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Flynn Charges Dropped


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it was a dangerous farce from the beginning, just like the rest of the attempt to get Pres Trump

out of office.

He doesn't let them control him, and all of us, so they went to their secret war.

Flynn lost his home, etc, to defend himself against a fraudulent action by crooks

that obaMao put in place.

I hope he gets mega millions in his lawsuit, and strzok, page, and all the rest go to freaking prison for what they have done.

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57 minutes ago, Axe said:

Now it's time to prosecute the people that manufactured this farce..

Flynn has a bit of a lawsuit as well..

The problem is that everything leads back to Obama. I don't they think want to go there. Obama was the first black president after all.

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

The problem is that everything leads back to Obama. I don't they think want to go there. Obama was the first black president after all.

biden is white, though, and they ignore the sexual assault claims -= that are VALID.

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16 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

biden is white, though, and they ignore the sexual assault claims -= that are VALID.

Of course! Maybe you missed the sarcasm in my post.lol ...how dare we accuse the first black president of a crime.. We racists.

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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

The problem is that everything leads back to Obama. I don't they think want to go there. Obama was the first black president after all.

Thought he was half black, half white..🤨

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it's a disgrace that none of the liberal hacks on the board supported GENERAL FLYNN  - not even the ones who pretended it

was terrible to tell the truth about mattis, kelly and mccain.

Not one post in support of Gen. Flynn all this time, and he was completely innocent.

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dirty traitor obaMao commie put all these corrupt dirtbags into our gov.

they need to pay a serious price for the lies and fake investigations - they tried to

keep control of our country after they lost the election.

Too bad so many Americans support the frauds they perpetrated.

Like a dangerous cult.


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obamao lied again. he KNEW ABOUT THE WIRETAPS ON GEN. FLYNN !!!!!!

and, fake ridicule be damned, Pres Trump was absolutely correct - they WERE WIRETAPPED.

That is egg on the face of haters who happily bought into the lie, as usual.


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Well, this is definitely pissing into a gale, but here goes:

Of course Obama knew about Flynn being wiretapped. He was the President.

Actually, recording Flynn was a pretty obvious result of American intelligence practices.

First, he was talking to Sergey Kislyak, then the Russian Ambassador and an agent of a foreign power. Agents of foreign powers are acceptable foreign intelligence targets and the government could legally surveil Kislyak under FISA. While wiretapping in the criminal context involves only recording while the targets talk about illegal activity, foreign intelligence wiretapping is comprehensive. ALL conversations are recorded and the important bits mined out after the fact. So when Flynn talked on the telephone to Kislyak, it's practically certain that he was going to be recorded since Kislyak was being recorded.

The intelligence jargon for this is "incidental collection", which means, among other things, that American conversations get recorded when they talk to intelligence targets. It is amazing that Flynn, who once served as Assistant Director of National Intelligence, didn't know that.

Republican reactions of surprise to surveillance revelations are themselves---what's a nice word?---surprising. Civil libertarians have been complaining about the vast scope of incidental collection and the inadequacy of minimization procedures for years. Leaders on the intelligence committees (Devin Nunes) and right wing media (Wall Street Journal) have responded with a big yawn. "Trust us, we have to collect it all to keep America safe." But once that one of their own was targeted, Republican were suddenly up in arms.

I tend to run the Republican defense of all things Donald through the filter of "What if Obama had said/done it"? I can't help wonder what the reaction on this board would have been if, instead of Flynn, we were talking about Susan Rice.

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3 hours ago, Dste Ace said:

Actually, recording Flynn was a pretty obvious result of American intelligence practices.

First, he was talking to Sergey Kislyak, then the Russian Ambassador and an agent of a foreign power. Agents of foreign powers are acceptable foreign intelligence targets and the government could legally surveil Kislyak under FISA. While wiretapping in the criminal context involves only recording while the targets talk about illegal activity, foreign intelligence wiretapping is comprehensive. ALL conversations are recorded and the important bits mined out after the fact. So when Flynn talked on the telephone to Kislyak, it's practically certain that he was going to be recorded since Kislyak was being recorded.

Sorry, Ace, your premise is entirely wrong. See, as a member of PRESIDENT TRUMP"S transition team, he is SUPPOSED to be doing that work. He has the outstanding experience.

   Why go after Flynn?> because he didn't fall in line with the deep state hacks leftover from the corrupt obaMao regime. In other words, Flynn was fired by obaMao deep state hack commie - because he had the integrity to call things as they really were.

   You cross these arrogant bureaucrats who stay in our gov from Pres to Pres, and you get your life ruined, if not end up dead.

The landscape is littered with files on people who the clintons couldn't trust - who ended up mysteriously...dead.

ObaMao commie weaponized the IRS, FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, even the EPA - and dramatically increased gov hiring - in a bid to have big government own America where we could never go back.

  Anyways, obaMAO commie fired Flynn. Anybody think stupidass obaMao commie had any idea on how qualified Gen Flynn was for the position?

   Of COURSE he was qualified, for goodness sakes.

   But he wouldn't be one of them. So, he had to go. And they warned Pres Trump to not hire him, either.

Why? Because they wanted their mattis, kelly, vindman, whatshisname "whistleblower" and others in their control, to end up in Pres Trump's administration to spy on him, to control him. But they couldn't control Pres Trump, and they started to destroy him and anyone around him.

   They ran a fake investigation on faked evidence, despite their innocence, and screwed with them via their controlled msm.

and that's fact.

  Gen Flynn was set up so badly, and they threatened his son for no good reason, and destroyed his finances and he lost his home.

all over him not being one of the deep staters, who must be controlled to effect the deep state agenda, and to protect them from ever being found out for being the criminals they are.

right down to strzok punk and his mistress, Lisa Page, vindman...

BTW, the FISA warrants? were obtained illegally and dishonestly with fake evidence from...

the DNC, higgardly beatch, the Orrs, Simpson, and all the rest - with Fusion GPS.


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Former President Obama warned President Donald Trump against hiring Mike Flynn as his national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News.

The warning, which has not been previously reported, came less than 48 hours after the November election when the two sat down for a 90-minute conversation in the Oval Office.


A senior Trump administration official acknowledged Monday that Obama raised the issue of Flynn, saying the former president made clear he was "not a fan of Michael Flynn." Another official said Obama’s remark seemed like it was made in jest.


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Sorry, I was confusing the original phone conversations between Flynn and the Russian ambassador with the FBI wiretapping of Flynn.

The original conversations with Flynn and the ambassador were the basis of the FISA warrant. You certainly won't get any argument from me concerning nefarious shit from the FBI. But let's be honest here, the FBI didn't suddenly just become a corrupt organization because Obama was elected. The FBI has a long and sordid history that goes back decades. COINTELPRO, the Civil Rights movement, Latin America, Ruby Ridge, Whitey Bulger,  the Associated Press impersonation case, etc., etc., etc.

But to say that because Obama knew that Flynn was wiretapped by the FBI means he ordered the investigation is a bit of a stretch. And there is no evidence to support that charge.

Flynn was fired because he lied to the FBI and Mike Pence. "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies."---Donald Trump

Flynn lied to the FBI. He pled guilty of lying to the FBI in federal court. So, now he says he didn't lie to the FBI? Isn't that technically perjury?

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And I go back to my original question "What if Obama had done it?" Would Republicans be quaking with outrage at those bastards in the Justice Dept. if Susan Rice had done what Flynn did? I'm pretty sure they would have been calling for her head on a stick.

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Lest anyone think that I'm beating the drum for Obama or the downfall of Trump, I'm on record on this board as holding both political parties in contempt. For the last 35-40 years I have believed that this country is circling the drain, and the current occupant of the WH is doing his best to speed the process up. Sorry, but it's obvious that Trump is only about his own glorification. As Maximus said in Gladiator, "The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end."

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Republicans hold the WH---sooner or later the Dems will be there and will apply their own brand of bullshit to the cause. I am simultaneously amused/disgusted by each party's outlook that "it's perfectly ok as long as we're doing it." The whole Flynn affair is a microcosm of that view.

Devin Nunes was outraged when he learned that the FBI had listened in on conversations between Flynn and Sergey Kislyak. "The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded." This despite the fact that he knew, as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee,  that the FBI routinely uses the NSA's eavesdropping techniques to monitor the Russian delegation. Still, after Flynn resigned, several traditional surveillance defenders rushed to the defense of his privacy rights as an American citizen. In an editorial, the Wall Street Journal dropped its usual use of the term "intelligence professional" to question whether "U.S. spooks" had a court order to listen in on Flynn's conversations. They ignored one of the biggest gaps in U.S. surveillance law---one which they both have defended---that allows the government to spy on Americans without any probable cause by targeting communications from overseas. After the reauthorization of this law in 2013, the WSJ praised Obama as an "unapologetic asserter of Presidential powers." In 2015 a Republican and Dem Representative coauthored an amendment that would require the FBI to get a search warrant in the exact same situation Flynn found himself in. Devin Nunes led the charge to shoot down the amendment. NSA hawks leap to the defense of privacy rights when it involves them or their political allies. Marco Rubio has often argued for expanding and permanently extending many of the NSA's surveillance programs. But in 2015 he reacted with outrage when he heard that the NSA was spying on the Israeli government and swept up some his own communications in the process.

Soon, we may see Biden in the WH, senile and constantly going on tv and babbling incoherent bullshit to his adoring minions. Which, when you think about, is exactly what we have had for the last 3 1/2 years. 

And finally, a few words from The Master, who can certainly say it a hell of a lot better than I can:



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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Flynn is a crook and should be in jail.  Barr is just another kiss ass Trumptard who does the bidding of his fat orange fake god.




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Slurs, lies, slander/libel, fake evidence, no evidence, destroying reputations/livelihoods...

power to control to get more wealth and power.... by any means necessary. Exactly like the nazis.

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