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Baker attacks Cleveland media, walks out


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10 minutes ago, TypicalBrowns50 said:


this is a reflection on the entire team. When your HC is a Weak whiny bitch, the team also is

I don't know if I'd go that far, but cracks are showing in Freddie. When he came on the scene, it felt like he was giddy with his celebrity status and thought he had the world by the short curlies. If you noticed, he dropped his whole "good ole southern boy" schtick. It's no longer cute or funny. And Baker should think twice about attacking local media, they are the closest thing to his only friends left. 

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3 minutes ago, jrb12711 said:

The charade is quickly growing tiring. He's acting like the old dude at the gym playing pickup who yells way too loudly when he doesn't get the ball despite missing every shot. Your house is messy Mr. Mayfield, people are gonna ask why it's dirty.

I know one of those guys, and they also cry foul more than anyone in the game. And they shoot all airballs and bricks but actually have no idea how bad they suck. 


I'm not Baker is that bad. But a little humility might go a long way just about now. If they don't win in Denver, we are about to see a whole other level of freaking out. 

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18 minutes ago, BrownsFan4Evr said:

Baker basically said, without verbalizing it ........."The team is 2-5. I'm not happy about it , and Tony Grossi, you're a prick!"................I LOVE IT!!

I didn't interpret it as implying Grossi is a prick, more like Grossi is a non-athlete, moron. "You don't know, you never played. That is the dumbest question ever."

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I hope he is not beginning to panic. Sometimrs in the pocket, and in some interviews, he looks like he is coming undone. The bust rate for QBs is very high. When the team is losing he needs to project confidence and calm. 

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tony grossi is a toad. Any Browns fan knows that calling on him is just going to reap ignorance.

the same thing goes for mary kay cabbage. But the likes of Mary Kay and Grossi crave the attention from frustrated fans that jump on board....

   I'm glad Baker is po'd. It's so much worse having a twit like Derek Anderson laughing after a terrible loss.

The Browns are going to start winning next week, but the ignorance will still come from these two - grossi and mary kay are just terrible.


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3 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

tony grossi is a toad. Any Browns fan knows that calling on him is just going to reap ignorance.

the same thing goes for mary kay cabbage. But the likes of Mary Kay and Grossi crave the attention from frustrated fans that jump on board....

   I'm glad Baker is po'd. It's so much worse having a twit like Derek Anderson laughing after a terrible loss.

The Browns are going to start winning next week, but the ignorance will still come from these two - grossi and mary kay are just terrible.


Toads are cool.

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Guys like Baker implode when things go bad, then blame the people who call them out for it, which is hilarious because they love to tell everyone that "I'm a guy who tells it like it is and too bad if people can't handle it" when things are going well. 


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Good point Oven. He needs to be a calming and confident influence. Even though I think Russell Wilson is a bit overrated, he acts the same and follows the same process after every gsme. Even when they lost the super bowl on a last minute pick. He took the blame even though it wasn't his fault and was looking at film and at Children's hospital the next day. 

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Baker came off like a jerk who cant handle the heat.....nuthin wrong with some bravado and confidence, but his armor is cracking and he is not showing leadership when he acts this way.....plain and simple.....

One of the things that really bugs me is his focus on people and things NOT related to playing good football....he is overly focused on Grossi or Ryan or some tweet or whatever.....needs to do a LOT of growing.......up

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Baker lost his cool a bit. However, the reporter is asking dumb questions; when the game was already over as soon as that 1st quarter circus went down. 
Edit: Grossi was referring to “lack of urgency after blocked FG in 2 minute drill” basically questioning the tempo. That’s a question for the coach..

You can’t shoot your self in the foot 3 times to start the game against the GOATs and expect to win. The INT was on the playcall AND on Baker. Could’ve at least tried a few more passing plays before resorting to that ugly gadget play.

also Nick Chubb should’ve sat at least one play after fumbling.

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I remember earlier in season all the "old timers" elder fans bitching about the commercials, lack of OTA/minicamps, watches, and outsidde etc and thinking they are just screaming at the clouds. BOY was I wrong! This team has no accountability or leadership and just makes excuses for their own dumbass mistakes. Look I get he doesn't like Grossi but be professional about he put his time in watching the Browns be terrible for 20 years and you have yet to prove him wrong. Way to much outside noise. I'm afraid Freddie is way over his head and may get fired for stupid shit like this and it's not entirely all his fault. Players need to be held accountable for their actions as well.

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Well I knew this would be decisive, and I totally respect everyone's opinion. For me, I'm glad Baker essentially told that grumpy S.O.B. to piss off. For far too long he's had to endure this crappy line of questioning from shitty reporters, and you know what...he shouldn't HAVE to answer a question like, "Was it disappointing not to score?" Give me a break. 

One thing I'll say about Baker is that if he feels slighted by a person, he will never let them back in. He holds a grudge longer than my wife and perhaps he should grow up, but perhaps that's who he is. The good news is that winning will stop this nonsense, and they get a chance to move forward Sunday. 

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1 hour ago, Mudfly said:

Baker came off like a jerk who cant handle the heat.....nuthin wrong with some bravado and confidence, but his armor is cracking and he is not showing leadership when he acts this way.....plain and simple.....

One of the things that really bugs me is his focus on people and things NOT related to playing good football....he is overly focused on Grossi or Ryan or some tweet or whatever.....needs to do a LOT of growing.......up

Grossi literally asked him if he was happy with the result of the 4th and 16 play where he got sacked.  Yeah im sure he's fucking thrilled.  That's just a dumbass question. Guess what Brady Rodgers and even peyton manning have "stormed off" from media before.  Like others have said Grossi is a tool who is looking to provoke to get his name out there.  I figured most local browns fans would know this be ok with this interaction.  While national media and fans not knowing who grossi is would blow this out of proportion.

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2 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

I don't have a single problem with what he did.  What he did is what he does.  He is Baker being Baker, and if he were otherwise then that would be phony.

That is spoken like a guy that has not coached successfully. The QB needs to be a leader. QBs that have toxic attitudes don't help their teams win. The word is out on Mayfield. It really does not matter if you or I have a problem with it. When his team sees him panic and act unhinged, they lose confidence. 

If you ever boxed much and hit someone hard right on the chin and they look at you and smile, you know you are in for a long night. Baker has to get tough.

Baker needs to grow up. No sure things in the NFL.

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10 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

I don't have a single problem with what he did.  What he did is what he does.  He is Baker being Baker, and if he were otherwise then that would be phony.

Well, Baker is somewhat of a douchebag with thin skin, sooooooo you are technically right. 

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8 minutes ago, CoachToad said:

That is spoken like a guy that has not coached successfully. The QB needs to be a leader. QBs that have toxic attitudes don't help their teams win. The word is out on Mayfield. It really does not matter if you or I have a problem with it.

It also doesn't matter if you or I misinterpret the situation....or if you and I think we know better...but do not know better. Or if we have coached successfully or not.  

This guy is a different cat.  He does not and he does not have to play by what you think should be the rules.  Your perception is irrelevent.  Only his "I hate to lose attitude" is what matters.  And that is ALL that is on display here.


When his team sees him panic and act unhinged, they lose confidence. 

Or, if they see him get angry over losing, and at not tolerating ridiculous, moronic questions...perhaps they gain confidence.

If you ever boxed much and hit someone hard right on the chin and they look at you and smile, you know you are in for a long night. Baker has to get tough.

He is tough enough....not sure some of the rest of the team is. 

Baker needs to grow up. No sure things in the NFL.

But one thing is for sure:   people will come on here with their bombastic, judgmental, erroneous opinions


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