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Joe Walsh announced Sunday morning that he is running for president as a Republican


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Joe Walsh announced Sunday morning that he is running for president as a Republican


"I'm running because he's unfit; somebody needs to step up and there needs to be an alternative," Walsh said. "The country is sick of this guy's tantrum -- he's a child."

At the same time, Walsh recognized that he himself is guilty of the same behavior as the president, and even played a part in the division in Washington that led to Trump's election.

"I helped create Trump," the Tea Party favorite told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an interview that aired Sunday morning. "I feel responsible for that."

Walsh claimed that Trump was "tweeting us into a recession" and warned that "he'll tweet us into war."


Stephanopoulos called out Walsh for making outlandish statements of his own, including calling former President Barack Obama a Muslim and an enemy. Walsh said Trump "made me reflect on some of the things I've said in the past," acknowledging that at times he "went beyond the policies and idea" and "said some ugly things about President Obama that I regret."

When asked if he truly believes what he said about Obama, Walsh responded, "God no, and I have apologized for that."

Walsh, who served one term in Congress, acknowledged that he has very little chance of defeating the president in the primaries, but said he wants to promote a different direction for the Republican Party

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here's another clip - a younger Joe Cocker...appearing in concert with...

Luciano Pavarottti. Not sure if Steve can sing like Pavarotti, though. lol

(yes, I'd vote for Luciano before I'd vote for Joe Walsh...lol)


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On 8/26/2019 at 6:17 AM, Westside Steve said:

I'm ambivalent about Joe Walsh. Above-average guitar player can't stand his voice only like a couple of his songs and I think there are  guys in every city across the United States who are just as good.


Y'know, honestly Steve, I can say that about any genre and just about any instrumentalist.. Not a huge Walsh fan myself. But I liked this Live at Darryl's thing. The band was exceptional

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On 8/26/2019 at 6:17 AM, Westside Steve said:

I'm ambivalent about Joe Walsh. Above-average guitar player can't stand his voice only like a couple of his songs and I think there are  guys in every city across the United States who are just as good.


I agree, but it’s kind of sad knowing his greatest musical accomplishment was being Don Henley and Glen Frey’s whipping boy.

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