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Hey we told you

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3 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Damn you Steve.lol  Thought this was legit....because it wouldn't have surprised me in the least.

LOL! I bet AQndy Borowitz is jealous he didn't think of it for the New Yorker.

"Lead FBI investigator of the case, Joe Barron, had this to say about the case.

“This is an ongoing investigation but we do have updates to tell you all today. Yesterday, we got a warrant to search Mr. Schumer’s home and today we executed that search warrant. We found lots of key evidence to bring forward a case. Now, we can’t release many details of what was found, but I can share one troubling piece of evidence.

We found a stash of video recordings on the email server. One of these recordings featured a cooking segment from the Rachel Ray show.

On this particular episode, they were cooking a delicious pizza, until she went over to the refrigerator to pull out a pineapple and placed it on the counter. Then she retrieved a cutting board from the cupboard and sharpened her knife. What was about to happen made me nauseous.

She proceeded to carefully slice the pineapple into fine chunks, meticulously placing them into a bowl. After which she cleaned her knife and washed down the wooden cutting board. Then, incredulously, she placed the chopped pieces of pineapple onto the pizza!

This was when I had to turn it off, as it was to vile for me to stomach.

We definitely think this piece of evidence will hold up in court along with the rest of the evidence gathered. It should be a cut and dry case.”

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