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Pres Trump is out there, keeping HIS PROMISES TO AMERICANS

biden is hidin.

for very good reason.

he's afraid to take a cognitive test.

but he says he HAS been cognitive tested.

but he lied.

the truth is, he's afraid to take one.

or if he does - he's toast.


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On 8/6/2020 at 12:43 PM, Westside Steve said:

Over the last couple of weeks listening to the endless list of Biden blathering I was wondering when somebody would put together a compilation of Trumps.


Here ya go.😂


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22 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

TDS on display.

Then get ready for more TDS than you can stand the next 80 or so days... Yup, we all have TDS- even some respected Republicans who already have had more than they can stand of Trump. Actually the MAGAs are the ones following a deranged leader- Herman Cain paid for it with his life- how many more?  More Americans dead than General Lee and the Confederates killed in the Civil War. Projections are now around 300k deaths by the end of the year. In case you're wondering, that's more than the US casualties in WW II. Trump's latest? "It is what it is." I'm more worried about my phony claim that the elections is going to be rigged so I lose...   


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46 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Then get ready for more TDS than you can stand the next 80 or so days... Yup, we all have TDS- even some respected Republicans who already have had more than they can stand of Trump. Actually the MAGAs are the ones following a deranged leader- Herman Cain paid for it with his life- how many more?  More Americans dead than General Lee and the Confederates killed in the Civil War. Projections are now around 300k deaths by the end of the year. In case you're wondering, that's more than the US casualties in WW II. Trump's latest? "It is what it is." I'm more worried about my phony claim that the elections is going to be rigged so I lose...   


If it rains tomorrow... I’ll blame Trump.

Hell, if doesn’t rain tomorrow I’ll blame Trump.

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31 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

If it rains tomorrow... I’ll blame Trump.

Hell, if doesn’t rain tomorrow I’ll blame Trump.

Just saying playing the TDS card has become meaningless. Definitely far outlived it's usefulness....  Hearkens back to "playing the Race Card"....  If you actually read the Lincoln Project OpEd piece, there's some pretty specific things Trump is getting blamed for... 

BTW, do you think Trump would be screaming about a "rigged, phony election" if the the polls said he was way ahead???   

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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Just saying playing the TDS card has become meaningless. Definitely far outlived it's usefulness....  Hearkens back to "playing the Race Card"....  If you actually read the Lincoln Project OpEd piece, there's some pretty specific things Trump is getting blamed for... 

BTW, do you think Trump would be screaming about a "rigged, phony election" if the the polls said he was way ahead???   

I think he wouldn't be talking about a rigged election, if he didn't have to deal with a rigged investigation...

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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

BTW, do you think Trump would be screaming about a "rigged, phony election" if the the polls said he was way ahead???   

Of course not.

And while we’re on the discussion of rigged elections, I recall the Dims telling Trump he must be willing to accept the results of the November 2016 election.

After they lost, they bring up the Trump/Russia collusion bullshit.

Carry on.

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Of course not.

And while we’re on the discussion of rigged elections, I recall the Dims telling Trump he must be willing to accept the results of the November 2016 election.

After they lost, they bring up the Trump/Russia collusion bullshit.

Carry on.

they set the stage to win - and still lost. they lost most all their chance to own America and tax the hell out of anyone with money - long enough to solidify their hold on America's wealth. They want to expand the size of the supreme court and stack it with leftwing anti-Constitution/Bill of Rights marxist judges, get rid of the electoral college...

venezuela. it CAN happen here.

it's pretty cowardly TDS to constantly attack Pres Trump, despite all the good and great thiings they have done for America,....

while refusing to criticize hindin biden etc.

especially when Hoorta nor any other lib on the board can't think of ONE good or great

thing obaMao dirtbag and biden accomplished in EIGHT WORTHLESS YEARS.


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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

they set the stage to win - and still lost. they lost most all their chance to own America and tax the hell out of anyone with money - long enough to solidify their hold on America's wealth. They want to expand the size of the supreme court and stack it with leftwing anti-Constitution/Bill of Rights marxist judges, get rid of the electoral college...

venezuela. it CAN happen here.

it's pretty cowardly TDS to constantly attack Pres Trump, despite all the good and great things they have done for America,....

while refusing to criticize hindin biden etc.

especially when Hoorta nor any other lib on the board can't think of ONE good or great

thing obaMao dirtbag and biden accomplished in EIGHT WORTHLESS YEARS.


Yup- here's all the not so great things he's done ostrich Cal.....  The rest of your crap is pure paranoia.... And Cal lives in the past with his ODS, twisting anything Obama ever did was "nothing". I'll just point out to you another Red State (Missouri) expanded Obamacare- that Trump wants to get rid of in the middle of a pandemic- that he doesn't think exists.....  "I'll announce a plan in two weeks" well, times up Trumpie- you got jack shit on that one- other than your hatred of anything Barak ever did (just like Cal)- which is why I won't (mostly) bother with a severe case of ODS anymore....

Nah- Trump is Mr. Wonderful all right- if you're a xenophobic racist with the mind of a cretin who believes his most wonderful presser tonight about all the job creation- after a record economic tank, and unprecedented tens of millions Americans applying for unemployment (and still out of work) ..... 

"He has created a culture of fear within the Republican Party as well as across the country, demonizing anyone with differing opinions. He belittles, berates, and ruins the careers of all who oppose him – including his own appointed government agency heads, respected military leaders and war heroes." Maybe you ought to Google that one....  

He has undermined the rule of law, obstructed justice, and issued pardons and commutations to personal cronies who helped cover up his misdeeds.

He has demonstrated gross incompetence during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing needless suffering and death.

He has, as the late Sen. John McCain put it, "debased himself before a tyrant," referring to Trump’s refusal to stand up to Vladimir Putin and protect our elections from foreign interference. Or ignored the Russians were paying bounties in Afghanistan.... 

He has turned his back on our NATO allies we have embraced for 75 years."

You want a Dictator for life? Trump will oblige....  


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7 hours ago, htownbrown said:

I think he wouldn't be talking about a rigged election, if he didn't have to deal with a rigged investigation...

The sky is green in the Trump universe.... Or why does he want to pork barrel $2 billion into a new FBI building- conveniently located across the street from one of his hotels?  Just one of the many examples of DT using the office of President for personal gain.... 

7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

On the other hand the videos of trump do not support the idea that Joe Biden is anything less than addled. And it probably every policy he's being dragged by the nose into is horrible.


They're both addled Steve. Pick the flavor of dementia- or megalomania you prefer... :)  

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40 minutes ago, hoorta said:

The sky is green in the Trump universe.... Or why does he want to pork barrel $2 billion into a new FBI building- conveniently located across the street from one of his hotels?  Just one of the many examples of DT using the office of President for personal gain.... 

Let's just assume everything you just said is 100% true.  WTH does that have to do with the question YOU asked in your previous post?

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

I'll just point out to you another Red State (Missouri) expanded Obamacare- that Trump wants to get rid of in the middle of a pandemic- that he doesn't think exists..... 

eight years of disaster of your obaMao commie/biden, you have nothing but to cowardly just attack Pres Trump on what he HASN'T DONE? Negative nancy much ? LOL You brag on obaMaocare? it's a giant fake plan that was political. One of our own members said he would be happy to have a low cost health insurance, I don't blame him - but it turns out the price was a big lie. "You like your dr, you can keep your dr." ? ADMITTED BY OBAMAO PEOPLE AS A LIE - they admitted they had to lie to get it passed. The obaMaocare birth control mandate? the Supreme Court ruled AGAINST that one. the "tax" - taxed only on people who DID NOT have insurance. That's right - if you can't AFFORD to buy health insurance, you will get TAXED instead. Which is, a politically targeted extortion move. "play our marxist game for power, or pay the price". You criticized obaMaocommiecare back then. You are only trolling now. hahaha.

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 guess what Hoorta? your obaMaocommiecare ? Again - you stupid obaMao commie and far stupider? hidin biden? screwed up obaMaocare badly.

Your whining is stupid. You know you are losing your argument when you start in with "jack kaka" in rage.

It's amusing - keep changing the subject all you want.


You can't name ONE ... LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

Keep trying, don't get mad, just get serious. LOL Name one freaking good or great thing your obamao and hiden biden did that was good or great for America in eight years.


Supreme Court upholds Trump exemptions to Obamacare ...


Jul 08, 2020 · The court ruled 7-2 that the Department of Health and Human Services had the authority to carve out the exemptions to the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate, marking a …

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

He has demonstrated gross incompetence during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing needless suffering and death.

no, that's just another lie. Pandemics do what they do. His medical team has said Pres Trump has LISTENED TO THEM EXCELLENTLY. So, you can keep being a liar about Pres Trump all you want - but you lose cred - it's TDS - irrational hatred that is not based on reality, but on your own twisted emotions about losing the last election.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Nah- Trump is Mr. Wonderful all right- if you're a xenophobic racist with the mind of a cretin who believes his most wonderful presser tonight about all the job creation- after a record economic tank, and unprecedented tens of millions Americans applying for unemployment (and still out of work) ..... 


He has demonstrated gross incompetence during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing needless suffering and death.

Yeah, you're a Biden guy.  Easy to spot.  If you guys get a chance to ramble, you lose track of where you're at in just a few sentences.  

Look, you have to choose one of these two points and stick to it.  You can't have both.


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so Hoorta,  your hero is JOHN MCCAIN? who was a corrupt, self-loving flippity-flippity not much of an American politician? A liar? A cheat? Disowned his WIFE because she got terribly sick? THAT is your hero?

please, be quiet, your rage is showing like snowflakes in a blizzard.

Oh, and your MSM stupid parroting of another LIE? about the FBI hq across from one of his hotels?

you need to sign and dance the "I'M SO SORRY _ I HAVE CRITICAL TDS BAD" song Hoorta.


GSA press secretary Pamela Dixon said Cummings and the Democrats are putting the blame in the wrong place: The FBI made the decisions about the headquarters project, not the president.

"As previously testified by GSA and the FBI, the leadership team at the FBI made the decision to keep its headquarters at the current Pennsylvania Avenue location," Dixon said.

She continued: "A number of emails referenced in today's congressional letter are taken out of context and refer to the project's funding approach, not the location decision. Suggestions that those emails indicate presidential involvement in the location decision are inaccurate."


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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

The sky is green in the Trump universe.... Or why does he want to pork barrel $2 billion into a new FBI building- conveniently located across the street from one of his hotels?  Just one of the many examples of DT using the office of President for personal gain.... 

 that's a little bit silly even for a Biden supporter. What's his net worth and what was his last actual job?

They're both addled Steve. Pick the flavor of dementia- or megalomania you prefer... :)  

of course neither one looks good but those of you who know the difference will spot tripping over teleprompter feed versus non-cognitive impromptu speaking; if there wasn't a difference you guys would be all about the debate.  And yet... 



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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

The sky is green in the Trump universe.... Or why does he want to pork barrel $2 billion into a new FBI building- conveniently located across the street from one of his hotels?  Just one of the many examples of DT using the office of President for personal gain.... 

They're both addled Steve. Pick the flavor of dementia- or megalomania you prefer... :)  


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18 hours ago, hoorta said:

Just saying playing the TDS card has become meaningless. Definitely far outlived it's usefulness....  Hearkens back to "playing the Race Card"....  If you actually read the Lincoln Project OpEd piece, there's some pretty specific things Trump is getting blamed for... 

BTW, do you think Trump would be screaming about a "rigged, phony election" if the the polls said he was way ahead???   

He screamed it all the way into the 2016 election until he accidentally won. Then he shut up because Puty-Poo had rigged it for him.😂

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nope, nope, nope. See, TDS is an IRRATIONAL HATRED for Pres Trump.

"orange skin".


 false lies about anything possible.

I can go back and show the REAL scandals about obamao and biden.

You see the difference, so does Hoorta.

y'all can't bring yourself to take a few aspirin and admit it.

(TDS inflammation gets worse, not better. A good anti-inflammatant would be

helping a lot of folks see that Pres Trump, like him or not emotionally speaking, MUST be re-elected because

hiden biden will be a far worse disaster than ObaMao was.

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13 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

eight years of disaster of your obaMao commie/biden, you have nothing but to cowardly just attack Pres Trump on what he HASN'T DONE? Negative nancy much ? LOL You brag on obaMaocare? it's a giant fake plan that was political. One of our own members said he would be happy to have a low cost health insurance, I don't blame him - but it turns out the price was a big lie. "You like your dr, you can keep your dr." ? ADMITTED BY OBAMAO PEOPLE AS A LIE - they admitted they had to lie to get it passed. The obaMaocare birth control mandate? the Supreme Court ruled AGAINST that one. the "tax" - taxed only on people who DID NOT have insurance. That's right - if you can't AFFORD to buy health insurance, you will get TAXED instead. Which is, a politically targeted extortion move. "play our marxist game for power, or pay the price". You criticized obaMaocommiecare back then. You are only trolling now. hahaha.

The above is exactly why I don't (and mostly won't) waste my time responding to someone with a severe case of ODS.... Bordering on the irrational.  Blah, blah, blah.  It's all bad, anything Obama and Biden ever did.... It never changes, and always devolves into yet another anti Obama tirade. Seek professional help for anger management issues... Get back to me when Trump unveils his replacement plan.....  Which was my point in the first place. 

LOL, now the election is going to be rigged. Right on Cal- and Trump's going to be the one to rig it by having his pal destroy the Post Office right before the election.... No overtime, no hiring, and the latest...  https://www.salon.com/2020/08/08/friday-night-massacre-at-us-postal-service-postmaster-general-boots-top-brass-ahead-of-election_partner/



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