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Another tweet that deserves professional attention

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3 hours ago, Vambo said:

You can keep your doctor plan that costs twice as much as a normal plan and fine you if you don't participate plan?

And another ignores the obvious most important part of the post, the lie that coronavirus is not killing a lot of people. It's his evolving whopper for the election. Just sit back and watch.

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just once I'd like one of the more sensible haters to justify the hate comments. Everyday with them is like "Christmas impeachment" day, only they get the shaft, and then they just start another different lie to believe it.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

just once I'd like one of the more sensible haters to justify the hate comments. Everyday with them is like "Christmas impeachment" day, only they get the shaft, and then they just start another different lie to believe it.

I've posted several articles so far. Read them. Like it or not you are being enlisted in the Army of the Elderly &/or Underlying Conditions to sacrifice health and maybe life for the economy of the country. That's where those articles are guiding your intellect. It's the Swedish Plan with intentional discounting of data and data analysis.

Look back here in late August and tell me I was wrong.

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You're wrong..


 Happy now?


"Like it or not you are being enlisted in the Army of the Elderly &/or Underlying Conditions to sacrifice health and maybe life for the economy of the country. "


Isn't "the sacrifice of the few for the good of the many" your ilks mantra? 

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

You're wrong..


 Happy now?


"Like it or not you are being enlisted in the Army of the Elderly &/or Underlying Conditions to sacrifice health and maybe life for the economy of the country. "


Isn't "the sacrifice of the few for the good of the many" your ilks mantra? 

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On 5/7/2020 at 4:16 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

Excuse me. Have you already forgotten his constant "Repeal and Replace"?

Replace means you have a replacement plan set to go. Trump never did. It was just one more huge lie.

And speaking of the other lie he is pandering now, watch the attack on coronavirus deaths quickly accelerate. Believe his bull at your own peril. One more added to the others I provided. Watch this turn into the next great lie over the next few weeks. Trump does not want to be responsible for this getting so far out of control, so the best way to get it back into control is minimize the death toll.


At least I understand where Gorka is coming from now. "I think the guy's a jerk, but I like his agenda". Great, I think the guy's a jerk too- but on top of that, I don't really like or have no opinion on 75% of his agenda. The MAGAs just can't seem to understand that. I already posted the fact check on Trump's lying once, I'm not going to bother a second time. BTW, that ditty "The Liar Tweets Tonight" was hilarious.  :)  

Steve did bring up a good point even if Trump resigned tomorrow, the left would ramp up criticism of Pence 1,000% the next day.  

I don't know how to do memes, but taking the Trump getting reelected  dig vs. the Democrat's flattening the curve, we need a similar graph from the Democratic side. The line "speed of opening the economy" with Corona deaths tracing each other exactly. President Lysol needs the economy cranking up ASAP so he can get reelected, deaths are secondary collateral damage. 100,000 dead Donald? We're at 77,000 with over three weeks to go in the month. Bet the ranch we pass 100k before then... Thankfully, it does look like the curve has flattened out, but even if the rate doesn't increase- we're going to have a million more cases in under two months, with maybe another 50,000 deaths. In one of his few wise moves- he's left it up to the Governors, so in case the rapid reopening of the economy backfires- he has an instant excuse- "see I told you so". That's his MO in spades. 

EDIT: More wisdom from Dr. Trump...   https://news.yahoo.com/trump-says-coronavirus-will-go-away-without-a-vaccine-195154249.html


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

In one of his few wise moves- he's left it up to the Governors, so in case the rapid reopening of the economy backfires- he has an instant excuse- "see I told you so". That's his MO in spades.

Well he didn't exactly leave it up to the governors. He took away the right to read the CDC guidelines so that we get patchwork openings he can blame on the governors when many fail.


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18 hours ago, Axe said:

You're wrong..


 Happy now?


"Like it or not you are being enlisted in the Army of the Elderly &/or Underlying Conditions to sacrifice health and maybe life for the economy of the country. "


Isn't "the sacrifice of the few for the good of the many" your ilks mantra? 

Trump said he was a wartime president. And we know exactly whom he is using for cannon fodder on the front lines. You should be proud he is emptying nursing homes, memory care units, long term rehab units and SS retirement roles all in one Charge of the Lame Brigade. Cal is just a little slow on the uptake there since it also includes him.

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36 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Trump said he was a wartime president. And we know exactly whom he is using for cannon fodder on the front lines. You should be proud he is emptying nursing homes, memory care units, long term rehab units and SS retirement roles all in one Charge of the Lame Brigade. Cal is just a little slow on the uptake there since it also includes him.

And right on cue here comes an opinion piece saying it even better than I can.


Plus the moron says the virus will go away without a vaccine, "I feel about vaccines like I fell about tests."

The more idiocy you see the more imbecilic he makes you all look for supporting this moron. Take two Lysol tabs and call Doctor D in the morning.



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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Well he didn't exactly leave it up to the governors. He took away the right to read the CDC guidelines so that we get patchwork openings he can blame on the governors when many fail.


"White House officials reportedly rejected the guidance due to concerns that it could hamper the administration’s efforts to swiftly reopen the economy."

Why who could have known Ag? RE: Or religious liberty? You kidding me? It's recommendations, not an order. If a congregation wants to stage a Jonestown mass suicide- there's nothing stopping them..... 

2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And right on cue here comes an opinion piece saying it even better than I can.


Plus the moron says the virus will go away without a vaccine, "I feel about vaccines like I fell about tests."

The more idiocy you see the more imbecilic he makes you all look for supporting this moron. Take two Lysol tabs and call Doctor D in the morning.



The predictable Righty response, it's all CNN fake news. Sad. If it's not Fox, Hannity, or Rush they don't know what they're talking about.  More righty double standard- China was deliberately underestimating covid deaths, but the CDC is overestimating Corona deaths in the USA- because it's all a plot to take down Trump. MAGAs graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Trump University School of Paranoia. 

Speaking of degrees- what the MAGAs don't know- I just got my Doctorate in Research Virology. 😉 Read a few articles about covid in Laboratory Medicine- I'm totally qualified to refute Trump's gut feelings on the subject.  :D  :D  :D 

Even some Republicans are privately telling Donald to STFU and chill out.  That pissing off Gretchen isn't very wise if you think you're going to carry Michigan in November. 


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

"White House officials reportedly rejected the guidance due to concerns that it could hamper the administration’s efforts to swiftly reopen the economy."

Why who could have known Ag? RE: Or religious liberty? You kidding me? It's recommendations, not an order. If a congregation wants to stage a Jonestown mass suicide- there's nothing stopping them..... 

The predictable Righty response, it's all CNN fake news. Sad. If it's not Fox, Hannity, or Rush they don't know what they're talking about.  More righty double standard- China was deliberately underestimating covid deaths, but the CDC is overestimating Corona deaths in the USA- because it's all a plot to take down Trump. MAGAs graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Trump University School of Paranoia. 

Speaking of degrees- what the MAGAs don't know- I just got my Doctorate in Research Virology. 😉 Read a few articles about covid in Laboratory Medicine- I'm totally qualified to refute Trump's gut feelings on the subject.  :D  :D  :D 

Even some Republicans are privately telling Donald to STFU and chill out.  That pissing off Gretchen isn't very wise if you think you're going to carry Michigan in November. 


You done editing yet? 🤣



Pissing off Gretchen 🤣


Congrats, I know so many people with PHDs and Doctorates ( I do know the difference) that don't have jobs, or are not now working, or never have worked in their doctorate fields if they DO have a job. They are a weird lot, they can't seem manage their owns lives, or financial affairs :( However, that doesn't stop them from telling you what their world view is according to their pc of paper, or stop them from trying to portray themselves as smarter than you, or trying to portray themselves as entitled to a bully pulpit.. I congratulate you on the the time and expense expended on a pc of paper that may or may not afford you a comfortable life.. I hope it does. But let's be clear, at this particular point in time, you haven't done anything.. Get back to us when you have..

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2 minutes ago, Axe said:

You done editing yet?

"even some Republicans"...

Hoorta, you mean "rinos".

Disagreements are allowed in the republican party.

the democratic party is like pre-WWII nazis. They demand to own and control everything by any means necessary.

and CNN? LOL LOL. They have zero cred as a news source, They are just an "SNL" type of show - politics bent to attract the left side of America.

and don't think Fox is the flip side - they are anything but, especially the last few years.

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I've thought about that - an American Patriot party.

except I suppose it would divide up Real America, and leave the left

one party, with deep state traitors all over our government.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

You done editing yet? 🤣


Pissing off Gretchen 🤣

Congrats, I know so many people with PHDs and Doctorates ( I do know the difference) that don't have jobs, or are not now working, or never have worked in their doctorate fields if they DO have a job. They are a weird lot, they can't seem manage their owns lives, or financial affairs :( However, that doesn't stop them from telling you what their world view is according to their pc of paper, or stop them from trying to portray themselves as smarter than you, or trying to portray themselves as entitled to a bully pulpit.. I congratulate you on the the time and expense expended on a pc of paper that may or may not afford you a comfortable life.. I hope it does. But let's be clear, at this particular point in time, you haven't done anything.. Get back to us when you have..

That wasn't my point- I was being as sarcastic as President Lysol tends to be (or says he's being) when he's totally full of crap- in case you missed my wink emoji. If he wants to make pronouncements like he's a Doctor, I'll make them like I have a Doctorate- which I don't have FYI. However, I have worked in Laboratory Medicine for over 40 years, and I like to think I have a better handle on medicine in general, and virology in particular than some Bozo Quack who imagines (and acts like) he has a phony medical degree from Trump U. So yes, I've led a secure existence, but hardly one to get me incredibly wealthy. Trump really needs to stop talking out his ass when he's hardly qualified to make statements like that. Will Corona go away? Sure- probably, pick a year- or 10 years down the road.  There's your pre-made excuse. 

BTW, You may not be laughing when Trump loses the election. 

Cal, it just goes to show how limited your POV is... So if the Dems only have one Nazi viewpoint- how come there were over a dozen candidates running for President- yeah- they all were espousing the exact identical Nazi stuff. Get out of here with that biased crap. 

In case you want to know- I stopped listening to Hannity when he couldn't stop bleating on how it was the "right" thing to do to keep Terry Shiavo's parents happy preserving the non functional life she was leading. My Board Certified Neurologist pal took a look at her CAT scan- there was nothing left but brain stem function. On the political front- Sean #1 shill for Trump, as biased in the other direction as CNN to you. Just like the MAGAs who apparently can't see DT is progressively making comments any reasonably educated person would consider as increasingly crazy. DT- going into DTs.  :D  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

That wasn't my point- I was being as sarcastic as President Lysol tends to be (or says he's being) when he's totally full of crap- in case you missed my wink emoji. If he wants to make pronouncements like he's a Doctor, I'll make them like I have a Doctorate- which I don't have FYI. However, I have worked in Laboratory Medicine for over 40 years, and I like to think I have a better handle on medicine in general, and virology in particular than some Bozo Quack who imagines (and acts like) he has a phony medical degree from Trump U. So yes, I've led a secure existence, but hardly one to get me incredibly wealthy. Trump really needs to stop talking out his ass when he's hardly qualified to make statements like that. Will Corona go away? Sure- probably, pick a year- or 10 years down the road.  There's your pre-made excuse. 

Wow. Aside from the effects Trumps comments had on you, that was a lot of knotted up anti- Trump outrage complete with the same ol conjecture over a comment that had zero adverse effects on a single American.  Boy if only drinking Lysol could rid you of TDS.

I'll try working with you once more. Trump made no recommendations to the public to drink or inject disinfectants. That's just asinine on your part. He was not playing doctor either. As preposterous as the idea may be, he was proposing that the medical community look into it:

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning....."

Now what you will aim do is spin my getting to the truth as "sucking up" to Trump. Right?  The truth be damned to you people because it butts heads with your Trump hating agenda. We're only cool, unbiased, on the level, as long as we are in line with your corrupt way of thinking, right?

I'll get to the rest of the rubbish in your post later. God where do I start...

Cal, it just goes to show how limited your POV is... So if the Dems only have one Nazi viewpoint- how come there were over a dozen candidates running for President- yeah- they all were espousing the exact identical Nazi stuff. Get out of here with that biased crap. 

In case you want to know- I stopped listening to Hannity when he couldn't stop bleating on how it was the "right" thing to do to keep Terry Shiavo's parents happy preserving the non functional life she was leading. My Board Certified Neurologist pal took a look at her CAT scan- there was nothing left but brain stem function. On the political front- Sean #1 shill for Trump, as biased in the other direction as CNN to you. Just like the MAGAs who apparently can't see DT is progressively making comments any reasonably educated person would consider as increasingly crazy. DT- going into DTs.  :D  


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2 hours ago, Gorka said:


Twist it however you like- apologist....  What in the hell do you think then? Look into something that's obviously preposterous? You guys are blind to what was said- you even quoted it.

"And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning....."

This guy needs to stop thinking out loud- it reflects badly on his thought processes- as well as a serious lack of medical knowledge.....  

Don't bother responding- you're wasting your time. Attacking me will get you nowhere in November...  By all means- keep supporting the ever more whacko President Lysol. Why don't you try injecting some lysol or bleach to see if Trump is right?  :D  We can even declare it a Corona induced death, since the CDC is padding the numbers to get Trump......  

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Politics aside here is an article on how best to protect yourselves in various situations during the inevitable re-openings around the country.

I have no snide comments here about trumpy, just sound advice that comes directly from a professional epidemiologist. 

I put this here to help every BB person stay safe for you and yours regardless of political beliefs.

Or disbeliefs. 😂

Stay safe everyone. Try to put this to work for yourselves (even covers my indoor sports like racquetball😢).


Quote from the article: "So throughout most of the country we are going to add fuel to the viral fire by reopening. It's going to happen if I like it or not, so my goal here is to try to guide you away from situations of high risk."

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On 5/7/2020 at 4:16 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

Excuse me. Have you already forgotten his constant "Repeal and Replace"?

Replace means you have a replacement plan set to go. Trump never did. It was just one more huge lie.


Trump, over the years:

"Obamacare. We're going to repeal it, we're going to replace it, get something great. Repeal it, replace it, get something great!"

"If you can't take care of the sick in your country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it comes to healthcare. I believe in universal healthcare. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better."

"There's many different ways, by the way. This is a very un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, "No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private...I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better that they're taken care of now."

"...the governments gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition and lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything."

And finally, my personal favorite:

"Nobody know health care could be so complicated."

Good times....good times.

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Cal, it just goes to show how limited your POV is... So if the Dems only have one Nazi viewpoint- how come there were over a dozen candidates running for President- yeah- they all were espousing the exact identical Nazi stuff. Get out of here with that biased crap.  HOORTA


  Actually, no, I have all sorts of facts that make up my opinions. Your appraisal is all wet in Egypt. Fundamentally, the dems all conform to the irrational disregard for America, and all of us who will never jump onto the socialist train. Every single one of them supports unlimited illegal immigration. Every single one of them wants to "transform" America and all of us, into something we will never become. Every single one of them have a disregard for the limitations imposed on our government - by our Constitution/Bill of Rights.

   It's a socialist movement - they are all on board. Every single one of them lies to appear not as they really are. American Indian? nope.

   Leader of defending our Constitution/Bill of Rights?


  Bring us all together - (that was one of obaMao's lies) while dividing us into racial, economic, religious/non religious, political, and most importantly, cultureal hostile groups?


   You folks who want one of them to be elected, instead of re-electing our president who is KEEPING HIS PROMISES TO US...

is what is "limited in POV"

Folks all over America are stocking up on guns and ammo - even before the virus crisis. They did when obaMao was elected.

Why? It's because if your dems ever do get back into the WH, our 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment rights will be the first of all of them to go out the window.

and that is just a fact, jack.

all your dems follow in line with the hate. JUST LIKE the nazis did, Pre-WWII. You want me to repost the video of the FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen back in the day?

Where they talked about their new socialist form of gov, and exterminating millions of Americans who won't go along?

Let me know - I'll go find it and edumicate ya.

(again, your ObaMao started his political career - in bill ayer's father's home in Chicago). 

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15 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

   Actually, no, I have all sorts of facts that make up my opinions. Your appraisal is all wet in Egypt. Fundamentally, the dems all conform to the irrational disregard for America, and all of us who will never jump onto the socialist train. Every single one of them supports unlimited illegal immigration. Every single one of them wants to "transform" America and all of us, into something we will never become. Every single one of them have a disregard for the limitations imposed on our government - by our Constitution/Bill of Rights.

   It's a socialist movement - they are all on board. Every single one of them lies to appear not as they really are. American Indian? nope.

   Leader of defending our Constitution/Bill of Rights?


  Bring us all together - (that was one of obaMao's lies) while dividing us into racial, economic, religious/non religious, political, and most importantly, cultureal hostile groups?


   You folks who want one of them to be elected, instead of re-electing our president who is KEEPING HIS PROMISES TO US...

is what is "limited in POV"

Folks all over America are stocking up on guns and ammo - even before the virus crisis. They did when obaMao was elected.

Why? It's because if your dems ever do get back into the WH, our 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment rights will be the first of all of them to go out the window.

and that is just a fact, jack.

all your dems follow in line with the hate. JUST LIKE the nazis did, Pre-WWII. You want me to repost the video of the FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen back in the day?

Where they talked about their new socialist form of gov, and exterminating millions of Americans who won't go along?

Let me know - I'll go find it and edumicate ya.

(again, your ObaMao started his political career - in bill ayer's father's home in Chicago). 

Any statement that says "they are all this" or "they are all that" is all full of baloney already. If you saw even half an hour of Dem debates you would know how different so many are from one another.

Except of course all the Nazi Trumpsters. They all carry the flag and salute the King.🤣

PS-stay safe cal. Don't fall for any "it's done now" messages that may come forth in the next few months. It ain't over till it's over.

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21 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

   Actually, no, I have all sorts of facts that make up my opinions. Your appraisal is all wet in Egypt. Fundamentally, the dems all conform to the irrational disregard for America, and all of us who will never jump onto the socialist train. Every single one of them supports unlimited illegal immigration. Every single one of them wants to "transform" America and all of us, into something we will never become. Every single one of them have a disregard for the limitations imposed on our government - by our Constitution/Bill of Rights.

   It's a socialist movement - they are all on board. Every single one of them lies to appear not as they really are. American Indian? nope.

   Leader of defending our Constitution/Bill of Rights?


  Bring us all together - (that was one of obaMao's lies) while dividing us into racial, economic, religious/non religious, political, and most importantly, cultureal hostile groups?


   You folks who want one of them to be elected, instead of re-electing our president who is KEEPING HIS PROMISES TO US...

is what is "limited in POV"

Folks all over America are stocking up on guns and ammo - even before the virus crisis. They did when obaMao was elected.

Why? It's because if your dems ever do get back into the WH, our 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment rights will be the first of all of them to go out the window.

and that is just a fact, jack.

all your dems follow in line with the hate. JUST LIKE the nazis did, Pre-WWII. You want me to repost the video of the FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen back in the day?

Where they talked about their new socialist form of gov, and exterminating millions of Americans who won't go along?

Let me know - I'll go find it and edumicate ya.

(again, your ObaMao started his political career - in bill ayer's father's home in Chicago). 

Cal, I didn't say that.  Don't mistake me for that knucklehead!

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6 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Cal, I didn't say that.  Don't mistake me for that knucklehead!

oops. LOL, doesn't work if I quote Hoorta in your having quoted him. sorry. I went too fast.

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oops. LOL, doesn't work if I quote Hoorta in your having quoted him. sorry. I went too fast.

Don't worry- I'm done. It's just if Biden is going senile- I worry about Trump's sanity making comments like he's been doing recently. Wow- now the virus is going to go away at some point. Right you are Donald. Spanish flu went away at some point too.  :)  Sunshine, lollipops and roses.... 

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7 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Politics aside here is an article on how best to protect yourselves in various situations during the inevitable re-openings around the country.

I have no snide comments here about trumpy, just sound advice that comes directly from a professional epidemiologist. 

I put this here to help every BB person stay safe for you and yours regardless of political beliefs.

Or disbeliefs. 😂

Stay safe everyone. Try to put this to work for yourselves (even covers my indoor sports like racquetball😢).


Quote from the article: "So throughout most of the country we are going to add fuel to the viral fire by reopening. It's going to happen if I like it or not, so my goal here is to try to guide you away from situations of high risk."


That article was posted elsewhere, and yeah- I was a big meanie pointing out with the major outbreak of covid in the mega meat packing facilities- you know who- said back to work slackers, we need our daily dose of protein. :)  FWIW, I was stunned when I learned the amount of cows or pigs getting processed there on a daily basis- I had no idea it was in the tens of thousands.  

That article does give me pause about being too cavalier hitting my favorite dining establishments. One thing I (sort of ) disagree on is the amount of viral load you would need to get infected. In general, probably right- but in theory, one stinking virus could be enough to get you infected. 

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So in California, the Democrats, who fought like crazy to get all mail in only ballots, and succeeded, have just opened a voting booth in the most Democrat area in the State. They are trying to steal another election. It’s all rigged out there. These votes must not count. SCAM!

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