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I am treating this place like a bar.


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...and one of my bar stool rules is to not engage in political discussion with the drunk guy next to me. ;)


Look...I apologize to any that I have offended, and I have said some things that aren't a true representation of my real feelings. It seems this place is more like a smack board where the comments are more directed at individuals, with one cutting comment leading to another, with the goal to be more outrageous than the other guy.


So, that said, I will be in here less, and when I do, it won't be to talk with the drunk guy.


Some normal conversation if fine, but once it starts in to what it usually seems to do...I will have to bow out.



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...and one of my bar stool rules is to not engage in political discussion with the drunk guy next to me. ;)


Look...I apologize to any that I have offended, and I have said some things that aren't a true representation of my real feelings. It seems this place is more like a smack board where the comments are more directed at individuals, with one cutting comment leading to another, with the goal to be more outrageous than the other guy.


So, that said, I will be in here less, and when I do, it won't be to talk with the drunk guy.


Some normal conversation if fine, but once it starts in to what it usually seems to do...I will have to bow out.


Dude it's a forum to shoot the shit and let some steam off. Offended, Apologize? It's not a soap opera, no one takes this serious . This isn't exactly Mensa, which why it's fun to post here.



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...and one of my bar stool rules is to not engage in political discussion with the drunk guy next to me. ;)


Look...I apologize to any that I have offended, and I have said some things that aren't a true representation of my real feelings. It seems this place is more like a smack board where the comments are more directed at individuals, with one cutting comment leading to another, with the goal to be more outrageous than the other guy.


So, that said, I will be in here less, and when I do, it won't be to talk with the drunk guy.


Some normal conversation if fine, but once it starts in to what it usually seems to do...I will have to bow out.


I hope you reconsider, Peen. If not, I understand your frustrations.


I considered you to be an important part of our core group and you offered good commentary in a concise manner.


You are always welcome and, again, encourage you to reconsider.


If you'd like to elaborate off line, send me a PM. I am curious about these types of board dynamics.


Thanks. I look forward to your PM.


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It doesn't have to be off line.


It all just boils down to differing opinion. Unlike differing opinion on a football board as as example, this is usually deep seated, core value stuff.


I can't speak for the board, but I doubt anybody here is any different than me in that I doubt my opinion is going to be swayed much, just as y'all feel the same.


In these arguments...used figuratively..we tend to take the extreme position as that best suits our position. In doing so, that usually irritates the other person, who returns fire.


Like I said earlier, I will still be around and will still jump in where I feel I can add something constructive to the topic, but I am going to avoid threads that are deliberately started to provoke a fight...and we can all spot those by the title or in the opening....you know, they usually start off with" the stupid conservatives" or "that stupid President"...


Just too many in here willing to wallow in the muck.

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It doesn't have to be off line.


It all just boils down to differing opinion. Unlike differing opinion on a football board as as example, this is usually deep seated, core value stuff.


I can't speak for the board, but I doubt anybody here is any different than me in that I doubt my opinion is going to be swayed much, just as y'all feel the same.


In these arguments...used figuratively..we tend to take the extreme position as that best suits our position. In doing so, that usually irritates the other person, who returns fire.


Like I said earlier, I will still be around and will still jump in where I feel I can add something constructive to the topic, but I am going to avoid threads that are deliberately started to provoke a fight...and we can all spot those by the title or in the opening....you know, they usually start off with" the stupid conservatives" or "that stupid President"...


Just too many in here willing to wallow in the muck.



As you say, maybe the nature of the beast. I understand and respect your decision.


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If this is a bar, then i will buy everyone a round! cheers!


I enjoy all the comments regardless of all the snipits, they too do get out of hand sometimes.


But we will move along and cheers to all of us Browns fans!



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