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horrific. this is an example of Hoorta's and woodpecker's "gosh, let them come here, they just want a better life".......


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23 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

horrific. this is an example of Hoorta's and woodpecker's "gosh, let them come here, they just want a better life".......


Oh, you want a reply? I could see the post- so here it is...   F**k you and your F**king wall.  About a billion per saved life.  ODS\BDS xenophobe.....  More Republicans jumped off the rat infested Trump ship today at the DNC... But nah, Donald is just one swell guy who's going to unite the nation.... 

Yeah- we have to build that Goddamn wall at all costs- at any costs to keep a few rotten apples outside of US territory. Killing was sad, but how many folks get snuffed by domestic violence every week up Cleveland way?  Illegals killing folks is news- because it's so f**cking rare Cal- and your pals at The Blaze or Red State play it up for every cent it's worth.... 

Shove that f**king wall up your ass... Clear enough? When Joe takes over, start your very own Cal's fund the stupid wall project. Ask former President Trump for a contribution.  ROTFLMAO he's still waiting for Mexico's.... 

But do support AK 47 assault rifles for El Paso Cal....  100 shot drum magazines? Great when you want to take out a herd of elk... :D  Now just go hug your Trump poster.... 

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Sure the wall probably isn't the most effective way to keep illegals out of America but that's not the goal of the Democrats anyway. And whatever tiny bit of money and effort goes into the wall  will never be spent on border security anyway. The goal is to flood the country with them.

 by the way you Democrats realize that you can buy any number of semi-automatic rifles the do exactly the same thing as AK-47s right? But they have a wood stock instead of aluminum. So they don't look at scary. But don't worry Democrats that's just the tip of the iceberg.



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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

Oh, you want a reply? I could see the post- so here it is...   F**k you and your F**king wall.  About a billion per saved life.  ODS\BDS xenophobe.....  More Republicans jumped off the rat infested Trump ship today at the DNC... But nah, Donald is just one swell guy who's going to unite the nation.... 

Yeah- we have to build that Goddamn wall at all costs- at any costs to keep a few rotten apples outside of US territory. Killing was sad, but how many folks get snuffed by domestic violence every week up Cleveland way?  Illegals killings folks is news- because it's so f**cking rare Cal- and your pals at The Blaze or Red State play it up for every cent it's worth.... 

Shove that f**king wall up your ass... Clear enough? When Joe takes over, start your very own Cal's fund the stupid wall project. Ask former President Trump for a contribution.  ROTFLMAO he's still waiting for Mexico's.... 

But do support AK 47 assault rifles for El Paso Cal....  100 shot drum magazines? Great when you want to take out a herd of elk... :D  Now just go hug your Trump poster.... 

ah, thought you had me "on ignore". Your hate has consumed you. Illegals DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE. Your ak47 feeble sissy retort makes you look like a twitmeister dude. Are you pretending to be ignorant to make your little woodpecker feel special?

  Fast and Furious scandal - obaMao/Biden/Holder... you own it. YOUR OBAMAO/BIDEN ran the guns to Mexico,  Have a nice day.


  • Overview
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Since the end of Operation Fast and Furious, related firearms have continued to be discovered in criminal hands. As reported in September 2011, the Mexican government stated that an undisclosed number of guns found at about 170 crime scenes were linked to Fast and Furious. Reflecting on the operation, Attorney General Eric Holder said that the United States governmentis "...losing the battle to stop the flow of illegal guns to Mexico," and that the effects of Operation F…

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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

Oh, you want a reply? I could see the post- so here it is...   F**k you and your F**king wall.  About a billion per saved life.  ODS\BDS xenophobe.....  More Republicans jumped off the rat infested Trump ship today at the DNC... But nah, Donald is just one swell guy who's going to unite the nation.... 

Yeah- we have to build that Goddamn wall at all costs- at any costs to keep a few rotten apples outside of US territory. Killing was sad, but how many folks get snuffed by domestic violence every week up Cleveland way?  Illegals killings folks is news- because it's so f**cking rare Cal- and your pals at The Blaze or Red State play it up for every cent it's worth.... 

Shove that f**king wall up your ass... Clear enough? When Joe takes over, start your very own Cal's fund the stupid wall project. Ask former President Trump for a contribution.  ROTFLMAO he's still waiting for Mexico's.... 

But do support AK 47 assault rifles for El Paso Cal....  100 shot drum magazines? Great when you want to take out a herd of elk... :D  Now just go hug your Trump poster.... 


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9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Sure the wall probably isn't the most effective way to keep illegals out of America but that's not the goal of the Democrats anyway. And whatever tiny bit of money and effort goes into the wall  will never be spent on border security anyway. The goal is to flood the country with them.

 by the way you Democrats realize that you can buy any number of semi-automatic rifles the do exactly the same thing as AK-47s right? But they have a wood stock instead of aluminum. So they don't look at scary. But don't worry Democrats that's just the tip of the iceberg.


It's going to get flooded wall or not... Glad I took plenty of Spanish in HS and college, it's coming in handy now... Regarding weapons and the Second Amendment- Canada has much more restrictive gun laws than the United States, and it doesn't seem to be in a huff over it. And speaking of- our neighbors up North have a fraction of the covid cases we do- gee, I wonder why?   I could start by suggesting they have a Prime Minister that listens to doctors instead of a President who thinks he is one.... 

What the inscription on the base of the Statue of Liberty?  "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

I'm surprised Trump hasn't used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on that one yet.   "Unless you're Nice People, go the fuck away".....   

President Trump fired his acting attorney general Sally Yates on Monday night, removing her as the nation’s top law enforcement officer after she defiantly refused to defend his executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees and people from predominantly Muslim countries.(days after he took office) The guy is a xenophobe plain and simple- and sure as hell caters to that crowd.... 

Yup Vambo- DT fires anyone he's able to fire who won't kiss his ass....  His track record is pretty clear after 3.5 years ....   That's his attitude- "I'm the Greatest President ever, and if you don't agree with me or my policies, go fuck yourself".  Cooperation and corroboration aren't in his vocabulary.  But plenty of grade school name calling at people he doesn't like- which are many, and growing on a daily basis...  

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45 minutes ago, hoorta said:

And speaking of- our neighbors up North have a fraction of the covid cases we do- gee, I wonder why?   I could start by suggesting they have a Prime Minister that listens to doctors instead of a President who thinks he is one.... 

And I bet Alaska is doing pretty good with the Covid cases as well (here’s a hint...population density).

Also, judging by the way Trudeau sits, I would say he’s a eunuch.

What the inscription on the base of the Statue of Liberty?  "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

Notice it doesn’t mention swimmers coming across the Rio Grande in the dead of night??

President Trump fired his acting attorney general Sally Yates on Monday night, removing her as the nation’s top law enforcement officer after she defiantly refused to defend his executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees and people from predominantly Muslim countries.(days after he took office) The guy is a xenophobe plain and simple- and sure as hell caters to that crowd.... 

If I didn’t do what my boss asked me to do, I would get fired as well. 


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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

ah, thought you had me "on ignore". Your hate has consumed you. Illegals DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE. Your ak47 feeble sissy retort makes you look like a twitmeister dude. Are you pretending to be ignorant to make your little woodpecker feel special?

  Fast and Furious scandal - obaMao/Biden/Holder... you own it. YOUR OBAMAO/BIDEN ran the guns to Mexico,  Have a nice day.


  • Overview
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Since the end of Operation Fast and Furious, related firearms have continued to be discovered in criminal hands. As reported in September 2011, the Mexican government stated that an undisclosed number of guns found at about 170 crime scenes were linked to Fast and Furious. Reflecting on the operation, Attorney General Eric Holder said that the United States governmentis "...losing the battle to stop the flow of illegal guns to Mexico," and that the effects of Operation F…

Darn, Hoorta ran as soon as his ass got kicked in the discussion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2020 at 5:20 PM, calfoxwc said:

Darn, Hoorta ran as soon as his ass got kicked in the discussion.

When he realized you didn't have any Mexicans lined up to pay for it as promised by King Liar...................................well..................nothing to see here.

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50 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

When he realized you didn't have any Mexicans lined up to pay for it as promised by King Liar...................................well..................nothing to see here.

Want me to start posting the many hideous crimes by your and Hoorta's and Hoorta's little woodpecker's

criminal illegals and gang members who "just want a chance at the American dream" ?

the crimes are sick.

you three need to wake the hell up to AMERICA, REALITY, and stop trolling.


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On 8/19/2020 at 12:34 AM, hoorta said:

Oh, you want a reply? I could see the post- so here it is...   F**k you and your F**king wall.  About a billion per saved life.  ODS\BDS xenophobe.....  More Republicans jumped off the rat infested Trump ship today at the DNC... But nah, Donald is just one swell guy who's going to unite the nation.... 

Yeah- we have to build that Goddamn wall at all costs- at any costs to keep a few rotten apples outside of US territory. Killing was sad, but how many folks get snuffed by domestic violence every week up Cleveland way?  Illegals killing folks is news- because it's so f**cking rare Cal- and your pals at The Blaze or Red State play it up for every cent it's worth.... 

Shove that f**king wall up your ass... Clear enough? When Joe takes over, start your very own Cal's fund the stupid wall project. Ask former President Trump for a contribution.  ROTFLMAO he's still waiting for Mexico's.... 

But do support AK 47 assault rifles for El Paso Cal....  100 shot drum magazines? Great when you want to take out a herd of elk... :D  Now just go hug your Trump poster.... 

Do...you have any idea what mexicans get up to down there? I...wouldn't characterize it as a few bad apples. They routinely find like anywhere from a dozen to like 50 decapitated bodies just laying around down there. They do real real fucked up shit to humans that make isis look like the soft-core porn of murder. Having seen what they do, and they're only too happy to film it and put it on the internet, I'm not too excited about sharing an open border with them. 

Anybody that wants to abolish, defund or otherwise minimize the police force in america ought to take a long hard look at what Mexicans criminals do with absolute impunity and ask themselves if that's the kind of place they want to live in. 

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2 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Do...you have any idea what mexicans get up to down there? I...wouldn't characterize it as a few bad apples. They routinely find like anywhere from a dozen to like 50 decapitated bodies just laying around down there. They do real real fucked up shit to humans that make isis look like the soft-core porn of murder. Having seen what they do, and they're only too happy to film it and put it on the internet, I'm not too excited about sharing an open border with them. 

Anybody that wants to abolish, defund or otherwise minimize the police force in america ought to take a long hard look at what Mexicans criminals do with absolute impunity and ask themselves if that's the kind of place they want to live in. 


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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Do...you have any idea what mexicans get up to down there? I...wouldn't characterize it as a few bad apples. They routinely find like anywhere from a dozen to like 50 decapitated bodies just laying around down there. They do real real fucked up shit to humans that make isis look like the soft-core porn of murder. Having seen what they do, and they're only too happy to film it and put it on the internet, I'm not too excited about sharing an open border with them. 

Anybody that wants to abolish, defund or otherwise minimize the police force in america ought to take a long hard look at what Mexicans criminals do with absolute impunity and ask themselves if that's the kind of place they want to live in. 

Well aware of Mexican Gangs...  Trump's doing his damnedest to paint Biden as a "defund the police" guy.  Just another one of Orangie's many lies.... 

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Well aware of Mexican Gangs...  Trump's doing his damnedest to paint Biden as a "defund the police" guy.  Just another one of Orangie's many lies.... 

To give Joe Biden a little credit he probably had no idea what he was saying. But turning places like East LA in a third-world shitholes to prove you're not xenophobic shouldn't be the choice you make because you hate Trump.


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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Well aware of Mexican Gangs...  Trump's doing his damnedest to paint Biden as a "defund the police" guy.  Just another one of Orangie's many lies.... 

So you're going to respond to that with "orange man bad"

I mean listen, donald trump the human being is not ideal, but he's right about certain things. Mexico is so lawless and chaotic that it makes Africa and the middle east look like hubs of civilization. We're sharing a massive open land border with the most dangerous place on earth. There's no liberal feel good humanist spin to put on it. 

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Hoorta, you are making a fool of yourself again. Here's proof you emotionally knee jerk instead of research.


Yet his views on #DefundThePolice are different. In a statement last month, his folks insisted: “Biden does not believe that police should be defunded.”

Later, though, asked if money should be “redirected” away from cops, he replied, “Yes, absolutely.”

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that is apparently obaMao's advice to their failing campaign:

"just tell em you are FOR Real Marriage, so they will vote for you. Then just"change your mind" as soon as

you are inaugurated.

The same went for our 2nd Amendment. and transparency. and respecting our Constitution/Bill of Rights. and

being "post-racial". "bringing us all together".

on and on and on.....

a whole lot of Real Americans of all races, creeds etc are seeing the lies in the past and currently from the left.

They should be losing big in Nov 3. Lies, corruption and manipulating hatred are all they have now.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

Hoorta, you are making a fool of yourself again. Here's proof you emotionally knee jerk instead of research.


Yet his views on #DefundThePolice are different. In a statement last month, his folks insisted: “Biden does not believe that police should be defunded.”

Later, though, asked if money should be “redirected” away from cops, he replied, “Yes, absolutely.”



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On 8/19/2020 at 4:18 PM, hoorta said:

It's going to get flooded wall or not... Glad I took plenty of Spanish in HS and college, it's coming in handy now... Regarding weapons and the Second Amendment- Canada has much more restrictive gun laws than the United States, and it doesn't seem to be in a huff over it. And speaking of- our neighbors up North have a fraction of the covid cases we do- gee, I wonder why?   I could start by suggesting they have a Prime Minister that listens to doctors instead of a President who thinks he is one.... 

What the inscription on the base of the Statue of Liberty?  "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

I'm surprised Trump hasn't used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on that one yet.   "Unless you're Nice People, go the fuck away".....   

President Trump fired his acting attorney general Sally Yates on Monday night, removing her as the nation’s top law enforcement officer after she defiantly refused to defend his executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees and people from predominantly Muslim countries.(days after he took office) The guy is a xenophobe plain and simple- and sure as hell caters to that crowd.... 

Yup Vambo- DT fires anyone he's able to fire who won't kiss his ass....  His track record is pretty clear after 3.5 years ....   That's his attitude- "I'm the Greatest President ever, and if you don't agree with me or my policies, go fuck yourself".  Cooperation and corroboration aren't in his vocabulary.  But plenty of grade school name calling at people he doesn't like- which are many, and growing on a daily basis...  

Yeah it could be that justin trudeau is a savior. Or...you know, it could be that they have a population density of 4 people per square km




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By the way nobody hates immigrants. That's Democrat Biden Harris bulshit. We don't like illegal immigration and neither do Democrat s when it suits their purposes.

And pretending you can't tell the difference is stupid. The restaurant loves guests and it's happy that they come in and eat dinner; restaurants do not love people that break in in the middle of the night and steal food. Pretty simple.


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