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The Amazing Trump 2020 Re-election Meme thread!


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The memes are important - I forgot last night about what Steve said, and quit again - even if provoked by belligerent hoorta or his little woodpecker, The TDS Twins.

Yes, the above meme is exactly true !

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I make the same bet that Hoorta has watched the RNC and has guilt of TDS emotional knee jerksies and will vote for Pres Trump and Pence Too.

So will Tex.

woodpecker won't vote - his beak gets in the way.

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15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I make the same bet that Hoorta has watched the RNC and has guilt of TDS emotional knee jerksies and will vote for Pres Trump and Pence Too.

So will Tex.

woodpecker won't vote - his beak gets in the way.

I have not watched the Trump propaganda show. Too much narcissism & lying for me. I will join these folks on voting day however. I think they pretty much say why. 😁



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well, Tex, don't let information cloud your decision. You just run with your emotional knee jerking vote.

We're still good to re-elect our terrific PROMISES KEPT President.


compare 283 good or excellent accomplishments Pres Trump and Pence have done in only 4 years.

then consider that Hoorta and woodpecker, can NOT NAME ONE good/great thing biden has done for America his entire career.


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I wonder how many of the memes we've seen floating around here come from openly racist, white nationalist corners of the internet...

I know it happened back here during the Trayvon Martin days. Wouldn't be surprised if that's still the case.



Not saying someone reposting that meme shares all of the creators beliefs...

Just interesting to see the origins

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8 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I wonder how many of the memes we've seen floating around here come from openly racist, white nationalist corners of the internet...

I know it happened back here during the Trayvon Martin days. Wouldn't be surprised if that's still the case.



Not saying someone reposting that meme shares all of the creators beliefs...

Just interesting to see the origins


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