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Mexico bows to Trump!


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I think they are running out of schemes, unless they bring in soviet military "advisors" to teach them how to take over us like Crimea....

probably shouldn't give them any ideas - Tex would go to that one...never mind. I said nothing...

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So all the hand wringing and pearl clutching from the dems and rino's about tariffs were for nothing. All their panic and talking about over riding the president on the tariffs were only serving to cut Trump off at the knees as he was trying to use the threat of tariffs in negotiations to get concessions from Mexico. He got the concessions in spite of them.

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Not good Trump but great Trump. Against the the democrats who won't lift a finger to fix our broken immigration laws and the spineless republicans who opposed him using the threat of tariffs to force Mexico to do something on immigration we got this:

DETAILS: New agreement states that asylum seekers will be ‘rapidly returned to Mexico’


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We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the Immigration and Security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years. It will be revealed in the not too distant future and will need a vote by Mexico’s Legislative body! We do not anticipate a problem with the vote but, if for any reason the approval is not forthcoming, Tariffs will be reinstated!

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I figured he was likely taking premature credit for something...but still, I give him props on that one. Cause even if Mexico had agreed to this terms months ago...he prob did tell them months ago that this tariff idea was on the table. Mexico needs to help out period. If it took threatening tariffs to do it..so be it. Maybe we don't need a stupid possibly completely ineffectual wall if mexico helps out. Maybe then we can divert those funds to port security. 

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7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And Mexico says there is no secret deal. You guys should be living  in Russian hotels since you like getting  pea'ed on so much. LOL!

First the left was saying how bad Trump was for strong arming Mexico with tariffs and now they are saying Trump was limp wristed and caved. So which is it? Of course Mexico is going to try and save face but let's say this is true. At least Trump is trying to do something at the border unlike the dems who want open borders seeing future dem voters and the chamber of commerce republicans who also want open borders and like the cheap labor. 

The Trump haters like yourself are going to criticize and find fault with whatever Trump does. That is obvious.

The US Chamber of Commerce Versus America


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Mexico to deploy 6,000 troops to border with Guatemala - New York Post

3 days ago - The Mexican government will deploy 6,000 troops to its southern border with Guatemala on Monday — members of a billion-dollar force ..
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21 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

First the left was saying how bad Trump was for strong arming Mexico with tariffs and now they are saying Trump was limp wristed and caved. So which is it? Of course Mexico is going to try and save face but let's say this is true. At least Trump is trying to do something at the border unlike the dems who want open borders seeing future dem voters and the chamber of commerce republicans who also want open borders and like the cheap labor. 

The Trump haters like yourself are going to criticize and find fault with whatever Trump does. That is obvious.

The US Chamber of Commerce Versus America


more greed, corruption...https://www.intrepidexecutivegroup.com/blog/u-s-chamber-of-commerce-takes-a-dangerous-position/

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And Mexico says there is no secret deal. You guys should be living  in Russian hotels since you like getting  pea'ed on so much. LOL!

The Daily Show?  You just keep on proving to everyone how fucked up and deranged you truly are.

You probably a big Bill Maher fan too, right?

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10 hours ago, Gorka said:

The Daily Show?  You just keep on proving to everyone how fucked up and deranged you truly are.

You probably a big Bill Maher fan too, right?

well the daily show was just bringing up facts that have now come out that this deal was negotiated months ago. 

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On 6/10/2019 at 1:55 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

Just keep deluding yourselves with the pea game. Which little thimble has the pea under it? You have a one in three chance. But then of course it isn't really under any of the thimbles.


You Democrats have been deluding yourselves with the pee game ever since this investigation started...



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