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Nancy Pelosi's coronavirus blunder – holding up aid package her fourth major error


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Early on, Pelosi dismissed the clout of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, not comprehending the power conferred by the group’s vast social media presence. Instead of courting their support, Pelosi allowed these representatives and their followers to become a thorn in the side of the Democrat establishment, funding progressive allies to challenge party incumbents and undermining the speaker’s leadership.

Appointing Schiff to lead the impeachment effort was another goof. From the start, the GOP successfully branded Schiff and his tactics as dishonest and non-transparent. Adding insult to injury, Pelosi refused to deliver the articles of impeachment to the Senate in a timely manner, infuriating those already calling the effort to toss out the president unfair and politically motivated.

At the end, Americans were not won over by Democrats’ charges against President Trump. Fund-raising for the president soared and his approval rating rose. That was not how the impeachment drive was supposed to go.

And now this. At a moment when the American economy has been rocked by the coronavirus when workers and industries are being destroyed through no fault of their own, Pelosi resorts to gamesmanship.

As serious negotiations on the Senate bill continued throughout the day, Republicans called out the speaker for insisting on what McConnell called “nonsense” items in the Senate bill. She also reportedly larded up her House counterproposal even more generously with unrelated demands.



Word went out that Pelosi wanted $35 million for the Kennedy Center, $100 million for NASA, $25 million for cleaning supplies for the Capital building, $25 million for additional payments to House representatives and other unrelated goodies. The House bill stretched to more than 1,000 pages. As Pelosi said about the ObamaCare bill in 2010, we’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it.

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I guess that pork crap is out of the bill? the fact that they tried it is enough to give most Americans pause at the voting booth for a long time. I think. I hope. It was a disgrace.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I guess that pork crap is out of the bill? the fact that they tried it is enough to give most Americans pause at the voting booth for a long time. I think. I hope. It was a disgrace.

They gave the Kennedy center money and themselves a raise.

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When did this "hold up" start?

Was it before Mitch let Senate Dems see the Pubs' bill... I mean the K Street bill... on Saturday?

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