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Trumps relelection campaign has used the word "invasion" more than 2000 times since january...


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"Since January, Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign has posted more than 2,000 ads on Facebook that include the word “invasion”


no more discussion needed about where these two shooters from the other day "might" have gotten these ideas. I've stated since before the monkey got elected that I could wake up at the butt crack of dawn without any coffee and before that morning shit....and make a case for more border security and that open borders are not the best call, without resorting to these bullshit dog whistles that are ringing bells that won't ever be unrung. You fucking kunts elected "the" kunt that is gonna get us a new civil war and all that global privilege y'all got used to with the U.S being at the top of the world...will be gone. It's exactly what Russia, China etc, etc...want to happen here. You are all feeding him and he is feeding you right back. But what he's also feeding is the extreme left. This shit will get worse and nobody is going to "win".....this isn't going to be like the first civil war with a clear winner and loser and clear battlefronts. You all think if you stock pile some supplies out in the country you can "ride it out". Ain't happenin unless you're fine with going back to living in caves. 

The society/culture you all constantly rave about and the "shining city on the hill"....it's going down. It is. It's happening right infront of y'all but y'all heeding the words of hucksters that tell you there can be a clear winner in this. 

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We have seen the videos of mobs of thousands of immigrants breaking down barriers and storming illegally into another's sovereign country. Calling this an invasion is an accurate term. We have immigrants coming into our country the right way. They apply to come and they take a number and wait their turn. How fair is it for someone wanting to come here legally to watch others jump ahead of them in line and come here illegally and why should those who come here illegally be rewarded for breaking our laws? 

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7 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

We have seen the videos of mobs of thousands of immigrants breaking down barriers and storming illegally into another's sovereign country. Calling this an invasion is an accurate term. We have immigrants coming into our country the right way. They apply to come and they take a number and wait their turn. How fair is it for someone wanting to come here legally to watch others jump ahead of them in line and come here illegally and why should those who come here illegally be rewarded for breaking our laws? 

they're not conscious "invaders". We know why they're coming here. Their countries are on fire and American corporations say come here we've got jobs and a govt that will pay for your healthcare and kids education. When you call them invaders u know what that invokes. 

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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

How many times have you idiots use the word racism? I would imagine 5 or 10 times as often.

Nurse Ratched probably uses it that many times in a single speech.


well, when someones a racist you call them a racist. When people are coming here for jobs they're not coming as some active invaders. You know me i'm not an open borders ngr and I don't agree with uni healthcare for anyone that hikes across the border. But I can make that case without using violent rhetoric. 

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I guess we can go back to the discussion about all the illegals joining gangs, and committing hideous violent crimes...we know why a lot of them come here. and it is dangerous and violent.

just in Texas:


"Between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2019, these 202,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 317,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 570 homicide charges; 35,019 assault charges; 6,040 burglary charges; 39,850 drug charges; 457 kidnapping charges; 16,783 theft charges; 25,122 obstructing police charges; 1,761 robbery charges; 3,752 sexual assault charges; 5,019 sexual offense charges; and 3,211 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 127,000 convictions including 262 homicide convictions; 14,534 assault convictions; 3,335 burglary convictions; 18,904 drug convictions; 182 kidnapping convictions; 7,406 theft convictions; 11,855 obstructing police convictions; 1,063 robbery convictions; 1,845 sexual assault convictions; 2,457 sexual offense convictions; and 1,359 weapon convictions. "


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