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Trump Coronavirus task force an absolute clusterfuck

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6 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And yet somehow the Blaze speaks for the trumpettes. Whoda thunk it!🤮

And Red State, and Fox News....   

54 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

I think he got lonely, Tex promised him a rose garden and endless booze, is my guess.

And FYI the MAGAs tend the Rose Garden- but don't buy him booze because IIRC Trumpie doesn't drink. But the MAGAs do kiss his ass, and 110% buy into all his crap. For the record, Orange Man only gets a B- for his handling of the pandemic, not an A++++++ like some lemmings.  

To the extent the righties here would immediately dismiss and laugh at any one who would dare fact check Trump's press conferences. 

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

And Red State, and Fox News....   

And FYI the MAGAs tend the Rose Garden- but don't buy him booze because IIRC Trumpie doesn't drink. But the MAGAs do kiss his ass, and 110% buy into all his crap. For the record, Orange Man only gets a B- for his handling of the pandemic, not an A++++++ like some lemmings.  

To the extent the righties here would immediately dismiss and laugh at any one who would dare fact check Trump's press conferences. 

Speaking of Red State they not only did not support Trump in 2016 but specifically dis-invited Trump to their gathering in 2015 where they had other republican presidential candidates speak. That they support Trump today has more to do with supporting how he has governed as president and not some blind MAGA following.

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23 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Speaking of Red State they not only did not support Trump in 2016 but specifically dis-invited Trump to their gathering in 2015 where they had other republican presidential candidates speak. That they support Trump today has more to do with supporting how he has governed as president and not some blind MAGA following.

I thought that was cal you were talking about.🤣


6 hours ago, hoorta said:

 For the record, Orange Man only gets a B- for his handling of the pandemic, not an A++++++ like some lemmings. 

And some rate him and his buddy Xi............................ah ...................not so high. 😷☠️


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5 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Just checked online my checking account.  Got my Pelosi bucks today!  Thanks Nancy!

Well you missed out then. Had you gotten a real Treasury check you would have found out how to spell Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Just for the record it is being required to spell right there on the check by none other than the man who embodies the term's new spelling......................Donald J. Trump

However you would not have been paid quite yet.😂

And only if you kiss the appropriate ASS.🤴


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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

And Red State, and Fox News....   

And FYI the MAGAs tend the Rose Garden- but don't buy him booze because IIRC Trumpie doesn't drink. But the MAGAs do kiss his ass, and 110% buy into all his crap. For the record, Orange Man only gets a B- for his handling of the pandemic, not an A++++++ like some lemmings.  

To the extent the righties here would immediately dismiss and laugh at any one who would dare fact check Trump's press conferences. 

meanwile, in reality non-hatefulland - see my post about the WHO OFFICIAL who says she seriously suspected human-to-human


but that the WHO LIED and went with commie china because they keep nigeria afloat with trade.

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5 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:
4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


Just for you cal since you keep claiming I post unsubstantiated hate mail on your Liar in Chief.

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6 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I thought that was cal you were talking about.🤣


And some rate him and his buddy Xi............................ah ...................not so high. 😷☠️


A long read Ag, but well worth the time.

27 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just for you cal since you keep claiming I post unsubstantiated hate mail on your Liar in Chief.

Cal just likes to throw a bunch of unsubstantiated hate mud up on the wall hoping some  of it sticks. Amazing Tiwan instantly knew more about covid than the boots on the ground in  Wuhan. They might have  suspected,  but it was hardly a  certainty. 

Can't  wait for the  conspiracy theory of the day.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

A long read Ag, but well worth the time.

Cal just likes to throw a bunch of unsubstantiated hate mud up on the wall hoping some  of it sticks. Amazing Tiwan instantly knew more about covid than the boots on the ground in  Wuhan. They might have  suspected,  but it was hardly a  certainty. 

Can't  wait for the  conspiracy theory of the day.

It was right above you. How did you miss it?


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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

meanwile, in reality non-hatefulland - see my post about the WHO OFFICIAL who says she seriously suspected human-to-human


but that the WHO LIED and went with commie china because they keep nigeria afloat with trade.

Trying to connect conspiracy dots again. You're trying to make suspected sound like this woman knew for an absolute FACT that was the case. 

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yep, Trump now predictably blames the WHO, it's everyone's fault except his. 

And now as predictable as the sun coming up...  While we're at it-  Nice ego stroke King Donald putting your name on those checks.  


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Just now, hoorta said:

And now as predictable as the sun coming up...  While we're at it-  Nice ego stroke King Donald putting your name on those checks.  


He's the egotistical orange fat clown.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

We got our checks deposited.

THANK GOD FOR OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT TRUMP (and real republican Americans in Congress)

Yeah, thanks President Wuhan Flu. "We have this under control". Never can admit once in awhile you're dead wrong, and BTW- a lot of Americans are DEAD because they believed you. You were listening to the wrong guys. LOL you should have paid attention to that lady in the WHO- that you just cut funds off to- to make yourself look good.  

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15 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yeah, thanks President Wuhan Flu. "We have this under control". Never can admit once in awhile you're dead wrong, and BTW- a lot of Americans are DEAD because they believed you. You were listening to the wrong guys. LOL you should have paid attention to that lady in the WHO- that you just cut funds off to- to make yourself look good.  

gee, we never said anything like that about your obaMao commie liar sombeitch president. You all would have screamed "THAT's RACIST".

   When I'm wrong, i'll let you know. Until then, Pres Trump was absolutely RIGHT in cutting travel - china and who told him not to.

the blood in on china's hands. But you say it's on Trump? that's dumb. How about all the rest of the countries ON EARTH ?

You still can't back up why you say what you say. You just keep saying it. Which is fine, we're used to it with Tex.

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25 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yeah, thanks President Wuhan Flu. "We have this under control". Never can admit once in awhile you're dead wrong, and BTW- a lot of Americans are DEAD because they believed you. You were listening to the wrong guys. LOL you should have paid attention to that lady in the WHO- that you just cut funds off to- to make yourself look good.  

MSNBC talking points:


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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

gee, we never said anything like that about your obaMao commie liar sombeitch president. You all would have screamed "THAT's RACIST".

   When I'm wrong, i'll let you know. Until then, Pres Trump was absolutely RIGHT in cutting travel - china and who told him not to.

the blood in on china's hands. But you say it's on Trump? that's dumb. How about all the rest of the countries ON EARTH ?

You still can't back up why you say what you say. You just keep saying it. Which is fine, we're used to it with Tex.

I never said anything about Obama- you're the one who keeps bringing him up. BTW I never voted for him- or Hillary. So kindly STFU about that. 

That's the problem about the MAGAs- they, just like their leader- are never wrong, a mountain of evidence to the contrary from other sources. Trump may have shut down travel- though weeks too late to make a dent in the problem.  Day late, dollar short.  Now about his "we have it under control?" Just sweep that under the rug- like all of President Wuhan's mistakes. 

And if he was so smart, he should have paid attention to what China was doing in Wuhan in January. Or you just want to ignore what I posted? The one WHO lady thought it was transmissible? Yeah- he restricted flights- after maybe 100,000 or so people flew into the United States after China did in fact tell the WHO there's a new virus about. Go ahead, I already know your shtick- the WHO bought the lie- or got paid off the virus wasn't transmissible. That doesn't negate the fact what I've been preaching all along- the horses had long left the barn Cal. 

EDIT: and now your Great American President thinks he has the unilateral power to adjourn Congress? He's getting scarier by the day to anyone who happens to think otherwise. 

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15 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yep, Trump now predictably blames the WHO, it's everyone's fault except his. 

That was so disingenuous. When Woody said wisdom doesn't always come with age he was right.

You sound as though Trumps back has been against the wall and now has got to play the blame game. The WHO has been under scrutiny since Feb.

This came out Jan 31:

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex M. Azar II declared a public health emergency for the entire United States to aid the nation’s healthcare community in responding to 2019 novel coronavirus.

“While this virus poses a serious public health threat, the risk to the American public remains low at this time, and we are working to keep this risk low,” Secretary Azar said. “We are committed to protecting the health and safety of all Americans, and this public health emergency declaration is the latest in the series of steps the Trump Administration has taken to protect our country.”


FEB 12:

The World Health Organization Draws Flak for Coronavirus Response

When the World Health Organization declared a global public-health emergency at the end of last month, it praised China’s “extraordinary” efforts to combat the coronavirus epidemic and urged other countries not to restrict travel.https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-world-health-organization-draws-flak-for-coronavirus-response-11581525207

Once again for you TDS types. Trump is only relaying the information he is being given at the time it is given. Period.  He is does not run the WHO nor is he a medical professional. He shares no blame in this.

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Based on the actions of Obama when H1N1 broke out, he would have reacted no differently than Trump if he was president now. Perhaps worse, but certainly no better than Trump.

And all you TDS types Tex, Hoorta...you know who are, along with the media would be salivating on Obama's testicles over his "bold decision" to halt funding to the WHO.

You would also see the utmost respect coming from the media during the first black president's press conferences.

And most importantly you would see both parties come together. We would not be witness to venom spewing politicians on the right using COVID for political gain. Motherfuckers.

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34 minutes ago, Gorka said:

We would not be witness to venom spewing politicians on the right using COVID for political gain. Motherfuckers.

Oh, you are finally seeing trumpy's daily propaganda campaign as it really is? 🤴

Praise the Lord! He's seen the light!!😇

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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

I never said anything about Obama- you're the one who keeps bringing him up. BTW I never voted for him- or Hillary. So kindly STFU about that. 


    It's just that I don't remember you coming to this board to rail against obaMao commie - not once. Fancy that. THAT is why I bring him up. It's fine you didn't vote for him. By never once criticizing obaMao, but full bore going TexAg on Pres Trump - you get what you get in response. It's just common sense. ObaMao divided us more than we've ever been divided before, hugely - and most all the malignant hostility that has ZERO fact behind it - is because of his crap.


That's the problem about the MAGAs- they, just like their leader- are never wrong, a mountain of evidence to the contrary from other sources. Trump may have shut down travel- though weeks too late to make a dent in the problem.  Day late, dollar short.  Now about his "we have it under control?" Just sweep that under the rug- like all of President Wuhan's mistakes. 


     Wait, I gave you a bunch of sources where you were wrong about the china/who timeline. You ignored it. Pres Trump didn't have information to have done it earlier, and caught all HELL when he did it - the WHO and China insisted he not do it. He was the first one to do it - and he was RIGHT. It was not Pres Trump's fault CHINA AND THE WHO DELIBERATELY LIED TO THE WORLD. So, please, kindly stop the "look at me/us" nonsense about blaming Pres Trump.


And if he was so smart, he should have paid attention to what China was doing in Wuhan in January. Or you just want to ignore what I posted? The one WHO lady thought it was transmissible? Yeah- he restricted flights- after maybe 100,000 or so people flew into the United States after China did in fact tell the WHO there's a new virus about. Go ahead, I already know your shtick- the WHO bought the lie- or got paid off the virus wasn't transmissible. That doesn't negate the fact what I've been preaching all along- the horses had long left the barn Cal. 


     Twist it all you want - it's the liberal hater way of controlling narratives - you're claim he wasn't paying attention to China is unfounded you don't have any clue emotional knee jerk bs. Pres Trump was the first to stop travel - that shows outstanding leadership and I don't care if you don't want to admit it. He restricted flights based on intel we don't know (that includes you), and watching it start to spread around the world. CHINA AND THE WHO LIED, THAT IS WHY THE WORLD WAS LATE STOPPING TRAVEL. Now, stop being sassy LIKE a liberal, and THINK about it for a few seconds. The entire earth was in the dark as to the nature  Nobody on the planet wanted to dramatically shut down the global economy based on what they didn't know.

    But PRes Trump has EXCELLENT INSTINCTS. THANK GOD HE DID IT FIRST. That it a late - it ONLY because CHINA AND THEIR CONTROLLED HACK IN THE WHO withheld the vital serious dramatic truth - the virus was DANGEROUS, not harmless to people.

     It would be smart to admit WHY the horses left the barn. Stay tuned - but you won't - the evidence is piling up that this virus started in the WUHAN LAB.

    And true EXPERTS ON CHINA, are now bringing why china allowed the virus to spread all over the world - being a dangerously corrupt communist government - (again READ AND LEARN - the book "GERMS") once it happened, they didn't want to be the only country on earth to have their economy completely devastated, didn't want to admit responsibility for their disaster, and didn't want the world to really see that communism is a completely corrupt, failed, dangerously oppressive system.

EDIT: and now your Great American President thinks he has the unilateral power to adjourn Congress? He's getting scarier by the day to anyone who happens to think otherwise. 


Do try to have a nice day, but blaming Pres Trump for wanting to order Congress back into session is totally CONSTITUTIONAL Denying it is just emotional knee jerkie. I suspect you are being wrong on purpose for whatever nefarious reason you might have.


"Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution grants the president the power to convene a special session of Congress on "extraordinary occasions." As of October 2013, there have been 27 special sessions of Congress called by the President of the United States. "


Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution grants the president the power to convene a special session of Congress on "extraordinary occasions." As of October 2013, there have been 27 special sessions of Congress called by the President of the United States. The first was in March, 1797, in which John Adams convened Congress to ask Congress to suspend relations with France. The most recent was in July, 1948, in which President Truman convened Congress to consider civil rights legislation.

Amendment XX

In 1933, the passage of the 20th Amendment to the Constitution made changes to the times that Congress convenes that have eliminated the need for most special sessions. There have been only four special sessions called since the 20th Amendment was ratified. Three of these had to do with domestic legislation, and one was called by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 to declare neutrality in World War II."




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The Chinese govt. needs to be held accountable for murder.

The virus was not engineered, rather it was contracted by a scientist from a bat under study at a virology lab in Wuhan.

The scientist unknowingly contracted the virus and it began to spread rapidly throughout Wuhan.

China shut down the city. No entry or exit....except for flights going in and out of Wuhan from other countries, with the blessing of the WHO .

China began hoarding PPE by coercing companies in China such as 3M not to export masks,  while buying up PPE from European countries.

This is what happened. Don't let people like Hoorta tell you China had no fuckin idea.

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


  1)  It's just that I don't remember you coming to this board to rail against obaMao commie - not once. Fancy that. THAT is why I bring him up. It's fine you didn't vote for him. By never once criticizing obaMao, but full bore going TexAg on Pres Trump - you get what you get in response. It's just common sense. ObaMao divided us more than we've ever been divided before, hugely - and most all the malignant hostility that has ZERO fact behind it - is because of his crap.


2)   Wait, I gave you a bunch of sources where you were wrong about the china/who timeline. You ignored it. Pres Trump didn't have information to have done it earlier, and caught all HELL when he did it - the WHO and China insisted he not do it. He was the first one to do it - and he was RIGHT. It was not Pres Trump's fault CHINA AND THE WHO DELIBERATELY LIED TO THE WORLD. So, please, kindly stop the "look at me/us" nonsense about blaming Pres Trump.


  3)   Twist it all you want - it's the liberal hater way of controlling narratives - you're claim he wasn't paying attention to China is unfounded you don't have any clue emotional knee jerk bs. Pres Trump was the first to stop travel - that shows outstanding leadership and I don't care if you don't want to admit it. He restricted flights based on intel we don't know (that includes you), and watching it start to spread around the world. CHINA AND THE WHO LIED, THAT IS WHY THE WORLD WAS LATE STOPPING TRAVEL. Now, stop being sassy LIKE a liberal, and THINK about it for a few seconds. The entire earth was in the dark as to the nature  Nobody on the planet wanted to dramatically shut down the global economy based on what they didn't know.

    But PRes Trump has EXCELLENT INSTINCTS. THANK GOD HE DID IT FIRST. That it a late - it ONLY because CHINA AND THEIR CONTROLLED HACK IN THE WHO withheld the vital serious dramatic truth - the virus was DANGEROUS, not harmless to people.

     It would be smart to admit WHY the horses left the barn. Stay tuned - but you won't - the evidence is piling up that this virus started in the WUHAN LAB.

    And true EXPERTS ON CHINA, are now bringing why china allowed the virus to spread all over the world - being a dangerously corrupt communist government - (again READ AND LEARN - the book "GERMS") once it happened, they didn't want to be the only country on earth to have their economy completely devastated, didn't want to admit responsibility for their disaster, and didn't want the world to really see that communism is a completely corrupt, failed, dangerously oppressive system.


4) Do try to have a nice day, but blaming Pres Trump for wanting to order Congress back into session is totally CONSTITUTIONAL Denying it is just emotional knee jerkie. I suspect you are being wrong on purpose for whatever nefarious reason you might have.



1) As usual, you're trying to connect dots that don't connect. Mr. Conspiracy Theories. That I didn't frequent this Forum 4-8 yeas ago has absolutely no bearing on my opinion of Obama. You however, can't let it go. 

2) Sources that are still trying to say this was a Wuhan Laboratory accident? Yeah- the CIA killed Kennedy too.... And even if this WAS a Wuhan Virology Lab accident- it only matters to the conspiracy theorists trying to pile more blame on China. Like how many times do I have to point out today April 16th- it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if it was a lab accident, transmitted by fruit bats, pangolins, or arrived by a alien space ship. It is what it is....  

3) Factually wrong. A bunch of countries shut down their borders before Trump got around to it. Starting with- SURPRISE! North Korea. Probably Hong Kong too. And BTW, with 20\20 hindsight- it wasn't an absolute travel ban. Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people arrived from China to places like NYC and San Francisco under exemptions, that ban had as many holes in it as swiss cheese. Too late pal. 

4) If you'd ever bother reading something other than Right Wing Trump ass kissing media, you'd discover a bunch of sources have stated there would surely be a challenge in Federal court of his right to do so under the current circumstances.  Just like your Orange Man talking out his ass that he could unilaterally overrule state governors to open up the country. He caught flack from both parties for overstepping his bounds. Funny he had to back off of that BS. 

I do feel sorry for you- mostly because you have a very unhealthy dose of paranoia. Something a true MAGA has in spades that President Wuhan Flu, we got this under control feeds off of. But do keep on making excuses for him- he's great at doing that himself BTW.  

And this is the last time I'm going to waste 10 minutes of my time looking up some opposing fact check that's out there in spades- to contradict all the Right Wing spew that you're taking as Gospel Truth. You undoubtedly will label it "fake news". As I've said, 90%+ of Americans either don't know, or don't give a rat's ass who's fault it is or what happened when. I'll bet I could win a lot of money going out on the street asking people to point out Wuhan on a map, give or take a thousand miles- they couldn't do it. Go ahead, rail against me all you want- I'm not going to bother responding to it.  



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10 minutes ago, Gorka said:

The Chinese govt. needs to be held accountable for murder.

The virus was not engineered, rather it was contracted by a scientist from a bat under study at a virology lab in Wuhan.

The scientist unknowingly contracted the virus and it began to spread rapidly throughout Wuhan.

China shut down the city. No entry or exit....except for flights going in and out of Wuhan from other countries, with the blessing of the WHO .

China began hoarding PPE by coercing companies in China such as 3M not to export masks,  while buying up PPE from European countries.

This is what happened. Don't let people like Hoorta tell you China had no fuckin idea.

Is the above possible? Sure. Doesn't make much difference now, does it?  Key is "unknowing" in your hypothesis. How long did it take the medical community to realize just how contagious this virus was? Got an answer? At this point- no one does. And like dear old Donald not wanting to cause a scare, the Chinese were unwilling to admit it to not cause a panic over Lunar New year celebrations. I've never disputed the fact there was plenty of Chinese lying and cover up going on for months. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

3) Factually wrong. A bunch of countries shut down their borders before Trump got around to it. Starting with- SURPRISE! North Korea. Probably Hong Kong too. And BTW, with 20\20 hindsight- it wasn't an absolute travel ban. Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people arrived from China to places like NYC and San Francisco under exemptions, that ban had as many holes in it as swiss cheese. Too late pal. 


    North Korea is already a closed society. LOL. America led the way:


   Italy may have done it earlier - by a few days - but Italy is about 60 million - we are about 380 million. It takes a little more time for a large country to make that move. We are too large a country to completely and immediately shut down. Pres Trump made a very quick decision. But the EU has free travel between countries - it doesn't do them much good.

We aren't the EU, THANK GOD, although you Pres Trump haters tend to want to be global EU types.


4) If you'd ever bother reading something other than Right Wing Trump ass kissing media, you'd discover a bunch of sources have stated there would surely be a challenge in Federal court of his right to do so under the current circumstances.  Just like your Orange Man talking out his ass that he could unilaterally overrule state governors to open up the country. He caught flack from both parties for overstepping his bounds. Funny he had to back off of that BS. 


   I don't care about them wanting to go to court - but when they do, the asswholes KEEP LOSING LOL Get it? ObaMao put leftwing activists all over our entire judiciary. And nobody kisses Pres Trump's ass. And as far as him having the authority - I don't know - he may have overstated that - he could be wrong, but he does have the authority to recommend to the states that they do. It's still odd, did your ObaMao have the authority to do fast and furious? etc etc etc?


I do feel sorry for you- mostly because you have a very unhealthy dose of paranoia. Something a true MAGA has in spades that President Wuhan Flu, we got this under control feeds off of. But do keep on making excuses for him- he's great at doing that himself BTW.  


     I'm not paranoid at all. Read the two books I mention below, and get back to me about your polly anna view of democrats and the chinese.

  Your childish retorts do not make for FACTS. You can't back up your contentions at all. Your slurs are just msm emotional knee jerk talking points. But keep attacking - we keep WINNING. And legal whammo is going to come down on all the deep state ObaMao hacks that became a new American crime syndicate. AG Barr and co are going there. You can run and hide from that truth all you want - but blaming Pres Trump for anything and everywhere is bs.

    Here are two books you can read, if you would like to know what the heyl you are talking about:

"Germs" and "The UN Exposed". It will show you historical deceit, malfeasance and serious vicious secret crap that has gone on. Read em. You will get a badly needed education if you want to discuss current events. Especially russia and china.

and the UN. BTW, I wonder where the UN ? Any ideas? Or just liberal talking points? Because the WHO head is sold out to commie chinese $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


And this is the last time I'm going to waste 10 minutes of my time looking up some opposing fact check that's out there in spades- to contradict all the Right Wing spew that you're taking as Gospel Truth. You undoubtedly will label it "fake news". As I've said, 90%+ of Americans either don't know, or don't give a rat's ass who's fault it is or what happened when. I'll bet I could win a lot of money going out on the street asking people to point out Wuhan on a map, give or take a thousand miles- they couldn't do it. Go ahead, rail against me all you want- I'm not going to bother responding to it.  


     Good, because you may catch what I'm saying not being exactly correct, but you sound like you have major investments in companies doing business in commie china - that is how little you can back up anything you are saying. And, I don't go with the polls on stuff I know and am concerned about on this forum. And you say "90%"

Really, Hoorta?

Read those two freakin books, and read this:  (the 42% are probably emotional knee jerk democrats who never learn, never listen, don't care and hate Real America because they elected a TERRIFIC Real American President that doesn't think murdering unborn and born children is just dandy. and who will stand up to your Nasty Pelosi who is as dishonest as any maniac in any nuthouse.


Majority in U.S. Agree CCP Is to Blame for Coronavirus


Mar 24, 2020 · The poll said 55 percent believe China is to blame for the virus versus 45 percent who did not agree. 52 percent agreed with Trump’s use of the term “China Virus,” while 42 percent did not.


No Party Split: Vast Majority of Americans Believe the ...


Apr 09, 2020 · No Party Split: Vast Majority of Americans Believe the COVID-19 Pandemic Is China’s Fault Despite the best efforts of China and our media. ... A survey from Harris Poll on Wednesday shows that 77 percent of Americans nationally blame the Chinese Communist Party ...

SO HOORTA, your "90%" is just TDS hostile CRAP. the latter example says 77 percent agree with me. You should stop replying and arguing - you are just wrong.

   But either admit it, or "not waste your time". How convenient. And, the next time you and other haters want to say "orange skinned" about Pres Trump...

what if any of us had referred to ObaMao commie as "black skinned" king etc? Well, we never ever did.


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