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Mask mandate

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I'm sure this will fall across party lines at least mostly. But before everybody starts crying about race and gender what are your thoughts on this? I put it into the category of pure political bullshit, promising something that they would never put into practice if they were in charge today. But it sounds good. To people on the left.



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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

I'm sure this will fall across party lines at least mostly. But before everybody starts crying about race and gender what are your thoughts on this? I put it into the category of pure political bullshit, promising something that they would never put into practice if they were in charge today. But it sounds good. To people on the left.



You notice first off they didn't take any question, so the mandate is open for interpretation on where masks need to be worn and what the penalty is. Is it just in stores like it is now or is it stricter like outside even if no one is around they gave no information.  It seems it maybe just the same as what Trump is doing.

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

Wearing a mask is the easiest thing to do. Anyone that bitches about it is a child.



Also ... You guys have been repeating yourselves a lot lately in the threads you post. Look at what's already on the board before adding more clutter. 



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Just now, Vambo said:



Oh great, more moronic Facebook memes. Yes, I'm sure all of those assholes you see videos of throwing tantrums because they can't do the most basic thing in the world are.... *Reads men's*... "Victims of abuse"?

Plus all of the other idiotic stuff said in there


America is pathetic. We politicized a virus, refused to do some of the most basic shit, and now we're one of the last countries out their still dealing with this shit. It's embarrassing. 

This pandemic probably drives a lot of future changes in this country from younger generations after seeing how worthless some our when it comes to protecting the greater good. Morons being "free Americans" probably helped drive this country into becoming more liberal in the coming decade or so. 

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Oh great, more moronic Facebook memes. Yes, I'm sure all of those assholes you see videos of throwing tantrums because they can't do the most basic thing in the world are.... *Reads men's*... "Victims of abuse"?

Plus all of the other idiotic stuff said in there


America is pathetic. We politicized a virus, refused to do some of the most basic shit, and now we're one of the last countries out their still dealing with this shit. It's embarrassing. 

This pandemic probably drives a lot of future changes in this country from younger generations after seeing how worthless some our when it comes to protecting the greater good. Morons being "free Americans" probably helped drive this country into becoming more liberal in the coming decade or so. 



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