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Pennsylvania School District Calls the Police Over the Murderous Threat of a Little Girl Pointing Her Fingers


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2 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Mrs. OBF is homeschooling our grandchildren. The other day our 5 year old made a pretend gun out of legos and pretended to shoot her because he didn't like getting out of bed that day....good thing for homeschooling or he might have been in trouble in public schools..

homeschooling seems so excellent - some kids in our extended family have always been home schooled - some friends too - and in Christian private schools -

makes the public schools seem worrisome.

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16 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

What's better than being taught by a teacher lacking skills and qualifications, using a highly politicized, religious and lacking curriculum, in an environment that limits the development of social and communication skills. 

wow. how about, many home schoolers ARE teachers with degrees? or, how do you figure "lacking skills" ?

How do you assume "highly politicized" ? How do you figure "highly religious" ?

and the curriculum is state mandated.

home-schooled kids have to pass the same mandated proficiency tests as public schools.

home schooled kids don't ever get bullied, have to avoid fights, have to be ridiculed for disabilities....

and, the kids I have known in homeschooling, have big get-togethers with other homeschooled kids at social events, and they still socialize with kids in their neighborhood who do go to public schools...

it's the public schools that have become liberal indoctrination environments far too many places where bullying is also a norm.

Home-schooling can also use the same textbooks, and that is iffy if they do.

But listen to OBF's response, It will be more eloquent - his Wife home-schools.

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19 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

What's better than being taught by a teacher lacking skills and qualifications, using a highly politicized, religious and lacking curriculum, in an environment that limits the development of social and communication skills. 

As to social skills my daughter goes to a large church with alot of activities for the young so the grand children are getting that interaction as well with a large number of children at church. The curriculum is one approved by the state and twice a year testing is done by the state to see how the children are doing academically.

The highly politicized part should be referring to the politicization going on in the public schools.

* As a bonus no police were involved when my 5 year old grandson made the lego gun.

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No knock on how you guys want to live but I have yet to meet a homeschool kid who wasn’t socially backward. They usually end up in a vacuum of only people like their family (ex: church or playgroups filtered via their parents) and don’t know how to function outside of that.

I had an old coworker who had an anxiety attack at work because an irate member of the public shouted at him/called him names this kid had never been in that situation. I was in a car having to talk to a 22 year old man about why he was crying. Homeschool kid, evangelical family. Graduated college but from Liberty U. He was the extreme of it but like I said all I have met were really backward.

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18 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

No knock on how you guys want to live but I have yet to meet a homeschool kid who wasn’t socially backward. They usually end up in a vacuum of only people like their family (ex: church or playgroups filtered via their parents) and don’t know how to function outside of that.

I had an old coworker who had an anxiety attack at work because an irate member of the public shouted at him/called him names this kid had never been in that situation. I was in a car having to talk to a 22 year old man about why he was crying. Homeschool kid, evangelical family. Graduated college but from Liberty U. He was the extreme of it but like I said all I have met were really backward.

not me. quite the opposite. So many kids get bullied in public schools anymore - I think all school shootings have occurred in public schools. I think. It is possible that some homeschooled kids do not get the social interaction - that is sad and inexcusable.

But correctable. I don't see the problems with the public schools being correctable.

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26 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

No knock on how you guys want to live but I have yet to meet a homeschool kid who wasn’t socially backward. They usually end up in a vacuum of only people like their family (ex: church or playgroups filtered via their parents) and don’t know how to function outside of that.

I had an old coworker who had an anxiety attack at work because an irate member of the public shouted at him/called him names this kid had never been in that situation. I was in a car having to talk to a 22 year old man about why he was crying. Homeschool kid, evangelical family. Graduated college but from Liberty U. He was the extreme of it but like I said all I have met were really backward.

That's a really good point. You get social interaction but it's all upper middle class white Christian kids. Interacting with a diverse group of people is how you avoid developing prejudice and how you build an understanding for others. My time in college, especially through soccer, allowed me to interact and learn from so many people that were different than me. Hell, one of my closest friends was an international student who I've visited out of the country. 

By not interacting with others different than themselves they aren't going to gain that understanding. 

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well, I know kids who, as adults now, wish they had been home schooled in elementary school. The sexual intimidation, drug use, fights, bullying - which occurs in more public schools than those in inner cities.... made them hate it. When our best friends' kids were in a public elementary school, they were threatened with getting beaten up, their younger daughter got shoved to the ground by some inner city boys, and her brother jumped them to stop them from going after her, they converged on him and he got pounded while giving it right back at them. Then the hostility spread to the school bus. Then I was nominated by their family to "bodyguard" them. I just met them at the bus for the rest of the school year, especially after some white old sedan with some derelict old guy followed them from the bus stop, all the way home. He was eventually caught and arrested.

    Those were sad times they regretted. That changed when they went to a private Christian school. It saved their school years, and it was all positive.

   I'm just saying there is a flip side to public school benefits of socialization.


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7 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

No knock on how you guys want to live but I have yet to meet a homeschool kid who wasn’t socially backward. They usually end up in a vacuum of only people like their family (ex: church or playgroups filtered via their parents) and don’t know how to function outside of that.

I had an old coworker who had an anxiety attack at work because an irate member of the public shouted at him/called him names this kid had never been in that situation. I was in a car having to talk to a 22 year old man about why he was crying. Homeschool kid, evangelical family. Graduated college but from Liberty U. He was the extreme of it but like I said all I have met were really backward.

And that is one of the knocks about sending children to a Christian private school or homeschooling that we are over protecting children and they will be ill prepared to deal with societal problems. With my home schooled grand children they go to a large church with a big children/youth group they are involved with. So they get that interaction and remember many of these children at church come from less than perfect homes. I remember an administrator at the Christian school I sent my children to speak about that argument of over protecting children. He used the illustration of a young oak tree. There will be a time when that oak tree does not need protecting but it is vulnerable while young and in the early stages does not protecting.

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That little girl is obviously threatening her teddy bear with that same finger gun. LOL! 🐼

I know from having a good friend with Down's Syndrome growing up that that little girl had no understanding of any threat. They aren't like that at all. In fact Down's Syndrome children are often referred to as Sunshine Children because of their usual very happy nature.

8 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

My old man used to home school my older brother and I, with his belt.

Obviously undeserved! 🤣

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