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Anyone get their season Tickets in mail yet?


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Anyone get their season Tickets in mail yet?


I had my seats moved this year and just received the new PSL to sign a few weeks ago. Just wondering is it just my situation with the change in seats, or has nobody received the tix's yet?


(maybe they've been revoked ... again)

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Anyone get their season Tickets in mail yet?


I had my seats moved this year and just received the new PSL to sign a few weeks ago. Just wondering is it just my situation with the change in seats, or has nobody received the tix's yet?


(maybe they've been revoked ... again)


Got mine maybe two weeks back. Maybe your move caused a delay.



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I have had mine for a couple of weeks. They are torn out of the booklet and each in it's own envelope where i write down any of the travel information I have made for that game.


It's probably the transfer.



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I called and they said the same thing vdogrowz reported, which is that many haven't gotten theirs yet because they mailed them all out at different times. They expect them to be delivered still this week.


Thanks for responding.


(waiting by the mailbox)

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