be here today, if most of the vermin were not allowed to come into our country illegally. That is the point, to me.

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no, quite the inverse - it's logical bigtime. If you don't let those unvetted illegals in, the crimes wouldn't have happened.

You aren't into logical critical thinking.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

   That is one way to look at it - but I see it as the problem of not vetting illegals coming in. Those lives would be saved, if we hadn't let vermin in, vermin meaning - criminals, insane people, violent, mentally disturbed, ms13...etc etc. Those lost lives to illegals would still be here today, if most of the vermin were not allowed to come into our country illegally. That is the point, to me.

If a criminal in Idaho had been aborted, there wouldn’t have been that car theft. 

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17 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

If a criminal in Idaho had been aborted, there wouldn’t have been that car theft. 

oooofffff.....right. Cause there is actually a greater direct relationship to upbringing and crime than there is to immigrants and crime. More abortions would absolutely lead to less children growing in impoverished and/or neglected circumstances...

ooofff that one had to give cal a sharp little zing in nuts.....

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2 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

If a criminal in Idaho had been aborted, there wouldn’t have been that car theft. 

ah, ms13 is an abortion gang? More to the point - that criminal car theft guy was guilty AFTER he stole the car.

You wouldn't know he was going to steal a car ahead of time...well, unless he has a history.

With illegals, they broke the law just by coming here. It's fair to guess that 90some percent of the illegals crime would not take place if you kept them from coming there.

    There is no way to stop a legal from committing a future crime - unless you catch that criminal in the act. or track them down, etc.

But illegals, we can prevent them from coming here.

but they are destitute, and will vote democommie. Even when they commit a crime, Obamao regime people let them go again and again.

We need a force field. They try to cross the line, and they get zapped back 20 yards every time.

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50 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

ah, ms13 is an abortion gang? More to the point - that criminal car theft guy was guilty AFTER he stole the car.

You wouldn't know he was going to steal a car ahead of time...well, unless he has a history.

With illegals, they broke the law just by coming here. It's fair to guess that 90some percent of the illegals crime would not take place if you kept them from coming there.

    There is no way to stop a legal from committing a future crime - unless you catch that criminal in the act. or track them down, etc.

But illegals, we can prevent them from coming here.

but they are destitute, and will vote democommie. Even when they commit a crime, Obamao regime people let them go again and again.

We need a force field. They try to cross the line, and they get zapped back 20 yards every time.

I live among meth addicts and heroin junkies living on govt assistance in WV. At this point, I would swap them 1:1 with illegals. Billy Bob’s fake back injury won’t pay out in Tijuana.

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18 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Cal, if this was done by US citizens or legal immigrants, would you feel less strongly about the fact that they murdered old women? I would say no. If so, this doesn’t help or hurt the debate for or against illegal immigration. It just becomes an emotional plea. There are a ton of arguments to be made against open borders. Crime, to which most of it is committed by US citizens, is not one of them. 

Why that is even considered a debate is absurd.

What I also find absurd is this often repeated idea of "pardoning" illegals who murder just because "U.S. citizens commit murder too ya know"...as if extraneous.

Fuckin-a I feel more strongly about the murder of these women because an illegal committed it.  They're illegal. THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. Whether or not U.S. citizens commit more crime is irrelevant. Sorry but illegal alien added crime doesn't get a pass.

We have enough home grown crime to deal with. Crime by illegals is a valid argument against open borders. 


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