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Trump ahead in Iowa Polls! MAGA!

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On 1/31/2020 at 6:56 PM, calfoxwc said:

Rocking and Rolling. Real America will WIN again.

Far Left America Cult and Far Right America Cult fight it out while Real America loses either way. Both ends of that spectrum have shown zero fiscal responsibility.

And yet here we are. $3Trillion+ and counting and regardless of the winner, the rest of us pay another $5Trillion+ more from now until we throw out both corrupt regimes.

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7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Far Left America Cult and Far Right America Cult fight it out while Real America loses either way. Both ends of that spectrum have shown zero fiscal responsibility.

And yet here we are. $3Trillion+ and counting and regardless of the winner, the rest of us pay another $5Trillion+ more from now until we throw out both corrupt regimes.

I don't think most would call Bush Jr. far right but more of a centrist republican yet it was his administration that ran up 10 trillion in debt. Then Obama (who now seems somewhat moderate as compared to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) who just about doubled the debt he inherited from Bush Jr. to almost 20 trillion. So Tex it is not the far extremes of both parties who have run up the national debt.

I do agree with you though we have a serious growing debt problem.

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